Yesterday's Kindred Spirit was such a blast! Everyone was nicely dress and the atmosphere was high. To me i thought that it appeared that it was there was more girls than boys. Oh, wat the heck...i must be wrong. We practically own the whole row of seats. Poor Nicole told me that she didn't had lunch and dinner, which was practically the same as me. She was hungry and she had a curfew until 10p.m which is exactly what time the concert end. I told her to go home and eat, but thn she said that her parents would ask show her attitude like:"You Haven't eat YET?" So she was quite pissed since like 9.30 p.m. Zachary's solo was great except for that tiny little bit of screw up at the end of his solo. Go Zach! Go relac one corner! Bryan and Hahn's band was good, except that their guitar wasn't synchronised and we couldn't hear Hahn's bass, oh and Gabriel is the wrong choice of vocalist for that song. Couldn't hear what he was singing. The last band was super great! They were damn good, except for fucking Harold. Harold you suck! Go fuck yourself! You can't sing for nuts. You are like one of those not-cool-act-cool guys that i so fucking hate. And stop POSING, you also can't pose for nuts. Wah feel so much better, his soccer sucks too.

Later we went to Macs at King Albert Park, thinking that they will broadcast the Germany and Argentine live there. But it was only for SELECTED Macs. We were like all wondering why the Headquarters dun broadcast. So after dinner at like 11p.m we left. Jit Yong's sister's friend or boyfriend was kind enough to give me a lift home in his Mercedes. She was so funny, saying that Jit Yong very xia suay not to bring girls to the concert and i brought girls. Haha, actually, it's not his fault, he did ask, but they weren't free. At least he did try. Maybe next year. Reached home and watched the Match. Germany won!! Yeah! Once again, Jens Lehmann proved that he is better than Oliver Kahn, the monkey. Players from Arsenal are pro man.

Today was such a Boring Youth Day for me. Just stayed at home, have tuition, do homework and play Xbox. Anyhow, HAPPY YOUTH DAY! Tomorrow i have to help out at the Milkrun thing. I have to reach there at 9.30 am la. So shit, make me unable to attend church again. Now i really really really bad. Haven't got for 5 weeks, first time i didn't go to church for such a long period of time. I really want to go la! Maybe i shud call a priest and come to my house and give me mass one on one on monday or something, since there is no school on monday. Yayness! My Class has a store at the Milkrun event so i have to do the morning shift and later in the afternoon i have to help out with the track and field duties. And maybe after that i shall go to orchard and buy my Ankle guard from Nike. I dunno if i shud go out on monday. Anyone who wants to go out just tell me! I am single and available ahahha.

Now there is the England VS Portugal match, which i want Portugal to win. England are just such in a pain in the ass to watch. Stupid John Terry and Rio Ferdinand playin there passing football at the ball. Notice useless Ferdinand, he always like to pass the ball to Terry, he NVR pass forward. And if he is under pressure but a player, he just passes the ball back to the keeper. So useless, can't manage to shake the play off. I think they shud play Campbell together with Terry. England are just lucky to get this far in the World Cup. They have an easy road. And i dunno why the hell Erikson bring Theo Walcott there and doesn't want to play him. Keep putting Downing on and useless Hargreaves. The rest of the squad is okie but they dun have team work and their positining on the field sucks. Later there is still the Brasil VS France match, what a Classic! Must watch. Brasil will win this time round, and meet Germany in the final.

Okie i shall go now. My sis bought a new Ipod Nano cos my dad buy from her her Mini.
