I didn't have tuition today cos my mom called him and told him that she wanted to bring to some chinese doctor to see my ankle. It's been 5 weeks since my injury and it is still swollen. So i just try the chinese doctor to see if it actually works. I am quite doubtful about chinese medicine and all it's stuffs. I mean, it's like they think they know every damn thing la, and claim that they can heal better than modern medicine. I mean, why would people invest hundreds of BILLIONS in Research and Development for medicine and then some chinese doctor says thn they can heal by putting some herbs. So yeah, I'm quite doubtful about it.

Later went to town with my mom and she bought me a new Adidas watch for my training, to replace my old one. Thanks mom! Love you! I so love it la, Black and Yellow. Later she went to some shop and i waited outside for like half an hour! Can you believe it! Just standing there for half an hour stoning and doing completely nothing. Waste half an hour of my life!

Later went to my grandma's house again for dinner. Played with my cousins again. Somehow, it feels like there are very little people there today, even though the usual people are there. Strange me.

Common test are just around the corner and i dun think i will be online often after this week. I am going to keep my laptop and start serious studying. I need to get top 5 in class remember? I want those Mercurial Vapor III boots. Cool man!

There's no cat class tmr cos of the food and funfair event going on.

Happy Birthday Nicholas! My gay voice singing partner! Haha


[I Could Die For You]