Quite a lot of things happened these 2 days. Yesterday, I had this really really bad diarrhoea in the morning. On my way to school i could already feel it coming la. Thn i went to school, there was no toilet paper...so yeah. Thn during assembly, it became really really bad. During the national anthem and school rally, my vision when blur, i couldn't hear anything and I was sweating really bad. I think i nearly fainted la. Stupid monday morning assembly. I hate it! They waste a lot of fucking time doing some prize presentation shit that i can bet my whole life saving on that nobody is actually looking or clapping. Thn after all that shit, there is still the fantastic Mr Lui opening of the week speech. Argh! No wonder everyone hates monday. Yeah, so until they school at ease, i immediately just squat down. It was freaking pain until i couldn't even walk for a while. So Edgar accompanied me to the toilet. It feel so much better after that. Know what! Even after i was done, Mr Lui was still giving his speech. HAHAHA! First period was P.E and i sat there at rest while the rest played hockey. I decided to go home after that. So Norman was kind enough to carry my bag for me and find Miss Lee to take the blue form, which is needed to leave school. Haha, i did so many things at home...

Oh one shocking thing that happened to me was Mr Sirhan talking to me in the HOL office where the blue forms were. He said:"I heard you were listening to Ipod in class and someone(Zachary) grab your nuts ah!" I was like stunned for a few seconds thn gave him that sick and blur look and said" Ipod? I dun have a Ipod". Ya...so i just crapped around with him and denied everything. Haha. Know what? I thinks he read my blog before. Thats why i change my URL, partly to prevent teachers from reading my blogs and also to prevent my sis from reading. HAHAHA!

Anyway, the doctor said that it may be some irregular bowel thing la. Cos i told her it comes every monday after a few weeks. Pretty much like girls having their periods. Hahha. She say maybe i dun have enough fibre and stuffs. Thn she said my ankle is still swollen due to water retention. Few weeks more should be okie already.

Oh my dad fixed my headphones already! He said if i spoiled it again he won't fixed for me again. But i bet he will cos he is my dad! But thn i shouldn't take adventage of that, besides i dun want my headphone to spoil again.

Yeah...so thats about all la.