Well, Track and Field post mortem today wasn't really a post mortem. They didn't screwed anybody as compared to the past 2 years. It was more like a meeting, not so much a post mortem. It was really about our performance this year. It has been really really bad. It has been declining for the past 2 years. C'Div came in 7th, while B'Div came in 6th. It has been the worst result we have gotten since 1998. We reflected on our individual performance, our attitude and attendence. Like how would we, ourselves would rate it and whether it has been good or bad. We sort of like discussed the problems we are facing now like not having a sprints coach and stuffs like that. After meeting, we hang around awhile talking to each other about how to improve the track and field team. So happened that I was talking to Mr Chua about having a track and field camp. Thn he asked me if i can go and organise it. I told him that Vinoth and I were already planning it and I that i kept him informed about the progress. Maybe i shall ask all the sec 3s going onto sec 4 to help and plan this camp. Oh and i know something really confidential about the track team that I am to keep confidential. It's actually very sad la. Not good news at all. However, the time is just not right to say yet.

Went out later with __ ____, ___ ____ and Bryane. We kept walking aimlessly around orchard for like shall I say 40 mins? We nearly walked the whole of orchard. I so hate my school bag today la. It was freaking heavy cos we have to clear our classroom for the Band Camp. Wah lau Zachary!!!!! Haha, and i was really tired when i came home, to i just slept until around 10p.m before someone called me and woke me up. I hate it when i don't have caller ID, I always don't know who calls me. Maybe it's time i pester my parents for caller ID.

Goodnight! Bye!

[I miss you, I really do. Rest and get well soon ya?]