I was sleeping like a pig. I woke up at almost 12 today and my breakfast became my lunch, as it brunch la. Thn later went to West Mall to meet Bill and Zachary to do our physics project which is building a cardboard chair. We went to Shop 'n' Save to ask for cardboard that they dun need and the manager was kind enough to tell us that we can take from the loading and unloading bay. So we took some thn went to popular to buy some stuff and went to my house. I mean we should have bought the things first and thn go and take the cardboards rite? So dumb of us to take it around with us.

We slacked at the start, but after that got really serious. We has quite alot of measurements to take and cutting to do. We took our idea from some website cos the project didn't say our chair must be ORIGINAL! Muahahaha. We worked like until like from 3.30p.m to 6.15p.m before Zachary and Bill had to leave for school to watch the Taming Game. Yeah and we bought a pink spray paint to spray our chair, haha. We all felt like super productive when we finished the project, like great sense of accomplishment. First time we all had this feeling, that goes to show how slack we normally are when it comes to projects. Haha.

Later went to my Grandma's house for dinner and played with my cousins again. Ryan keeps playin with my phone. He likes the game inside. Thn when he saw BoA as my phone wallpaper. He was like :"Your Girlfriend ah? You like her? Eeyer..." Haha, if only BoA was my Girlfriend. I would be the happiest man on earth i tell you. Like super super uber happy. Oh ya, i forgot to bring mr cam and take pictures of them again. Shit. Nvm, there is always a next time.

Yeah so that is pretty much my day.
