Many many things happened today. First, all the sec 3 classes got scolded from not cooperating and handing in the OBS forms on time. I was so so pissed la. My class seriously has a problem when in comes to this kind of thing. They never cooperate. I have a very very hard time trying to get the forms and $5 for the medical check-up from them. Tsk! Nvm about that. In class today, something really funny happened. The sort of thing most of you will never get to witness in your schooling life. Moses was like playing with the over-head-projector screen la, thn he release the thing quite forcefully thn the whole screen just went up with quite a force. Then one side of the whole thing just came down. Hahaha. It was swinging like a pendulum. All of us was like stunned for a few second before we start laughing. Just keep laughing non-stop la. It hit the clock on the wall, and Kang Ting who was also stunned, caught the clock while he was stunned. You should see his expression man. So funny. HAHAHA.

School ended at 12.30p.m today. Cos of the 'O' Level chinese listening comprehension. So after school Edgar, Sameer, Bill, Victor, Isaac, Yvan, Ric, Mark and me went to Lido to watch Pirates of the Carribean. Bill treated me. Thanks Bill. Thanks Yvan for the Hot Dog! Haha. Not bad i must say. The show is quite nice and quite funny too. The whole show is about 2 and a half hrs long. Oh and captain Jack Sparrow died. Cos Edgar's friend spoiled the movie for him and he spoiled it from us and so i have to spoil it for you. Hahaha. It was freezing inside and i needed to pee during the movie, but i just control. Can you imagine? You and cold and your bladder capacity is smaller cos you and cold and so it contracts. Haha I am so talking shit. But i makes sense right?

Anyhow, Track and Field Finals this wednesday. Can't wait man. The whole track team can pon school earlier. Hahaha.
