Today was suspicious. In school i was like paranoid. Each time i see a sec 1 guy, i will think like, is it this guy? It is that guy? Before long i couldn't be bothered already. If that guy sees me, i will just give him that fuck-you look. Hahhaa. Hopefully he doesn't harass me like everyday like nic's one. Hahaha. Best is not to know that guy, cos if you know who he is, and when you see him, it will be very awkward. Ignorance is bliss.

Anyway, after school Victor and I went to cine to buy the Hard Gay toy cos we are not sharing cost anymore, we are buying for ourselves. But the lady there told us that the stock haven come it yet, only the display set. They say they will try to get it next week. Which actually means it is next next week. But anyway, Victor and I already reserve 2 when the stock comes, they will call us. Freaking Eng Wei i going to get it for $10! While we get it for $55! Eng Wei bought it from some guy on eastbay for secondhand. That guy played only 4 times, hahahaha. Nvm la, i have money to burn. Hahaha, talking crap la me.

Training was so jumpy! We did jumps. Like suddenly there are so many jumpers. I know since the time we started the jumpers thing, it was like only a few people, now we have one group! I couldn't do my triple jump cos of my ankle, triple jump has the most impact of the foot. So i just stick to my long jump. Wish my ankle would heal faster.

Goodnight! It's already 11.40p.m and i am still blogging. I am suppose to sleep already and wake up to watch to the Germany and Italy match. Go Germany! They will win the World Cup for the 4th time!