When to church today. It was our parish feast today. So there was food and funfair going on. Oh, one annoying thing was that it started to rain. Grrrr! Hate it man. Lucky the food and funfair was at the basement carpark, so it didn't really become a problem. I wasn't really into the food and funfair thing. Thats just how I am, I'm not into this kind of things.

Today is going to be the last day I am using my com. After tonight, i am keeping my laptop already. I may still take it out on fridays, saturdays and sundays. Depends, but i will try not to stop. I will still blog occasionally, depending on whether i am free. I shall only take it out after my common tests. I seriously want that top 5 position!

Goodbye! Goodnight!

zxzxzxzxzxzxzxzxzxzxzxzxzxzxzxzxzxzxz. (:


I didn't have tuition today cos my mom called him and told him that she wanted to bring to some chinese doctor to see my ankle. It's been 5 weeks since my injury and it is still swollen. So i just try the chinese doctor to see if it actually works. I am quite doubtful about chinese medicine and all it's stuffs. I mean, it's like they think they know every damn thing la, and claim that they can heal better than modern medicine. I mean, why would people invest hundreds of BILLIONS in Research and Development for medicine and then some chinese doctor says thn they can heal by putting some herbs. So yeah, I'm quite doubtful about it.

Later went to town with my mom and she bought me a new Adidas watch for my training, to replace my old one. Thanks mom! Love you! I so love it la, Black and Yellow. Later she went to some shop and i waited outside for like half an hour! Can you believe it! Just standing there for half an hour stoning and doing completely nothing. Waste half an hour of my life!

Later went to my grandma's house again for dinner. Played with my cousins again. Somehow, it feels like there are very little people there today, even though the usual people are there. Strange me.

Common test are just around the corner and i dun think i will be online often after this week. I am going to keep my laptop and start serious studying. I need to get top 5 in class remember? I want those Mercurial Vapor III boots. Cool man!

There's no cat class tmr cos of the food and funfair event going on.

Happy Birthday Nicholas! My gay voice singing partner! Haha


[I Could Die For You]


Well, Track and Field post mortem today wasn't really a post mortem. They didn't screwed anybody as compared to the past 2 years. It was more like a meeting, not so much a post mortem. It was really about our performance this year. It has been really really bad. It has been declining for the past 2 years. C'Div came in 7th, while B'Div came in 6th. It has been the worst result we have gotten since 1998. We reflected on our individual performance, our attitude and attendence. Like how would we, ourselves would rate it and whether it has been good or bad. We sort of like discussed the problems we are facing now like not having a sprints coach and stuffs like that. After meeting, we hang around awhile talking to each other about how to improve the track and field team. So happened that I was talking to Mr Chua about having a track and field camp. Thn he asked me if i can go and organise it. I told him that Vinoth and I were already planning it and I that i kept him informed about the progress. Maybe i shall ask all the sec 3s going onto sec 4 to help and plan this camp. Oh and i know something really confidential about the track team that I am to keep confidential. It's actually very sad la. Not good news at all. However, the time is just not right to say yet.

Went out later with __ ____, ___ ____ and Bryane. We kept walking aimlessly around orchard for like shall I say 40 mins? We nearly walked the whole of orchard. I so hate my school bag today la. It was freaking heavy cos we have to clear our classroom for the Band Camp. Wah lau Zachary!!!!! Haha, and i was really tired when i came home, to i just slept until around 10p.m before someone called me and woke me up. I hate it when i don't have caller ID, I always don't know who calls me. Maybe it's time i pester my parents for caller ID.

Goodnight! Bye!

[I miss you, I really do. Rest and get well soon ya?]


Bryan just told me today in the toilet that there will be a track post mortem tomorrow. I was like "HUH!" in the toilet! I wasn't in school on monday cos i went home due to my diarrhoea, so i didn't attend the short meeting after school that day. Thn nobody told me that there is going to be post mortem tomorrow. In case you dunno what i am talking about, it like after track and field nationals every year, we will have this meeting to examine your individual performance, your training attendence, training attitude and other things like that. If you are bad, thn you get screwed, if you are good, thn you will sort of be praise. So yeah. I was suppose to go out tmr la! With __ ____! Haiyo...so irritating you know. I guess sometimes something unexpected will crop up and spoil your plans. So yeah. See how it goes.

Oh and we dun have school next wednesday! Yayness! Apparently it is some day of reflection for teachers. Haha.

[I'm Sorry, really sorry. I wish I could go with you. It's all my fault, don't you dare blame yourself.]


Quite a lot of things happened these 2 days. Yesterday, I had this really really bad diarrhoea in the morning. On my way to school i could already feel it coming la. Thn i went to school, there was no toilet paper...so yeah. Thn during assembly, it became really really bad. During the national anthem and school rally, my vision when blur, i couldn't hear anything and I was sweating really bad. I think i nearly fainted la. Stupid monday morning assembly. I hate it! They waste a lot of fucking time doing some prize presentation shit that i can bet my whole life saving on that nobody is actually looking or clapping. Thn after all that shit, there is still the fantastic Mr Lui opening of the week speech. Argh! No wonder everyone hates monday. Yeah, so until they school at ease, i immediately just squat down. It was freaking pain until i couldn't even walk for a while. So Edgar accompanied me to the toilet. It feel so much better after that. Know what! Even after i was done, Mr Lui was still giving his speech. HAHAHA! First period was P.E and i sat there at rest while the rest played hockey. I decided to go home after that. So Norman was kind enough to carry my bag for me and find Miss Lee to take the blue form, which is needed to leave school. Haha, i did so many things at home...

Oh one shocking thing that happened to me was Mr Sirhan talking to me in the HOL office where the blue forms were. He said:"I heard you were listening to Ipod in class and someone(Zachary) grab your nuts ah!" I was like stunned for a few seconds thn gave him that sick and blur look and said" Ipod? I dun have a Ipod". Ya...so i just crapped around with him and denied everything. Haha. Know what? I thinks he read my blog before. Thats why i change my URL, partly to prevent teachers from reading my blogs and also to prevent my sis from reading. HAHAHA!

Anyway, the doctor said that it may be some irregular bowel thing la. Cos i told her it comes every monday after a few weeks. Pretty much like girls having their periods. Hahha. She say maybe i dun have enough fibre and stuffs. Thn she said my ankle is still swollen due to water retention. Few weeks more should be okie already.

Oh my dad fixed my headphones already! He said if i spoiled it again he won't fixed for me again. But i bet he will cos he is my dad! But thn i shouldn't take adventage of that, besides i dun want my headphone to spoil again.

Yeah...so thats about all la.


I was bored and took this from Aloy's blog.

The rules:
Bold the statements that are true to you.
Italise the statements that you WISH are true.
Leave the Fibs alone.
Then, stab 5 people to do the same test. [Actually, anyone can take this test]

I miss somebody right now.
I don't watch TV these days.
I wear glasses or contact lenses.
I love to play video games.
I've tried marijuana.
I have been in a threesome. [HAHA]
I have been the psycho-ex in a past relationship.
I believe honesty is usually the best policy.
I curse sometimes.
I have changed a lot mentally over the last year. [How would i know?]
I carry my knife/razor everywhere with me.
I'm TOTALLY smart.
I've broken someone's bones.
I'm paranoid sometimes.
I would get plastic surgery if it were 100% safe, free of cost, and scar-free.
I need money right now.
I love sushi.
I talk really, really fast.
I have long hair.
I have lost money in Las Vegas.
I have at least one sibling.
I have worn fake hair/fingernails/eyelashes in the past.
I couldn't survive without Caller I.D.
I like the way I look.
I am usually pessimistic.
I have a lot of mood swings.
I have a hidden talent. [Again! How would i know?]
I'm always hyper no matter how much sugar I have.
I have a lot of friends.
I am currently single.
I have pecked someone of the same sex. [WTH!, Pecked? What's that?]
I enjoy talking on the phone.
I practically live in sweatpants or PJ pants.
I love to shop.
I would rather shop then eat.
I don't hate anyone.
I'm a pretty good dancer.
I'm completely embarrassed to be seen with my mother.
I have a cell phone.
I believe in God.
I watch MTV on a daily basis.
I have passed out drunk in the past 6 months.
I've rejected someone before.
I have no idea what I want to do for the rest of my life.
I want to have children in the future.
I have changed a diaper before.
I've called the cops on a friend before.
I'm not allergic to anything.
I have a lot to learn.
I have been with someone at least 10 years older or younger.
I am shy around the opposite sex.
I have tried alcohol before.
I have made a move on a friend's significant other or crush in the past.
I own the "South Park" movie.
I would die for my best friends.
I think that Pizza Hut has the best pizza.
I have used my sexuality to advance my career.
I love Michael Jackson, scandals and all.
Halloween is awesome because you get free candy.
I watch Spongebob Squarepants and I like it.
I am happy at this moment.
I'm obsessed with guys.
I study for tests most of the time.
I tie my shoelaces differently from anyone I've ever met.
I am comfortable with who I am right now.
I have more than just my ears pierced.
I walk barefoot wherever I can.
I have jumped off a bridge.
I love sea turtles.
I spend ridiculous money on makeup.
I plan on achieving a major goal/dream.
I'm proficient in a musical instrument.
I worked at McDonald's restaurant.
I hate office jobs.
I love sci-fi movies.
I think water rules.
I went to college out of state.
I like sausages.
I love kisses. [Wished I could experienced that]
I fall for the worst people.
I adore bright colors.
I can't live without black eyeliner. [This is for Zachary!]
I don't know why the hell I just did this stupid thing. [HAHA]
I can't whistle.
I can move my tongue in waves, much like a snakes slither.
I have ridden/owned a horse.
I still have every journal I've ever written in.
I can't stick to a diet. [That's why I'm fat!]
I talk in my sleep. [Or at least that's what my mom says]
I try to forget things by drowning them out with loads of distractions.
Climbing trees is a brilliant past-time.
I have jazz in my blood.
I wear a toe ring.
I have a tattoo.
I can't stand at LEAST one person that I work with.
I am a caffeine junkie.
I cosplay or know what cosplaying is.
I have been to over 15 conventions.
I will collect anything, and the more nonsesical the better.
I'm an artist.
I only clean my room when necessary.
I like a person of the same sex.
I love being happy.
I am an adrenaline junkie.

I feel really bored and down now... Seriously



Yesterday was a Bittersweet day. Really, seriously. The Track and Field Team left school at 12.30p.m for Choa Chu Kang Stadium for the Finals. Due to our school not doing well in the overall positioning for both Divisions, we had very little tickets even for all our members. Only those who participated could go. So our BIG team became a very small team yesterday. Somemore Kristy kept asking me to help her get in cos she has no tickets to get in. Apparently you have to have tickets to get in.

The team didn't really perform very well. Our B'Div got 6th position while the C'Div got 7th. Both divisions got one position lower than last year. Looks like each year we are performing worse. The best year was 2 years ago when Ashley led the B'Div to 2nd place with 111 points, highest in SJI history i think. Nobody can beat Hwa Chong la, they are crazy one. They just mass the whole thing to get points la. Anyhow, the sec 3s are determined to change all that. Vinoth, the super positive guy, went around asking the almost everybody on a scale of 1-10, how would they rate the team bonding of the whole team. Including the cross-country and throwers. Most of them gave a 3 while i gave a 6. Haha. So we are going to give one week of time for people to think about it before we propose to the teachers to have a track camp to enhance the team bonding. I also think and suggested that all the sec 3s going onto sec 4 should take a vow during the camp. Something like some pledge or something. Only the sec 3s. Just go around the team and ask the sec 3s, i bet they will say that there is this thing at the back of their heads telling them that next year is the last year, next year is the last year, next year is the last year. So we all have to do well. Train hard, motivate each other, have a positive mindset during training and be serious. We all really want to do well next year, and most of the sec 3s are potential medal winners. Seriously...

After the finals, we had one of the best time together as a track team. We walked to Lot1 to eat dinner. Cos there were 15 of us, we had problem deciding where to eat. We finally agreed on eating at the foodcourt on top. We ate and talked for like 45 mins before leaving. Jem said he wanted to eat minimelts, thn we were all like"What's that?!" Haha, he ate it before in Hong Kong and so happened he saw the minimelts machine so he wanted to eat it. There was one small window to look inside to see the machine take the "minimelts". When the machine started operating, all 15 of us crowd around one small window to see. HAHAHAHHA, damn funny i tell you. Thn all of us made that "we-received-the-enlightenment" sound. HHAHA. Once Jem bought, Jiao Hui , James and Me also bought, and each time, all of us rushed to see the machine operating, and each time we see, we made the stupid sound. HAHHAA. The thing is quite nice actually, like ice cream "NERDS". But the texture is very different. Thn Geovenn said all of us like watching porn like that, from one small window. He video-ed us watching the machine and Eng Wei's stupid weird movement. I think he is going to post on youtube I think.

So yesterday was really a bittersweet day.



Many many things happened today. First, all the sec 3 classes got scolded from not cooperating and handing in the OBS forms on time. I was so so pissed la. My class seriously has a problem when in comes to this kind of thing. They never cooperate. I have a very very hard time trying to get the forms and $5 for the medical check-up from them. Tsk! Nvm about that. In class today, something really funny happened. The sort of thing most of you will never get to witness in your schooling life. Moses was like playing with the over-head-projector screen la, thn he release the thing quite forcefully thn the whole screen just went up with quite a force. Then one side of the whole thing just came down. Hahaha. It was swinging like a pendulum. All of us was like stunned for a few second before we start laughing. Just keep laughing non-stop la. It hit the clock on the wall, and Kang Ting who was also stunned, caught the clock while he was stunned. You should see his expression man. So funny. HAHAHA.

School ended at 12.30p.m today. Cos of the 'O' Level chinese listening comprehension. So after school Edgar, Sameer, Bill, Victor, Isaac, Yvan, Ric, Mark and me went to Lido to watch Pirates of the Carribean. Bill treated me. Thanks Bill. Thanks Yvan for the Hot Dog! Haha. Not bad i must say. The show is quite nice and quite funny too. The whole show is about 2 and a half hrs long. Oh and captain Jack Sparrow died. Cos Edgar's friend spoiled the movie for him and he spoiled it from us and so i have to spoil it for you. Hahaha. It was freezing inside and i needed to pee during the movie, but i just control. Can you imagine? You and cold and your bladder capacity is smaller cos you and cold and so it contracts. Haha I am so talking shit. But i makes sense right?

Anyhow, Track and Field Finals this wednesday. Can't wait man. The whole track team can pon school earlier. Hahaha.



Shit Shit Shit! I spoil my headphones again. Damn! I spoiled it the same way i spoiled it the first time. I was getting up from my seat in church when i accidentally stepped in my wire and it pulled real hard. Having too long a wire is no good okie. I went home and opened the left side of the headphone which had no sound, and true enough, the green wire got disconnected from the place it is supposed to make contact with. Now i have to ask my dad to solder the green wire back again. SHIT! I think bringing my headphones to church is a curse. Maybe God doesn't want me to listen music in church. Hahaha,


[Key Of Heart]


OMG! OMG! OMG! BoA has 2 new Singles! Key Of Heart and Dotch! Release date is 2006.8.9. I must buy them!

I have been lazy to blog for the past few days. The Spikes finally came on thursday afternoon. While i was playing Fifa 06. When the guy knocked on the door, it scared me. I thought who it was man. Anyway, i signed for the parcel and took this really huge box in. Now I finally have a proper triple jump spikes. I brought Nicholas's and Leslie's pairs to school and gave it to them. James came over to collect his yesterday. His Nike Monsterfly is super nice i tell you, so is Joshua's Superfly G5. But i like mine too, it Silver and Orange together.

Oh and i got 12/15 for my chem practical test. I think i got the highest in class cos i haven heard of anyone who got higher than me. Haha, hopefully i can keep it up and by the end of this term, I can get top 5 position in class. I really want to have my Mercurial Vapor III.

Thats all i have to say.

Bye Bye!
[I had my doubts, but you cleared my mind, I have no regrets.]


Our track team is doing quite now. Eng Wei, our captain got 2nd for his long jump and 3rd for his triple jump. Damn good rite? Dylan went into the finals of the 100m as the 4th fastest qualifier and Edwin nearer had a medal today. He was 4th despite being only sec 1. I think next year we will have a very strong team. Yay! and i will have my vengeance for my triple jump. I want to get a medal and stand on the podium and bring glory to SJI just like Eng Wei and Senthil. If i get to be captain next year just like i was last year for C'Div, i will lead the SJI team both C and B Divs to at least a 3rd placing overall. At least that is what i want la. Actually it doesn't matter if i get to be captain or not. I still want my medals. Relays as well. We better start practising for relays early not like the last week thn come and practice. By that time, it's too late already. No wonder all these years, our relays are never perfect.

I hate to be sick. I feel like shit now. I just keep coughing dry cough, which makes my throat pain and dry. Plus i can hear the sound of phlegm when i cough. I keep coughing to get it out, but it doesn't work and i have running nose and flu. Now my voice sounds weird. Sometimes i feel like vomitting but nothing ever comes out. Damn it la. I have been like that since Sunday i think. Now it's more serious and i am going to see the doctor later and cut my hair as well. It's freaking long already.



First of all. Italy don't deserve to win the World Cup! It should have been Germany or Brasil! Hahha. But i think France should have won. Italy were just lucky that the referee didn't give another penalty to France for the tackle from Matterazzi against Malouda. It was comfirm a penalty. I think that the referee in the finals sucks. He can't even have a good view of the game. Our Singapore referee Shamsul is much much better than him la. And that stupid fucking Matterazzi guy must have said something that really made Zidane's blood boil or he wouldn't have head-butted him. I, and even my father had never seen Zidane reacted this way. I mean Zidane is not that kind of player that is so rough and hostile. Anyway, he still got the Golden Ball in this Fifa World Cup. Even though France didn't win the World Cup, he still ended his career with the Golden Ball Award.

In school, i wasn't sleepy like most people were. I drank Nescafe in the morning and for the first time, coffee actually works on me. Most of the time, it has no effect. I am still able to sleep peacefully even after drinking coffee. So today seemed to past by quite fast. Didn't feel like it was a dread in any period.

Oh and after school something very very interesting and scary thing happened. I was doing my chinese compo on the study bench cos we have to hand it in by today or teacher will not accept it. So i took my phone out to message Nicole and so happened Brother Michael walked pass and saw me using my phone outside the designated area of the school, so he confiscated my phone. Thn i was like DIE! There goes my phone. Brandon who was sitting beside me was using his phone too but Brother Michael didn't see him using it, cos he didn't use it as obvious as me. Just call me suay or stupid. So i didn't really care, i just continued doing my chinese compo. After i finished, Brandon was kind enough to accompany me to Mr Sirhan's office cos he said last time, his phone got confiscated by Brother Michael, he pass it to Mr Sirhan. So we thought that Brother Michael would have given the phone to Mr Sirhan. But when i went to Mr Sirhan, he said he didn't have the phone and that it was still with Brother Michael. So i went to the office and find Michael. I made up some crap story as my excuse and he believed me man. I must have sounded convincing. Haha. I said i had dental appointment and i was using the phone to message my mom to call the dentist and postpone the appointment to a later time as i had to stay back and do my chinese compo. I forgot to go to the canteen and use cos it was urgent. Thn he asked if i often forget about things, thn i said no. Thn he asked if i ever used it before , during and after training. Thn i said no straight way. I know that i have to say no straight away without thinking to sound convincing. Cos once you stumble, you are died. You won't make a good liar like that. Hahaha. Thn i added that i dun bring my phone on training days cos it has been stolen before even though i kept it in the safe box. Thn i think he was convinced la, thn he return me back my phone. I was like heng man! He said that he trust that i won't do it again. I am so lucky la. Normally, if he confiscate a phone. You can only get it back at the end of the term. So i am super duper uber freaking lucky to get it back.

Later when to orchard and bought my Hard Gay Toy and i saw the Final Fantasy VII Advent Children Cloud and His Fenrir figurine. Frecking nice la, i shall buy that next, bet it will cost more than $100. Haha, it's so fun to play with. You dunno when it is going to "pop". I was playin with my sis just now and i think she lost more times thn me. There was this once when there was only 2 holes left, and she put her last dagger into the correct slot without popping it. I was obviously dead already la. Thn there was another time when i did the same thing to her. Haha, revenge is sweet. Oh my mom just change her phone to a motorola L6 cos her Nokia 8250 had some problem already. So she had no choice but to change.

Got to go now. Tata!


I was sleeping like a pig. I woke up at almost 12 today and my breakfast became my lunch, as it brunch la. Thn later went to West Mall to meet Bill and Zachary to do our physics project which is building a cardboard chair. We went to Shop 'n' Save to ask for cardboard that they dun need and the manager was kind enough to tell us that we can take from the loading and unloading bay. So we took some thn went to popular to buy some stuff and went to my house. I mean we should have bought the things first and thn go and take the cardboards rite? So dumb of us to take it around with us.

We slacked at the start, but after that got really serious. We has quite alot of measurements to take and cutting to do. We took our idea from some website cos the project didn't say our chair must be ORIGINAL! Muahahaha. We worked like until like from 3.30p.m to 6.15p.m before Zachary and Bill had to leave for school to watch the Taming Game. Yeah and we bought a pink spray paint to spray our chair, haha. We all felt like super productive when we finished the project, like great sense of accomplishment. First time we all had this feeling, that goes to show how slack we normally are when it comes to projects. Haha.

Later went to my Grandma's house for dinner and played with my cousins again. Ryan keeps playin with my phone. He likes the game inside. Thn when he saw BoA as my phone wallpaper. He was like :"Your Girlfriend ah? You like her? Eeyer..." Haha, if only BoA was my Girlfriend. I would be the happiest man on earth i tell you. Like super super uber happy. Oh ya, i forgot to bring mr cam and take pictures of them again. Shit. Nvm, there is always a next time.

Yeah so that is pretty much my day.



It was a bittersweet day today. With anxiety, excitement, sadness, disappointment, fun, and lots more. It was a day full of emotions.

Firstly, I woke up late today when i am supposed to go to school in the morning to get the spikes from Galen. I woke up at 7a.m! Like shit! So i went straight to the Stadium for my triple jump. Warmed-up and thn when to the call room to report. I didn't qualify. All my jumps were all overboard, my run-up was screwed up. My last jump was like over board by 2cm! Can you believe it, 2cm! If not i qualify already. I felt like slapping the judge. Like that also not counted. But thn again it's the rule of the sport and you have to respect that. It was really sad. I just sat there and cry. So coach had to come and console me. Felt really good after that. Yvan and Eng Wei qualified. This time, it was the exact opposite for me and Yvan. I SWEAR! (which I dun normally do) that i will come back with a vengeance next year. Guess it was my ankle which haven really heal yet. The worse that could happened also came true. I injured my other foot. How smart can i get huh? Now, my right heel is freaking pain. I can't walk properly now. Like something sharp is jabbing your heel bone. So i am now out of the nationals. Rather sad huh? Partly I am at fault too, i went to play soccer which i shouldn't have. Cos when you get injured, your form will drop. So yeah, self-explanatory. I shall now go there everyday after school if i can if i have dun have alot of homework.

So after my triple jump, we all went to the swimming complex swim and play and slack. Hahaha. It was really really really fun, especially playing with the slide and the wave pool. The slide we just kept going and going and going. We like played inside the slide. We like have some mass body collision inside the slide. Geovenn was like always the first to go down, thn he would stay inside there and climb up again. So happened, we were all going down, and we were like going so fast, we just bang into him and he just slammed on us. Hahahaha, so funny. We like screaming inside the tunnel. Thn we went to the wave pool, when it started to operate. So fun man. We jump start into the wave, wah the feeling was like somthing slamming into you. Thn we went in deeper and deeper and we were like in one circle. Wah you can practically drown there if you jump at the wrong time. Cos the wave will just swallow you.

Later, we went back to the stadium for the afternoon session. Which are mainly relays and long distance. The C'Div boys was damn sad. They dropped the baton. Thn they stopped running. I mean even if you drop the baton, just quickly pick it up and at least finish the race la. They thought cannot qualify already so the just stopped running. I mean if you continue, maybe still can qualify mah. Feel so sad for Jiao Hui and Jeremiah. They were the 3rd and 4th runner and they didn't even get to run. Jem was damn sad, he was practically crying. Thn Mr Low had to tell them. "Don't disqualify yourself, let other people(judges) disqualify you" We, who the at the stands knew they were damn sad already. So i had to go around telling the others to shut up and dun push the blame to anybody. I mean if you blame others, they will feel very demoralised and thats is no good since they are in one team. I think it was a misunderstanding la. The B'div was also scary. They completed the race la, but 2 baton passing was screwed up so we were all afraid that we couldn't qualify. I had to wait for James to go home until 5p.m la! Cos they officials took so long to annouce those who qualify for the semi-finals. It was damn frightening la. They annouce "in Semi-final(1)...wat school was school wat school but dun have our school" thn "In semi-final (2)...blah blah blah but still they nvr annouce our school." So we thought we were out already. Thn suddenly they said" In semi-final(3)...blah blah, St. Joseph's Instituition" Thn we were like wah...heng ah! Hahaha. So i went home to bathe and wash up for the Taming Game. Oh and I saw Michelle, she looked pretty much the same old her to me.

On my way to school, so happened to meet Nic walking to my school too. Yup later met up with Yvan and went in the PAC first, while Nic and her friends wait for another friend. She asked me to like reserve 6 seats for her and her friends. So we sat at the 2nd level cos the ground level was pretty much filled. So me and Yvan waited and waited and waited and waited for them to come. The doors were going to be lock soon and they were still not here yet. So the prefects really locked the doors and already and i was like i dun care already la. So the show started and they came in like 5-10 mins later from the back door. I was actually quite pissed thn, cos of all the waiting and all. But thn i also dunno why i got so pissed in the first place. Haha. At first i thought this show is like going to be a waste of my time and money. But it turned out to be really good la. Some parts where quite funny actually but because i was pissed, i didn't really laugh. But some things that i think were not funny were funny to others. But after the intermission, i was okie already la. Just needed some Velvet Revolver to relac one corner.

So after the show, a group of us wanted to eat dinner. So we suggested orchard. Thn Yvan suggested going to the wisma foodcourt. When we reached there, the stalls were like all packing up. So we just sat there and bought some drinks and stoned. Later Nic's friend suggested going to Newton and eat. So they took MRT there. Nic had curfew again as usual and needed to go back. I didn't knew how to get back home from Newton so i left too. So Nic and I took 77 home. Until now, i still haven eaten. Partly cos i am not hungry. I feel anorexic now. Haha. But thn i want to eat. But dun have something that is neither light nor heavy. So i can't bothered to look for food. Now i am so tried. My eyelids just feel like closing.

Okie, i think this post is "rather" SHORT ah!

So Goodnight!


Yesterday's Training session was pretty much normal and frustrating for me cos my run-up for my jumps was screwed up even though i used the same measurement for all my jumps. I just kept jumping over board yesterday. Not my day really. On Tuesday, it was Leslie, yesterday it was me. Normally i was have a perfect take off. But it's okie, some days you're off form, some day you're on form. Talking about which i have my Triple Jump qualifying round tomorrow at 10.30a.m at CCK stadium. Hope i can qualify, which i have confidence i have and i dun screw up. Yvan you better qualify with me too! Last year, you left me all by myself in the finals! Come on Yvan. So pray for me, for Yvan and the whole SJI Track Team that we will be able to do well in the Nationals which starts today. I wanted to go and support Leslie, James and Eng Wei for their Long Jump qualifying round. But i had to come back cos I took the cam, and my sister needs it for her graduation tonight. Congrats Jie! I think she really worked hard for it. So i had to come back and pass her the cam. So if you guys are free, come down to the CCK stadium and support SJI! Haha.

Today in school was quite enjoyable cos i kept thinking that it was the last day of school. Cos i will not be going to school tomorrow, and partly due to no chinese period today. I dun really like our chinese teacher. He keeps wasting time scolding people over the minor things and thn complains that we dun have enough time. He is actually the cause of it all. Something really scary happened today during Geog period today. Our teacher was so angry with us for not handing in the homework that she gave before the holidays and for not doing the work she gave us yesterday. So she asked Norman to go and call Mr Sirhan. He is our Sec 3 HOL (Head Of Level), so we all bacame damn scared. Thn he came and sort of gave us a chance by asking us to do today and hand in by 4 personally to our geog teacher. If not tmr he will like call our parents or something. But i dun care, haha i am handing up tmr before going to my competition. So i have to do it later. If she asked why i didn't hand in yesterday, i will just say i have competition or i have to go for my sister's graduation. Haha. Hope i can get away with it. LOL.

Something really weird happened today in class after school. I was listening to Velvet Revolver in class on my MP3 and dancing around in front of Zachary while he was doing his stuff. Thn he suddenly grab my crouch! Like WTF! What was that for? He has been acting a little weirder lately. He just comes up to me and scratch me with his "Girls" nails. Haha. He ar, always like that.

Bye Bye!


Today was suspicious. In school i was like paranoid. Each time i see a sec 1 guy, i will think like, is it this guy? It is that guy? Before long i couldn't be bothered already. If that guy sees me, i will just give him that fuck-you look. Hahhaa. Hopefully he doesn't harass me like everyday like nic's one. Hahaha. Best is not to know that guy, cos if you know who he is, and when you see him, it will be very awkward. Ignorance is bliss.

Anyway, after school Victor and I went to cine to buy the Hard Gay toy cos we are not sharing cost anymore, we are buying for ourselves. But the lady there told us that the stock haven come it yet, only the display set. They say they will try to get it next week. Which actually means it is next next week. But anyway, Victor and I already reserve 2 when the stock comes, they will call us. Freaking Eng Wei i going to get it for $10! While we get it for $55! Eng Wei bought it from some guy on eastbay for secondhand. That guy played only 4 times, hahahaha. Nvm la, i have money to burn. Hahaha, talking crap la me.

Training was so jumpy! We did jumps. Like suddenly there are so many jumpers. I know since the time we started the jumpers thing, it was like only a few people, now we have one group! I couldn't do my triple jump cos of my ankle, triple jump has the most impact of the foot. So i just stick to my long jump. Wish my ankle would heal faster.

Goodnight! It's already 11.40p.m and i am still blogging. I am suppose to sleep already and wake up to watch to the Germany and Italy match. Go Germany! They will win the World Cup for the 4th time!



I was being a homer today, while i think everyone went out. Just stayed at home, stoned, eat, sleep, exercise and do homework. Today is like Youth Homework Day as Nicholas said. Just doing all my holiday homework and play abit of Xbox thats all. Oh at around 3+ i was like officially sick of music. Like i had musicphobia. Like i couldn't stand the sound of music. I was watching TV and they played some tune, and i was practically going crazy! I couldn't stand it, so i went to play Xbox, lesser music cos in the match dun have music. But when it came to the music part, i just kept smashing the A button to quickly start the match. I was going nuts then.

So i went to do my homework. Then some stupid son of good mother but the son is a idiot message me and said hello. Thn i asked him was he was, he reply I like you. Some stupid gay sec 1 from my school. He said wat i am super hot and that he like me. So i played along with him and said that i am gay too. Thn he was like, you are making my wildest dream come true, do you mind going out with me? So i said how am i suppose to go out with you if i dunno you? He replied saying, I want a definite answer or i am not going to tell you who i am. I was how can i agree with him man, so i reply him, okie thn forget it, you are wasting my sms. Thn he didn't reply already. Hey, you gay of a good mother, if you are reading my blog, please go back to being straight okie? Dun continue to like me cos it is useless and you bring down the name of the school. I WILL NEVER LIKE YOU! Now buzz off! His no. is 91298397. Does anyone knows this number?

So that was pretty much all to my sad and alonely and gayish and musicphobic day.

Nicole asked me to put Nicole Rocks on my blog, so that explains. Haha, but she really Rocks la. Since Nicole says that the last part is sacarstic. I will type properly. Nicole is really really really nice. I am not being sacarstic now hor! NICOLE ROCKS!

Today was such a fun day! Except for the fact that I didn't make it to church. Really feel so bad now. Should have went to church first cos the morning shift that i did for my class stall, we just stone there. Nobody came cos it was too early. Waste me time and my sleep. Anyhow, alot of people came later in the afternoon. We made about $200+ from just some stupid throwing game. Haha, good huh? Nobody clinched the 1st prize, but there were people who clinched the 2 2nd prizes. Bill and I wanted to fight for the 2nd prize, which was a teddy bear. But we didn't manage to do it before some guy won it. So nvm, we fight for the 1st prize which was a Pooh Bear. Just for fun. After my morning shift, i went over to help out and my track and field side. We were in charged of of refreshments for the runners after the run. We could take practically as many bottles of water of as many cans of H20 as we want. Hahaha, while the public who are not running can't. But i supplied my friends at my class stall some H2O, see! How kind of me. Hahaha, self praise. Later we went over to 331's stall, where they had left over blocks of ice to make ice shavings. So we practically had a snow ball war. We just kept massing ice shavings and throw at each other and at the teachers as well. Hahaha, and i made this super super huge snow ball. Which is put it up Leslie's shirt haha. But he threw it back at me. Haha. So fun. Played as dried ice and alot alot of things as well. Fun fun fun!

After the event, Yvan, Victor, Leslie, Bryan and I wanted to go to orchard, but Yvan couldn't go so Leslie didn't want to go well. So we practically put it off. Victor wanted to buy his Portugal jersey which his mom was paying cos he won the bet againsy his mom on the England and Portugal match. Lucky kid, i want the Brasil jersey also cannot get. But they didn't sell them at Great World City. Oh and i didn't know how to get home from there even though i had been there a dozen times with my parents. So my mom just told me to go to orchard and that train or bus from there. Just nice! Victor and I took the shuttle bus from Great World to Orchard MRT. We thn proceeded to Cine where we went to the Nike shop againnnnnnnnn....haha. I bought my ankle guard and he bought his Portugal jersey. Saw so many things there. They had the new Mercurial Vapor III, the Red and white one and the new Ronaldinho boots. Best of all, we saw that HARD GAY toy at this figurine (I dunno if that is how you spell it) shop. $55 bucks, Jit Yong, Victor and I are going to share the cost. The 3 of us are super hardcore Hard Gay fans...hahaha. Oh and i really want to the Tifa, Vincent Valentine and Sephiroth figurine! Super super nice and detailed. There was the Neon Genesis Evangelion figurines of Asuka Langley and Ayanami Rei. There is this one were they are laying on each other, quite erotic. ahhaha, but who cares it is nice. Cost freaking $70! and there is another one that come is a set of Both Ayanami Rei and Asuka Langley by themselves which cost $420! I was like WTF! I bet it is going to be on the shelves for a long time, before some hardcore fan, buys it. The sad thing was that Ban Dai and Gainax dun sell the Evas anymore. I only have Eva-03, i want the other Evas......

That was all we sawwwwwww...hahaha. Off home we went.

My Dad, is a genius! He manage to repair my Sony Headphones which I accidentally pulled the wire and spoil it. We work on it together. They brought home so many things just to repair it. He brought home his company microscope so that we could see where the green wire was pulled out from. Now i dun have to waste my money on buying a new set of headphones. I'm using it now to listen to Set Me Free by Velvet Revolver. Thanks Di! You're the best!

Oh and Velvet Revolver so rocks!



Yesterday's Kindred Spirit was such a blast! Everyone was nicely dress and the atmosphere was high. To me i thought that it appeared that it was there was more girls than boys. Oh, wat the heck...i must be wrong. We practically own the whole row of seats. Poor Nicole told me that she didn't had lunch and dinner, which was practically the same as me. She was hungry and she had a curfew until 10p.m which is exactly what time the concert end. I told her to go home and eat, but thn she said that her parents would ask show her attitude like:"You Haven't eat YET?" So she was quite pissed since like 9.30 p.m. Zachary's solo was great except for that tiny little bit of screw up at the end of his solo. Go Zach! Go relac one corner! Bryan and Hahn's band was good, except that their guitar wasn't synchronised and we couldn't hear Hahn's bass, oh and Gabriel is the wrong choice of vocalist for that song. Couldn't hear what he was singing. The last band was super great! They were damn good, except for fucking Harold. Harold you suck! Go fuck yourself! You can't sing for nuts. You are like one of those not-cool-act-cool guys that i so fucking hate. And stop POSING, you also can't pose for nuts. Wah feel so much better, his soccer sucks too.

Later we went to Macs at King Albert Park, thinking that they will broadcast the Germany and Argentine live there. But it was only for SELECTED Macs. We were like all wondering why the Headquarters dun broadcast. So after dinner at like 11p.m we left. Jit Yong's sister's friend or boyfriend was kind enough to give me a lift home in his Mercedes. She was so funny, saying that Jit Yong very xia suay not to bring girls to the concert and i brought girls. Haha, actually, it's not his fault, he did ask, but they weren't free. At least he did try. Maybe next year. Reached home and watched the Match. Germany won!! Yeah! Once again, Jens Lehmann proved that he is better than Oliver Kahn, the monkey. Players from Arsenal are pro man.

Today was such a Boring Youth Day for me. Just stayed at home, have tuition, do homework and play Xbox. Anyhow, HAPPY YOUTH DAY! Tomorrow i have to help out at the Milkrun thing. I have to reach there at 9.30 am la. So shit, make me unable to attend church again. Now i really really really bad. Haven't got for 5 weeks, first time i didn't go to church for such a long period of time. I really want to go la! Maybe i shud call a priest and come to my house and give me mass one on one on monday or something, since there is no school on monday. Yayness! My Class has a store at the Milkrun event so i have to do the morning shift and later in the afternoon i have to help out with the track and field duties. And maybe after that i shall go to orchard and buy my Ankle guard from Nike. I dunno if i shud go out on monday. Anyone who wants to go out just tell me! I am single and available ahahha.

Now there is the England VS Portugal match, which i want Portugal to win. England are just such in a pain in the ass to watch. Stupid John Terry and Rio Ferdinand playin there passing football at the ball. Notice useless Ferdinand, he always like to pass the ball to Terry, he NVR pass forward. And if he is under pressure but a player, he just passes the ball back to the keeper. So useless, can't manage to shake the play off. I think they shud play Campbell together with Terry. England are just lucky to get this far in the World Cup. They have an easy road. And i dunno why the hell Erikson bring Theo Walcott there and doesn't want to play him. Keep putting Downing on and useless Hargreaves. The rest of the squad is okie but they dun have team work and their positining on the field sucks. Later there is still the Brasil VS France match, what a Classic! Must watch. Brasil will win this time round, and meet Germany in the final.

Okie i shall go now. My sis bought a new Ipod Nano cos my dad buy from her her Mini.
