Lets talk about Mercurial Vapor III. It's my obsession. My tuition teacher promised me that if i got top 5 in class for term, he will give me his month's pay from my dad to me, so that is $300. But i told him that he dun need to give me the money, just buy me a pair of Mercurial Vapor III which is $280 from Queensway, if i were to buy from the Nike B.I.R.D, it would cost $335. Which is like $55 difference. World of a difference man, imagine what i could do with an extra $55, a lot of things man. So now i am going to work for it. Now I can concentrate on saving money for my Arsenal Jersey! Oh and the World Cup has brought about many more colours for the Mercurial Vapor III Series. The two new colours are the Yellow and Green which was wored my Ronaldo from Brasil! when he scored his 2 goals and the Red and White which was wored by Christiano Ronaldo Dos Santos Aveiro from Portugal in the Portugal versus Holland match. So both Ronaldos have new colours. I think the Red and White one is FREAKING nice. Hope i will see these two colours soon when i go to the Nike shop again. Haha.

I wanted to go for training today, even brought my shoes to go and train. But i later decided that i was not in the state for training today, perhaps tomorrow. I can only do weights on my upper body now. Hopefully by next week, i can start training again.

Pray for me ya!


I woke up today with my ankle freaking pain. I couldn't even walk properly at all. It was worse than yesterday. I was already in my SJI uniform then my mom told me not to go to school since it was so bad. So she took lift and brought me to Polyclinic, where i had an X-Ray done on my ankle, just to take precaution. Guess how much the X-Ray cost? Just $14 man, i thought it would be a bomb la...like $200+. Cos the last time i went to Mount E with my nanny, her X-Ray was around $200+. Anyway, the doctor at the polyclinic said that i had a crack fracture at the lateral melleolus which is the bone around the ankle. So they refered me to NUH, where the specialist orthopaedic will attend to me. When i went to the A&E department, guess where they send me to? They send me to the children's emergency. Hahaha...but who cares anyway, there was less waiting time than compared to the normal A&E. Yeah, so they study my X-Ray and the senior doctor said that it was not a fracture cos when they press the bone of my ankle, it doesn't hurt that much, and i wouldn't be able to walk. The line that appeared in the X-Ray on my bone was actually the ramnants of the children bone fusing together to from the adult bone...so yeah. Not that bad actually, it was just a really bad sprain. They said that i needed to rest about 2-3 weeks. I was WTF! I have my triple jump next friday. But they say by next week, the swelling shud go down and i will think that i am able to do anything. But to prevent permanent injury thn i have to take at least 3 weeks to 1 month's rest. But i dun can, i am going to defy what they say next week and go for my triplr jump qualifying round. I make sure i qualify on my first jump so that i can go and not have to do repeated jumps and injure my ankle. So hopefully by the time, it is the finals for the triple jump, i ankle will be fully healed. And hopefully by thn my proper triple jump shoe will arrive so that it will provide more cushioning for my foot, and prevent more impact on my legs, so hopefully all goes well.



Wah Shit! I went to play soccer just now and i twisted my ankle. What a time to have injury. My nationals are just 2 weeks away. Now I have to follow Wayne Rooney and battle my injury. Put me in a oxygen room man. I was defending just now and my neighbour, who is a Korean uncle had the ball, and was one on one with the keeper. So i ran towards him and blocked the ball with my left foot but he kicked quite hard so when the ball hit my foot, it twisted my ankle and i landed on the side of my foot and together with the momentum that i had, my ankle one whole big round before i landed on the ground. So F-ing pain la, i could nearly cry. Thn I was damn worried that my nationals will be in jeopardy. Now it is Swollen! I hope my foot will be healed in like 3 days? The most 1 week. So much about talking about my cousin, now it's my turn to get injured playing soccer. Tsk Tsk Tsk. Now I am walking like some Zombie...
I had this dream when i was sleeping. I shall not say what it is about, but it was a very pleasant one. But then my Di had to wake me up from my slumber. So irritating you know. Every time i have a dream, I always get interrupted but something, like my parents or alarm clock. Oh, my dream was in colour, i dunno how come people can dream in black in white. I think all my dreams are all in colour. Strange, how the brain function.

Anyhow, i still have my physics left to do before school reopens tommorow. Quite alot from my physics teacher. I think i shall complete half of it but today. Hopefully, when the new time table comes out tomorrow, there is no physics period, so we can have an extra day to do. Seems like everybody like to procrastinate until the last minute.

I need to order my spikes already, only 2 weeks more before my triple jump qualifying round. Oh, I am going to run 4km everyday i think except thursday, which will be 2.4km. Running is some fun, i love running. Just run and run and run. Need no lose weight fast for my nationals. And i will be going for training 4 times a week from now on until nationals is over.

Going to play soccer soon!



Just went to my Wai Po's house for dinner, along with all my cousins and relatives. We always have dinner there every saturdays unless my Wai Po call us and tell us not to go, due to whatever things she has on. Everyone went except my Xiao Yi family. So my toddler cousins had no one to play with. So when my cousin Damien who is 1 year younger than me didn't want to play with them anymore cos he wanted to rest awhile, Rayshall and Ryan came up to me and asked:" Sebastian Kor Kor, can you play with us?". So cute right, haha, especially Rayshall. She is like the sweetheart of everybody. I think it's because of the way she talks, she talks very smart. Rayshall is 6 years old, K2 this year and her elder brother is 7 years old, Pri 1. Next time i shall bring my cam and take pictures of them for you guys to see.

Actually i didn't want to go to my Wai Po's house today, cos i wanted to complete my homework. But then i thought of the food there......haha. So greedy. My Wai Po's cooking are fantastic, especially her curry which she cooked today! There are always so many thing to eat there. Yummy! So i thought about my work. I planned them carefully and i realised that i could still go to my Wai Po's house and finish my work before school reopens, or so i think. Haha. Oh and my cousin, Damien, he was stupid enough to play soccer barefooted and he got his big toe swollen. It was like his whole foot was bandaged up and all. He was playing goalkeeper and the ball was coming, so he put his foot out to block the ball, but i think his friend whack the ball damn hard that it sort of sprained his big toe. He should have bought street soccer shoes and play la. Besides, street soccer shoes are nice and can even be wore out.

Okie, i am going to watch the Germany VS Sweden match now. Oh and sorry Hahn for Korea being knock out. Your country should like break down the wall between North and South Korea ah, so that you guys will have more talent and have a better squad. Haha.



So sad, today is the last day of the June holidays, and i still have half my homework waiting for me to complete them. Time just fly by so fast. Just think about it. One day passes really fast. How i wished that the June holidays will end next week. I dun feel like going back to school. I still have to go and find a new school bag, cos the one I have been using is going to spoil soon and i have been using since PRI 4! Haha, hope i can find a DC bag. DC bags are so cool. I also need to find a new watch. Cos my Adidas watch strap broke and City Chain that they dun carry anymore stock for the watch. Fucked up company. Anyway, that was has serve me since I was PRI 4! Haha. I saw a new Adidas watch that is similar to the one i have now, it has both Digital and Analog timings. But then it's $175 and Jit Yong says that is CHEAP! I can slap his face man.

Anyhow, Brasil won 4-1 against Japan despite Japan scoring first. This is the real Brasil. The other teams better be scared of Brasil now. Ronaldo scored twice and now equals the all time scoring record in the World Cup with 14 goals. Now, that is the real Ronaldo that lit up the last world cup. Now he only need 1 more goal to be the all time record scorer in the World Cup Finals. Gilberto and Juninho scored as well. I hope the finals will be Brasil and Spain, my to favourite teams in the World Cup.

Enough said, I am going to watch 1 episode of The O.C season 3 and after that i have to cheong my work already.

Bye guys!


Hey guys! Hope you like my new blog layout. I really love BoA.

Anyway, there is so much homework that i still haven done. So i am doing to do and complete them now. Even if I have to stay up late today to complete them. So i can enjoy tomorrow when i go out after training.

Okie, going to do now!


Today was really funny and a waste of time. I wasted a lot of time remaining in school today after training. Eng Wei who is our track captain and Sec 4! brought his Game Boy Advance to school today. I think he's the one who revive the Pokemon thing in track. Haha. Spastic one la he. Cos one training session, it was raining and one group of them suddenly started talking about Pokemon. So one day, Jeremiah went to Eng Wei's house and they ransacked his whole room just to find the Game Boy Advance and the Ruby version cartridge. Hahaha, nut case. Yeah, so he was trying to catch this Legendary Dragon called Rayquaza or something like that. It was super hard to catch. So while he played soccer, I helped him catch Rayquaza. I tried for like 1hr plus, and i still couldn't catch it. Haha. No life. And because of him, everyone was so addicted to it and we just kept trying ang trying and trying and trying, but still cannot catch it. Now the whole track team like NO LIFE! Now i feel like playin pokemon also on my Game Boy Colour. I think i shall used the rechargable batteries and play. Hahahahahahhahahahahahahaha.

End up we didn't go to orchard and have lunch as we have planned. So i have to buy my high socks and shin guards on wednesday. Hopefully by thn Yvan will be back for Bali, thn we can watch silent hill together and watch him get scared. Oh and when i alighted the bus at my house but stop, Marissa saw me. Cos she was on the 106 and i alighted from 77 and she alights one stop after my stop. Dunno why she always sees me and i dun see her. Haha.

Okie, got to go shower and go Queensway to find my school shoe and buy new ankle socks.

Bye bYe byE, BYe bYE ByE, bye BYE! Hahaha.


I didn't go to church today, i feel so bad. I haven't been going for 3 weeks. I had tuition this morning and if i were to go to church I had to wake up at 8a.m and attend the 9a.m mass. But i slept at 2a.m last night so my mother let me sleep more.

Anyhow, after tuition, my dad and I went to suntec after dropping my mom off at Far East. We were suppose to go and find my school shoe. But none of them had my size. So my dad plan to go to Queensway tomorrow and find the Adidas one and get over with it. We went to the Nike shop there, where I saw the Arsenal away kit. When my mom came over to Suntec, I asked her to pay for me first but she didn't want to. Idiot la she, make me waste my time coming down and buy again when i have the money. Oh, the Adidas shop there was also very big, I think it's the biggest. Thn went to Carrefour to buy groceries with my mom. I saw my tuition teacher working there. I knew he was working there so i called him and ask where he was. Thats why he had to have tuition in the morning. The thing he was promoting was the Nutri-tea drink which we bought. Not bad actually, go try it. It uses like all the herbs to brew the drinks. Suppose to help your body in alot of ways, depending on which one you drink.

Came home and went down to play soccer. Today was quite fun cos all the 3 teams were quite even. Missed a few chances, didn't score any goals today but i still felt good cos my team played well. Anyway, you win some, you lose some. Oh and there weren't any fights today. Cos there is bad blood between Eddie and Justin. Luckily they didn't start anything today. Cos whenever that happens, everyone can feel the tension in the air, and Justin elder brother will come and confront Eddie to protect Justin. Maybe thats why i feel good today, even if i didn't score. Anyway, I'm watching the World Cup match between Brasil and Australia. Brasil are so going to win man. They just play beautiful soccer. Haha, i just witnessed something dumb. Ronaldinho trip over his on flick. Haha, i mean how often does that happens?

Anyhow, today is Father's Day. I totally forgotten about it. Until like around 8p.m. Haha, so i went to wish him immediately. At least we spend some quality time together today. Go out and watching World Cup. He always say that every team should play like Arsenal. Thn I will have to tell him that Club spend more time training together as compared to Country. My Dad can me your worst enemy and he can also be your buddy. Luckily i haven got a beating by him for a long time. I tell you ah, he is super scary, you just got to run away from him. When he beat, he does use cane, he punchs and kicks. Haha. Save money on buying cane. He thought me a lot of things by beating me. Like respect people and a lot of minor things that are important in life to be a better person. He always reminds us that if you have something to do, do it immediately. If YOU WAIT, YOU WILL FORGET. Overall, he is a Great person and Father to me and my sis, even though he has a bad temper with a short fuse.

So on behalf on my Sis and Mom, HAPPY FATHER' DAY DI! Haha, i always call him DI and in short form of DADDY. Cos if have been calling him Daddy since young, you tend to say it very fast. So it ends up becoming DI. Haha.

Okie. going to concentrate on watching the match now.

Yo man! Haha, Went to town today with Marissa and Nicole. Marissa told me that we are leaving at 3p.m, thn suddenly she message me at 2.30p.m and ask me to come down to the bus stop NOW! Want to know why they said i took so long to go down? I was playing Fifa 06 on my Xbox. So i wanted to finish my match first before i change and go down. Haha. Nicole also told me that she had to eat lunch with her family, didn't expect her to meet Maris first. Anyway, we went to Heeren first cos i needed to repair my watch, but they told me that only if the casing spoil, thn they will send it back to Australia. If the strap spoil, they won't send it back. Anyway, i have a spare strap, but i will have to do it myself. Later, off to HMV where i bought Neon Genesis Evangelion Soundtrack! Cost me $46, now i am short of money. Maris went to breathe Helium from the balloon i managed to untie. She sounds so weird. Haha, the other balloon that we didn't managed to untie, we let it free.

We watched the Korean show, Almost love, cos the timing was the most suitable cos Nic had curfew to get back by 9p.m. I thought it was a good movie, cos they say comedy. But not that funny also, the storyline not that good, that it was quite a sad show. When we were buying tickets, Power 98 was giving out free Scary Movie 4 tickets. Haha, i told Marissa the answer to the question they were asking, and she went to answer. Then, there was this fucking despo-to-get-a-pair-of-tickets guy. He kept asking us the answer. There was one that he ask us: " One of them is saw rite?" Thn we said:"ya." But then he was waiting for the lady to ask the question again before he go, but I push Maris and she got there before him. Haha. Thn he was like damn pissed. Thn he still ask us for more answers again! Then, we just say dunno. Everything he ask, we just say dunno. That guy damn thick skin man. Anyway, that show is NC16, dunno if Maris can get in.

After the movie, we when to eat Pepper lunch. First time eating there. Not bad actually. We decided to the one at Shaw House cos the one at Taka's had alot of people. Oh, and I went to Nike again. Hahaha. I asked them for opinion on which Mercurial Vapor colour combination nicer, Nic like the black and gold one, while Maris like the Pearl and yellow and the black and gold. So i tink i will be getting the Black and Gold one since Leslie already has the Pearl and yellow one.

Oh, just finish watching the Czech and Ghana world cup match. What a let down, the Czech lost 2-0 to Ghana! Ghana played better, thats what i think. They should have gone 6-0 up or something like that, but when they are one on one with Petr Cech, they shot directly to him. Wah, and they missed on penalty.

Got to go and sleep now. I have church and tuition in the morning.



I'm so bored now I decided to do this which I took from Bryane and Marissa.

Three Names You Go By:
Sebastian, Seb, Sebby, Sea-Bass, Sebas, Bas, Bastard. Haha (More than 3)

Three Parts Of Your Heritage:
Pure Chinese, Grandfather from my dad's side is from China

Three Things That Scare You:
Clowns, Cockroaches and Ghost

Three Of Your Everyday Essentials:
Music, Soccer and Food

Three Things You're Wearing Now:
Only pyjamas

Three of Your Favorite Bands or Musical Artists at the moment:
BoA, Sergio Mendes and Red Hot Chilli Peppers

Three of Your Favorite Songs at the moment:
Mas Que Nada, Snow(Hey Oh) and Cruel Angel Thesis

You Want in a Relationship (other than love):

Two Truths and a Lie:
I need money desperately, I am short and I am tall.

Three Physical Things about the Opposite Sex that Appeal to You:
Face, Hair and Legs...haha

Three of Your Favourite Hobbies:
Soccer, Playing Games and Eating

Three Things You want really badly right now:
Do my homework, Money and Soccer Skills

Three Places You Want to go on Vacation:
Japan, Korea and Paris

Three things you want to do before you die:
Reach at least 175cm, own a Lamborghini and master soccer skills

Three people I would like to see take this quiz:
Me, Myself and I. Haha...anyone la.
I really want to buy a soccer boot so badly! Somebody buy for me! Today we when to the Nike shop again cos Wei Han wanted to buy a shorts. I saw the whole collection of Mercurial there! There were 4 colors all very nice. There was the Black and Gold, Silver and Red, Pearl and Yellow and Blue and White. I feel like buying all! Haha. Leslie and Me were so obsessed with the boots! Haha. We kept taking the Nike Tiempo and look and the outsoles. We were going like:" Ah, this one! Very Shiny!, Wah damn nice!" Haha. Super retarted. I wanted to take picture of all the colours together but i didn't have my cam. I shall take the next time i go there. Now i seriously want to buy a pair of boots. Anyway, i am still waiting to see the Red and White Total 90 supremacy.

Anyhow, on to the world cup. I think that Brasil didn't played well against Croatia. Still expecting them to peak and trash asses. But i just watched Spain, they were impressive!

I dun feel like blogging anymore for today. Haha.


Crap Post.


Today training was super slack for me. I had to sit out for training cos of my groin injury, yes it came back again. Now i fear that i won't be able to compete in the nationals. Hopefully when my injury heals, it will make me stronger. Now i have to battle my weight problem for the nationals. I am too fat to sprint of jump. Haha. Need to seriously lose weight. I tink cos of the pastamania i have been eating this holidays.

Oh and today for the first time after training, i didn't go to orchard. Neither did Leslie. We just played soccer. Better give the guy at the Nike shop a rest from seeing us. Haha. Oh and i am so damn stupid at home today. I kicked my feet against the door frame. Now i tink the bone in my last toe is almost fractured or something. I freaking hurts when i push my toe inwards.

Anyhow, on to the World Cup. England won't win the world cup for sure. They play like shit. So boring my dad almost fell asleep, and of all people to sub Michael Owen, they go and sub him with downing. I mean how stupid can England be. They should have sub Theo Walcott in. Oh and i am supporting Brasil and Spain and Germany and Sweden and Netherlands and Ivory Coast and Portugal and Korea and Japan and France. Haha so many. Okie, but the main one is Brasil. Support Brasil! They will win again. Oh and i just watched the Japann versus Australia match. I wanted Japan to win but their defence just crumbled at the last moment, like WTF! Stupid Japan dun want to attack somemore. Anyway, i couldn't care more as long at Brasil wins the World Cup. I mean their team is so strong that even if they put their second team in, they still can win. The Brasilians are like no others. They play with skill, with flair and with teamwork. Thats is what makes them the No. 1 team in the world. Haha, Sounds like i am getting too obsessed with Brasil. I am going to watch all their matches no matter the time.

Okie i am going to watch another match now.

Sebinho out! Haha...


Luckily it rain during training today. Not that I'm trying to slack. But i was up until 1.30 yesterday night sewing my spike shoe. My fingers were aching, cos the place that i was sewing was so hard to reach. I wanted to train but it rain, both good and no good. Good because i didn't have to train too much or i may be taking my afternoon nap now. No good cos i wanted to train. My whole shoe was completely wet cos of the rain and because i bought a climacool shoe, all the holes and all. I dun like the feeling when my socks are wet, it feels a bit disgusting. We were playing with this lizard we saw on the track. Haha, my sec 1 junior even gave it a name! Haha, suddenly he just said: Aei! Dun bully Steven." Haha, and we just kept laughing. I guess it dead later cos lizard are cold blooded and it was raining so ya.

Anyhow, we went to orchard AGAIN! and ate pastamania AGAIN! Haha, it was so cold. I felt like buying the QuikSilver jacket and use it just cos it's cold. Lol. Even until now i am still feeling cold. I saw so many CDs that i wanted to buy. Wish i had the money. All the BoA, W-inds CDs and Final Fantasy Series Soundtracks. There was this swatch watch that was all realli nice. Plain, simple but nice. $86, quite cheap for a watch comparing to my RipCurl watch which is $229. Haha, and there was this Adidas Street Soccer shoe, Adidas SALA, $99. Gosh, i feel so materialistic now. Nvm. I shall find food and eat now. Haha...



Finally for training we did jumps. I love jumps, so fun. Talking about jumps, i am going to order my triple jumps spikes today. Yeah! Need to prepare for nationals. After training, we went to orchard again...haha. I tink since holiday started, we have been going to orchard after every training sessions. But this time, it was a bigger group, instead of the usual 4 of us which is Yvan, Leslie, Wei Han and me. This time, Syzwan, Anselm, Jame and Yao Yi joined us. Actualli i suggested to eat at Ajisen just to try. But some of them didn't bring enough money with them, so we ate Beef Noodles instead.

After lunch, we went to forum galleria just to go the the D&G shop. Guess wat! I tink they onli sell ladies stuffs. Waste my time walking all the way to forum. But i know D&G also sells guys stuffs, wonder why they dun sell. We thn went to Toys 'R' Us. Haha. Quite fun actualli, see all the toys. Lol. We went to Marks and Spencer on the way and i bought Raspberry Viennese! I love it! The last time i was at Marks and Spencer, i was looking high and low for it. Finally found it this time. You should go and try it too. We thn practically walked the whole of orchard. Until our legs were aching. At wisma, Anselm took so long to choose one pair of slippers. We told him "If you dun buy anything here, we are going to slap you". Haha. Waste our time, everyone was waiting for him.

Leslie was also looking for jeans. But couldn't find any cos either they were too ugly or those that were nice didn't have his size. We went to both Flash 'n' Splash at Wisma and Heeren but still, he couldn't find any. I saw this realli nice Roxy pencil box and key chain that i wanted to buy. Going go buy nex week. We thn went to HMV where i manage to asked Leslie to buy for me a super belated Birthday present. He bought for me the Sergio Mendes CD! Coolness. I was looking up and down for it, finally found it. Thanks Leslie! Guess i have to buy him a belated birthday present too. Last stop, guess where? The Nike shop at cine....haha. Been there so many times just to look at soccer boots.

Going to watch Neon Genesis Evangelion now!


Oh and today is 6/6/06, dun do anything stupid.


Yesterday as you know i had the stupid CIP thing rite? Super depressing okie. But still it was quite fun actualli. Cos we were playin. We formed like this production line so each person would be doing different things la. Those at the start of the production line purposely do damn fast so that we would flood those packing the goodie bags into box with goodie bags. Haha. We just kept spamming. Thn sometimes we would take the milo packets and throw at each other. Haha. Sometimes when we are hungry while packing, we just open up the cereal bar and eat. Haha. I tink we did about 4k goodie bags. After we ran out of boxes to pack the goodie bags into, we just kept making and arrange them neatly on the floor. But we did so many that we had to stack the goodies on top of each other until we had 4 layers. Haha.

Okie, training did weights today. I tot we were going to do jump. Anyhow, it was a good thing that we didn't do jumps, cos my abs, my hamstring and my groin muscle is aching again. We thn went to town to catch MI:III. I tink the show was not bad actualli, quite liked it. Alot of action.

We thn ate pastamania again. Haha, and as usual, Leslie and Yvan had their second helping. Haha. Too rich ah they. They eat super super alot and still dun get fat. Envy them man. Stupid high metabolism rate shit. We thn went to nike shop again. Actualli i feel quite weird going in again, cos we have been going there alot of times recently. I tink the guys there recognised us. But at least the trip to nike was worth it. It was the first time that i finally saw the New T90 supremacy. Super nice but thn the price tag wasn't that nice. Haha $313, however it is still cheaper than the Mercurial Vapor III that i want to buy which is $335. We also saw a blue Tiempo legend which is have never seen before and we saw the silver and red mercurial vapor III worn by Thierry Henry and Theo Walcott. But still, it isn't as nice as compared to the original Pearl and yellow colour.

We thn went to pacific plaza cos Leslie wanted to see the Quiksilver jacket that i have been wanting. Guess wat? When we reach there, it was sold out! The last piece was sold today. Fuck man! I was like dun let me see the guy wearing the jacket or i will go up to him and smack him. I realli love the jacket the first time i saw it la. Now it is gone. Damn it. Thn day when i bought my clothes, i shud have ask my mom to pay for me first. Anyway, the guy there told us that the next season jacket may look like the one at i wanted to buy, the design shud be similar or it better be nicer.

Okie, I tink this post is quite long so i shall stop here.


Oh ya! Does anyone knows where to find a D&G: Dolce & Gabbana shop in town or Singapore? Pls tell me. Thanks.


Wah, so long never post alreadi. So apparently a lot of things have happened. On Sunday, i went to Orchard with my mom to buy some new clothes. Since there was this 30% off thing for Quiksilver and Roxy products. Bought this really nice long sleeve shirt and 2 other collar t-shirt. That was really all that happened on Sunday.

Yesterday, after training. Yvan, Leslie, Anselm, Wei Han and I went to cine to have lunch at pastamania. Just what we did after that? So spastic man. We went to the apple shop and there was this realli huge tv screen linked to the com. There was alot of movies trillers inside so we just sit down and kept watching trillers for 45mins. Haha. Dumb rite?

Okie there is CIP for track tmr and it is from 10am to 6pm. Guess what we are suppose to do? Pack goodie bags for the Milk Run. How lame can it be. It is going to be super depressing as my captain says. He said that after you finish packing 500 bags, you turn around and there is still around 2000 more bags. Depressing rite. I am trying to get more poeple to go so we have more manpower. More manpower=less time needed. Haha.
