Finally I get some rest! I haven't been touching the computer for a week! That's quite long i guess? English paper 1 was quite okay? But not paper 2! The stupid school wanted to kill us! Idiot one! My brain was literally jammed after that! And I rushed my summary like siao! I wonder if I can still get my A1! I just wanted to go home and you stone there until the effect subsides. A 15 min nap did it for me, before I left for the library.

E Maths on monday was quite okay? But I doubt I can get my A1 anymore. I found paper 1 hard and I screwed up my paper 2 with like 3 or 4 major mistakes?! Oh and I screwed up my Social Studies essay to! One of it. I was going to do Venice and I forgot the points for the first essay! It was like after I completed everything else that I recalled it! By then, there was very little time left. Chemistry I must say for the first time in my life, I'm confident of passing! HAHAHA! I've never pass once since upper sec! I realised Chemistry isn't that hard you know! I shall start mastering it for Os!

Then came a break cos Art was on wednesday. I had a really good nap! So I became a bloody mugger yesterday! I studied geog the whole day and I still couldn't finish it! So I didn't managed to finish the paper today! I wonder how retarded people like leslie and Jit Yong can write 16 pages when I only wrote like 9 pages? Must train my speed already! Nevermind, there's still paper 1 for me to makeup. Physics, A Maths, Chinese and Elect Lit is the week when holidays open! Means I have to study during the holidays and make damn sure I get As for those, well expect of course Chinese! HAHAHA! I can NEVER get it!

So I have an early holiday which starts today! Or tomorrow I should say? I want to do many things! I want to go out, and play! and Shop! and have fun! But still study! I hope I have a chance to make one of those days one that I will remember! After such a long time! I have like 100 plus in my wallet and 100 plus in my bank and I have absolutely no idea what to do with it! Even though I have many things that I want to buy, see how, I'm still deciding.

Oh, the more I see Frankie, the prettier she gets! HAHAHA!

Got to go now!

As long as you're dreaming, we're not giving in.