This week is going to be really busy man! Like some super studying week. I had my first Chinese lesson yesterday for those retaking and I must say it's really good man. You know why? Cos there is no more Aaron Goh!!!! HAHAHHA! He seriously can't teach for nuts. Now there's these 2 super good chinese teachers teaching just the 6 of us. Good right?! Doesn't mean there's only 6 retaking chinese ah! There are still others with other teachers. But these 2 teachers, their form classes had the most number of A1s i think? My friend was like "Wah, the first chinese lesson after 2 years!" HAHAHA! Damn mean! Oh oh, both the 7pm and 9pm chinese drama are gone! BOOOO! Nothing to watch now. Which is also a good thing la. Lucikly the 7pm one will return! Yay! Come on Cheenaaaaa!

I really need to catch up on my Geog and Chem man! I want to pon school tomorrow and head to the library to studyyyyy! School tomorrow is super waste of time! Unproductive shit! That's why I want to ponnn! I hope my mom allows. I told my Dad this morning. I shall go and pester her when she comes home tonight. Plus I've been super tired these 2 days! I keep falling asleep in class! I need to catch up on my sleep! So if i'm allowed to pon, means I can sleep a little more! I want to study on friday too! After my English paper! Wish my luck man! I need to go and revise the format for situational writing. I hope there will be night studies even when exams are on! Speaking of which I didn't go yesterday and today! And If I pon school tomorrow, I doubt I will be going as well. So thursday is the last day for me this week. So sad, it's fun you know and porductive too!

I'm going to study my ass off now! HAHAHA!