Looking back then, I thinks it's really a stupid thing overall. Yeah, something superbly dumb that I did man! Nevermind, what matters now is that we both forget it and move on. Forget the bad memories and keep the good ones.

I feel damn guilty now. I didn't go for my run as I had planned! Shit! I feel like I'm gaining weight and that I wasted my time. ARGH! Nevermind, I shall go tomorrow! I swear! Only 24 days left to prelims man! I might just go for night study tomorrow, depending. Cos I always feel damn slack on friday nights. So must force myself to study, especially for Chem, Geog, SS and E.maths which are all before the september holidays!

So yesterday chemistry practical was quite okay? Only that I got my calculations wrong, ARGH! and I didn't study on how to prepare the experiment thing. Something really funny happened after that. I went around asking what cation the others got. They said calcium carbonate, thn I got a shocked cos I put Zinc. Then someone went to ask 2 of the chem teachers, they said it's zinc carbonate! HAHAHHAHA! I laughed right in their faces man! Stupid idiots made me super scared la! When they heard, they all got frightened! HAHA! You should have seen their faces man! But then I didn't put carbonate, so wrong as well...shit man! I tested for carbon dioxide TWICE and even saw like 4-5 bubbles but no white precipitate form! Wtf man! Not fair! I want to complain! My chemicals contaminated la!