So I've gotten back my chinese O level results are I must say I'm really disappointed in what I've gotten. I got like a freaking C5? How's that man! I bet even my younger cousin did better than me la! Sure one! Confirm! I really felt like crying in class. And what sort of pissed me off too was that those bloody idiots who play and disrupt Chinese class everyday got B3! How unfair is that! Well, life's like that! We just got to live with it and just let it go. Maybe it's what God has given to us as well, so we should be thankful for that. I really don't know if I should retake? The thought of having to go through all that shit again is OMG! Hell no man! I mean even if I get a better grade for Chinese which is B3 at max! I doubt I will use it to be counted into my L1R5. It just looks better on the certificate, so like what's the point? Why waste time on a language when you could be spending that time on your other subjects? I really hope this would spur me on to work harder in my other subjects. Remember if I can do it so can you! Hahaha!

By the way, did I mention that we celebrated Mrs Woo's 63th Birthday today?! HAHAHA! It was really nice of us to do that. Okay what am I saying, she should be the one saying that! But yeah she DID say that! HAHAHA! The class was blowing the balloons during chemistry which I thought was really quite an inappropriate time cos the class wasn't really paying attention. All they care was about their blow jobs! Hahaha! We got her some pig soft toy as her present tied to a balloon. Anyway we bought her this really huge $66, 2kg mango cake which was custom order just for her! And you know being such a greedy pig I had my second serving even though it was a really small piece.

I didn't go for night studies today, partly cos I'm not in the mood for it since my chinese results are a let down and my friend isn't going tonight. Yes yes I'm a bad boy. But I promise I will go tomorrow! I shall not procrastinate anymore! I need to catch up on my studies! Prelims are very very important as you have to use it for you PAE. So yeah, must do well! Let's go!

I'm damn hungry! I shall go and find food nowwwwww!