[Song: Let It Roll-Velvet Revolver]

Oh how I love school on fridays. It's such fun! Yesterday was really funny during P.E. We were all playing touch rugby and we were laughing like mad! There was this moment that William got the ball and started running and 3 of us started to chase him! Then we touched him at the same time, so I guess the force was pretty strong, so he jump, flew and landed rolling on the field! It was damn funny man! Everyone was laughing our heads off! Plus 3 of us were the quite big size kind? HAHAHA!

Then during Physics, Mr Lam accidentally pointed the middle finger at us! Stupid man! He didn't realise at first cos he was "still got one more thing" with his middle finger in the air! When he realised he started to really point it at us! Retarded man! Thn Edgar went to bluff me also after school! He told me that this soccer player transferred to some Iraq soccer club called Baghdad Bombers! Then I went to believe him! OMG man! Then I was thinking where got soccer club call themselves Bombers?!?!?!?! Only later then he told me:"wah! like that you also believe me ah!" Freak man! Well! That's the problem with me! I always believe people damn easily one! So easily until I always get tricked! ARGHHHHH!

Today was quite okay? I managed to study geog after I came home from tuition for 3 hrs before leaving for my wai po jia. So it wasn't as bad as yesterday where I totally slacked man! Oh did I mentioned that I wanted to go for night studies last night when I couldn't find my house key! So I couldn't leave the house! I was searching high and low for it until I pass the time man! So I unpacked my stuffs and found it in between my damn books! Stupid man! Okay so yeah, the others played mahjong so my cousin and I went to Tiong Bahru Plaza to do some grocery shopping for his house. He treated me to coffeebean man!

That's about it man!

The first thing I wrote with it was your name.