I just found out just yesterday that my triple jump for nationals is just NEXT FRIDAY! Wahpiang! Freaking fast man! And what's worse is that there is no qualifying round! Just start finals! Oh me oh my. Speaking of which I have to go swimming later to help recover my hamstring. I pulled it since last friday and it's still hampering me until now.

I haven't been able to watch Wimbledon lately, cos I'm practically too busy. I think I shall try and watch from the quarter finals onwards since it's quite boring now. I went to stadium to buy my tennis grip yesterday and saw many many nice rackets and I want them all! Especially Nblade and Ntour2. I think I'm starting to have a fetish for tennis rackets now. HAHAHA! Hope I'm able to find time to play tennis soon again man.

Mr Tang really knows how to scare people you know. He was telling us how near the Os were and how fast it will come. He even drew some table so that we can see better exactly how much time we have left. So I counted and I have exactly 59 days from now to prelims and we have 115 days left to Os. OMG man! OH OH! I have my Chinese O Level Orals TOMORROW! Hope I don't die or what and that the passage is an easy one. I shall just go and try my very best. There's nothing much left for me to do now. Wish me luck and keep me in your prays man.

Oh when I heard today that monday is going to be a holiday cos of youth day, you can never imagine how happy I was man! I want more holidays! I want to play tennis and watch Transformers! WHO WANT TO JOIN ME!?!?!