[Song: Because of you-W-inds]

Today wasn't a really great day for me in terms of my jumps. I did a 5.1m man! So embarrassing! Like I used to be quite good? HHAHAH! My long jump is like going down down down, but my triple is getting better, so ironic right? Both should be improving! Oh wth man! Nvm, I'm only taking triple for nationals and I hope I can do a 13m tomorrow, which I pormised my coach. Shouldn't be that difficult since I spent most of mass today visualising my triple jump for tomorrow. HAHAHA!

Anyway I used my crumpler today even though I had no apparent need or reason to use it! HAHAHHA! I just felt like using it since I bought it yesterday. I spent a bomb yesterday! Nearly $200 okay! I collected my white jeans which I thought was a perfect fix and damn nice? I went to change my watch strap too. I didn't know that they change the casing too, so it's like new watch now. Cool man! Cos apparently for that model, the strap comes with the casing too.

I still haven't watch Ocean's thirteen and Zodiac. I wonder why no one wants to watch Ocean's Thirteen with me?! Must be cos I'm too ego. Actually many people asked me, by I rejected them. HAHAHA! My fault, my fault. Now I want to watch transformers! It's FREAKING COOL man! The Robots are damn nice, and I swear the Decepticons are cooler then the Autobots, especially Megatron!

Just now Blizzard Entertainment distracted me by sending me an e-mails about STARCRAFT II! HOW COOL IS THAT! I'm sooooooooooooooooo going to get that game when it releases! Shit Shit Shit! Only half the protoss section is up! The other races are not up yet! Must keep checking! Go check it out, I bet you will want it too! That's if you're a guy!
