I just found out just yesterday that my triple jump for nationals is just NEXT FRIDAY! Wahpiang! Freaking fast man! And what's worse is that there is no qualifying round! Just start finals! Oh me oh my. Speaking of which I have to go swimming later to help recover my hamstring. I pulled it since last friday and it's still hampering me until now.

I haven't been able to watch Wimbledon lately, cos I'm practically too busy. I think I shall try and watch from the quarter finals onwards since it's quite boring now. I went to stadium to buy my tennis grip yesterday and saw many many nice rackets and I want them all! Especially Nblade and Ntour2. I think I'm starting to have a fetish for tennis rackets now. HAHAHA! Hope I'm able to find time to play tennis soon again man.

Mr Tang really knows how to scare people you know. He was telling us how near the Os were and how fast it will come. He even drew some table so that we can see better exactly how much time we have left. So I counted and I have exactly 59 days from now to prelims and we have 115 days left to Os. OMG man! OH OH! I have my Chinese O Level Orals TOMORROW! Hope I don't die or what and that the passage is an easy one. I shall just go and try my very best. There's nothing much left for me to do now. Wish me luck and keep me in your prays man.

Oh when I heard today that monday is going to be a holiday cos of youth day, you can never imagine how happy I was man! I want more holidays! I want to play tennis and watch Transformers! WHO WANT TO JOIN ME!?!?!


I went to Hwa Chong just now to submit my DSA application and I must say it's really big and really deep in even though it's just the JC section. I think the enviroment there is really peacerful and nice. Thank God for this really nice and friendly teacher whom we met at the gate and she led us to the general office and gave us a mini tour of the school as well. If not for her, I bet I'll be lost like some fool wondering around. Makes me want to go there even though it's quite siao there.

This term for me is really going to be a killer. Yes, I repeat A KILLER! With everything moving very fast, there is still track for me and studies. It's going to be a very short term. I have to stay back in school almost every other day for some study session shit and even on some of the saturday morning! I want to sleep can! I mean you wake up so early everyday for 5 days, do you even want to go back that early on a saturday!?!?! I might just very well pon it. What can they do to me man! My only free day now on weekdays are thursday. I might reserve it for tennis or what ever I want to do. There are also like weekly tests going on now for certain subjects, especially maths. Nvm , I think it's for the better.

I checked with M1 yesterday and there is like 2 weeks left in my contract before I can upgrade to a new phone. Which means I still can't beat the GST hike for my LG Shine. Nvm, after that thn. I shall convince my father to buy it for me. What I shall try to do now is to convince my mom to buy me that very nice lacoste polo tee for me before the GST hike. HAHAHHA.

Anyway, Wimbledon just started yesterday and I shall try as much as I can to watch it even though I'm busy. And I'm also into my second day without eating recess! YES! HHAHAHAH!



I remembered that this time, this day, last year, I twisted my ankle really badly from soccer so much so that I couldn't walk properly, had to skip school the following day and go for an X-Ray. It swelled up really badly that it took 1 whole term, 10 weeks to recover. Consequently, it affected my nationals performance. To think that I jumped with my ankle like that was bad enough, and triple jump is one of the most stressful event in track and field as it puts alot of pressure on the body. Crazy! Anyway, I'm happy to say that I'm alright now and shall aim for my medal in the nationals. My hamstring are killing me by the way.

School is starting tomorrow and I HATE IT! I want more holidays. I think my life is about to get more systematic from now on. I have to balance mainly track and school, besides my other stuffs. I hope I can still find time to do my other things like play tennis or even my guitar. But yeah, for now it revolves around these 2 things. Hopefully I can cope with my work and all. I still have to make a trip down to Hwa Chong to submit my DSA application. Luckily it's on the way home. From now on until my nationals are over, I shall not eat recess anymore and hopefully force myself to go for a run. Yes, call me crazy.

Had my haircut just now which I have nothing to say about it. Then went down to queensway with my dad and his friend to the tennis shop there. Sad to say it's really small and they don't have much variety of rackets there. I was looking for this racket but it wasn't there. Boo them man. And I forgot to ask how much the Nblade racket cost. They don't even have the grip I wanted to get as my replacement for my racket. That's how bad they suck. Hahaha. Okay, I'm mean now. I have got to iron my uniforms and other clothes now.

School Sucks!


[Song: Tears in Heaven-Eric Clapton]

I went to submit my DSA for CJC just now. I don't really like that place there. It's old and shitty and the facilities there sucks. I'm just doing it cos my mom ask me to? I just hope my DSA to Hwa Chong goes through and they will accept me. Just left with the personal statement part that's all. Or or or maybe I should go poly? Haha, after reading yesterday's article about the 2 guys being accepted into medicine faculty. It really gave me hope even if I were to go poly. Study my shit off on one particular subject and do well in it rather than going to JC and study so many and be good in none at all. I shall see how.

I think my body is failing me. Or maybe I should start by giving it enough rest. I've been sleeping really late this holidays. It's physically tired. Training today really sucked. I felt damn neglected by my coach. Like what the hell man. I wanted to just packed up and go home. But I told myself it's better not too. I shall not say more into it. I just need to lose more weight and strengthen my legs. That should do it.

I want the new LG Shine! It's so so damn nice and shiny. Sometimes I think I'm quite like a girl man. I like shiny shiny little things. HAHAHA! They turn me on. Okay sounds wrong. But yeah I like shiny things. The screen is a mirror and the body is a full metel body. Solid man!

Okay, I'm tired. I shall go and take my nap now, before I shed more weight later.


I missed training today. I was feeling super tired when I woke up this. I felt as if I had no more energy in me to do anything anymore. So I decided to keep training and went back to sleep. Even now I still feel damn tired. I just want to sleep forever until I had enough of it and feel damn bloody energetic to do whatever I want. Maybe I shall do that tomorrow. I wonder if have enough energy to train on my own later.Plus I feel like I'm getting into a pretty bad shape lately. I just called Yvan just now to ask what they did for training and he said coach was very sad today cos I didn't go for training. Well, they all were. They thought that after my poor performance yesterday I gave up on track already. Haha, it's not that la, It's just that I'm really tired. I will go back on wednesday. I just need a break and let my body rest.

I shall spend the rest of my afternoon, quiet and alone to do my study for the whole day. Maybe a little bit of training to if I can. I feel quite empty now.

Bye now.
You know I think Bukit Gombak is really a jinx place for me. I swear it is man! Never once have I performed well there. NEVER! The very first time was the relays there way back in sec 2 and screwed up the chance of getting medal. I somehow think there is this connection with me and the Choa Chu Kang Stadium, I always perform better there. Somehow. I think it's time I start training using the 11m board and push myself further. So much for aiming for 13m. I didn't even hit 12m when I'm consistently hitting that during training. I'm sick and tired of it. I'm tired, really tired.

Attended Ric's birthday party just now. I spent like 2 hrs total in travel time just to get there to and fro cos he stays all the way at Pasir Ris! Like all the way from the west to the east. Nevermind, at least he's a friend worth going for. We played tennis and soccer before it got boring during the later part of the party due to all the different different cliques. Despite that, that food was really good, and I ate until I was freaking full! Shit man! And you are going to hear me complain that I'm FAT right now! Have to go running tmr!

Oh man, 1 week left of the holidays. I better start on all my holiday homework. I have been studying but I haven't actually started my homework. Speaking of which I have to rush to complete all my DSA applications by the end of the week. If not i'm dead meat. I shall just try to see how. I don't really care if I don't get it anyway. Judging from my track performance now, I might want to change CCA in JC. See how. I might just take up tennis.


[Song: Because of you-W-inds]

Today wasn't a really great day for me in terms of my jumps. I did a 5.1m man! So embarrassing! Like I used to be quite good? HHAHAH! My long jump is like going down down down, but my triple is getting better, so ironic right? Both should be improving! Oh wth man! Nvm, I'm only taking triple for nationals and I hope I can do a 13m tomorrow, which I pormised my coach. Shouldn't be that difficult since I spent most of mass today visualising my triple jump for tomorrow. HAHAHA!

Anyway I used my crumpler today even though I had no apparent need or reason to use it! HAHAHHA! I just felt like using it since I bought it yesterday. I spent a bomb yesterday! Nearly $200 okay! I collected my white jeans which I thought was a perfect fix and damn nice? I went to change my watch strap too. I didn't know that they change the casing too, so it's like new watch now. Cool man! Cos apparently for that model, the strap comes with the casing too.

I still haven't watch Ocean's thirteen and Zodiac. I wonder why no one wants to watch Ocean's Thirteen with me?! Must be cos I'm too ego. Actually many people asked me, by I rejected them. HAHAHA! My fault, my fault. Now I want to watch transformers! It's FREAKING COOL man! The Robots are damn nice, and I swear the Decepticons are cooler then the Autobots, especially Megatron!

Just now Blizzard Entertainment distracted me by sending me an e-mails about STARCRAFT II! HOW COOL IS THAT! I'm sooooooooooooooooo going to get that game when it releases! Shit Shit Shit! Only half the protoss section is up! The other races are not up yet! Must keep checking! Go check it out, I bet you will want it too! That's if you're a guy!



Dear Lord, please don't fuck things up for me now.

Okay, it's only the start of the post and I've been making many amendments to it, I can't type properly now. My fucking brain of mine has been fucking things up for me. Please let me forget the things I'm supposed to forget and let me remember the things I'm supposed to remember. I fucking hate it. Maybe I got scared, really scared. Maybe it's my attitude towards things that I should change.

I'm Sorry, cause I Love You.
So lets just forget everything,
and start all over again.


Well, I'm back from my track camp now and I must say it's quite a normal camp except that one night I very nearly died. I could have committed suicide okay! All thanks to my bloody stupid phone! I shall go change it straight away once my plan is done. Wouldn't say that I regretted going only that it took up my studying time. Oh well, nevermind, I shall continue today. But the thing is that I don't have training today and friday! Which we were supposed to have, so I have to make up for it myself. I want that medal for my triple jump, especially with only like 3-4 weeks left.

I'm really glad Nadal won Roland Garros. Makes me want to play more tennis. Now I miss my tennis due to the camp! Must try to play as much as I can this holiday. Speaking of which there's only 1 and a half week left! Bitch camp! Shit shit, need to rush my work already. And I shall try to use that to get my com back. Haha, Idiot mom. I want to watch Ocean's Thirteen! Who! Who?WHO? WHO! WHOOOOOOOO! WANT?! COME ON! I KNOW YOU WANT TO WATCH WITH ME! JUST SAY IT MAN!

Gym time.

Give me the chance.


[Song: Eyes of Forest-Rentrer en Soi]

I want to be free. I just feel like I'm really confined. So damn fucking restricted to do anything, even though I can do want I want most of the time. I somehow get the feeling that I don't know what I want in life. I freaking hate that fucking brain of mine. Like when I have made a decision, somehow I start worrying about other things. Things that go against my decision, things that make me doubt myself. Maybe I should stop thinking too much into the future, it just makes me worry and makes things worse. I should take things in my stride. There's just so much inside of me now. I'm starting to smash things around me.

I have to report tonight for my track camp. I think it's a super waste of my time since the juniors are carrying out most of the activities. It's not only that, the camp starts tomorrow and I'm being short changed of my studying. Nevermind, I shall just bring my books there and study, I don't care man. I bet this camp is not going to be as successful and as fun as the previous one. So I won't be like online for these few days until wednesday. Come to think of it, I pretty much hate the teacher in charge. Freaking biased. The relay team is going to lose this year and I mean it! He puts people in who are not even coming down regularly for training. Screw him man. Talking about it just makes me pissed.

I wonder if I should continue with track or should I just quit it. I've been watching Roland Garros this past week and it was the woman's finals last night. When Justine Henin won the match last night, it just made me want to play tennis and perhaps pursue a career in it? I mean how great is it to represent your country? Not that Singapore is great or anything like that, but I guess it's every athlete's wish to one day represent his or her country? Nevermind, I want my own raquet and I shall see how from there.

Bye now!

Set me free.


[Song: Help!-The Beatles]

Have you ever noticed that The Beatles songs are all very short and simple, yet they are fantastically nice? Their only long song is Hey Jude which is 7 mins. But then again, their songs are really nice. You can bury them in the ground and dig it up again next century and they still song as good. Their music never dies.

Holidays are really boring. I mean there is nothing much going on except for the fact that I'm playing tennis and it's fun! My stupid bitch mother expects me to study 8 hours a day! So unreasonable! Which person studies 8 hours a day, unless it's like near exam period? Crazy ass. The most i'm doing is 6! She can go and burn in hell. She's is a bloody workaholic that's why!

Training are going to get intensive and I love it. My last and final year. I bet I will be so damn lost after my season is over. I love running, I love jumping. It's what I do best at. The track is like my second home and I don't want to stop. I want to get a medal! At least that's what I hope for.

Got to go now.


The weather pretty much pissed me today. It was about the end of school and it started to rain! DAMN IT! I wanted to train to badly! and not only that I had to wait in school for about an hour before the rain stop? School was you could say pretty good. I think Miss Ong is a really good teacher. She is very patient and clear when it comes to teaching. Thankfully for her, I managed to action and teach the class one question. HAHA! If not for her, I won't have been some idiot, totally lost.

Anyway I was just reminded by my friends about the GST hike next month. Which is a good thing! Now I have a good excuse and ask my parents to buy my things for me before the GST hike. Plus the Great Singapore Sale is on, so it's even better to buy now. Hopefully they will agree to me, then I can get my bag and soccer shoes and what's not. Now you can go and tell your parents that too.
[Song: Dosed-Red Hot Chilli Peppers]

This song is love man! The starting is so peaceful! Love it!

So i woke up super super moody today, brought it along with me from last night. Kinda stupid right? I had a super hard time deciding whether or not I should go out. Took a super long time to convince myself to do so. Caught Pirates of the Carribean and I have to say it wasn't as good as the previous one, neither was it as funny. It kept jumping here and there and I couldn't really make up what the story was about. It was dull and boring, I even dosed off twice! But that's maybe cos of my medication that I took which cause drowsiness. Even in the bus on my way there, I kept dosing off, but never actually slept! Nevermind, Zodiac and Ocean Thirteen next! I want to watch the marathon for Ocean! Eleven and Twelve as well! I think the people in the show are really sexy. If you know what i mean. There's something about them.

I was watching Roland Garros jump now and it made me WANT TO PLAY TENNIS NOW! I can't wait anymore! Anyone? I'm for Sharapova and Nadal for their respective titles. I think the william sisters are super sick and disgusting! They are like a man! Bet if I were to stand beside them, I can be the dwarf and my Dad was like:"Wahlao, how to rape them man! Man see them also scared ah!" Hahaha, so true, and I think that girls that play tennis are sexy! HHAHAHHA! With many exceptions of course! I JUST WANT TO PLAY TENNIS!

School tomorrow!
Goodnight now!