[Song: INCREASE BLUE- Dir en grey]

I really don't know how dumb I can get. Remember me saying that my MP3 was spoilt? Guess what? It's not at all! Yesterday, I decided to just try turning it on again. So I just grab some battery and it turned on! Haha. The last time I tried, i kept using the batteries that were flat and i kept thinking they were new! Argh! Stupid me. Anyway, thats besides the point. I'm so happy that I found out my MP3 is working! haha. I seriously need music.

Anyway, I think our class was very well behave today for a Friday. Unusually strange. Normally everyone would be very noisy and energetic. Maybe it's the FYEs. Oh, and Zachary asked my why I'm so guai today. hahaha. Don't ask me. I don't know too. I just felt like being quiet today. I think sitting without joining tables is much better. The whole class is more well-behaved. Oh and during the end of the day, I don't know for what reason, I felt restless and disorientated. Oh and I think that my house captian really shouldn't be house captain. It's not only me that thinks that way, everybody does too. There are like so many others that can be a better one than him, but i dunno why he has to be. I bet he suck up or something. The vice-captian too. Anyway, I couldn't care less about it.


