Have fun. c,")

1)Spell your first name backwards: naitsabes, hmmm...
2)The story behind your msn name: PSYCHEDELIC, many many things.
3)Where do you live?: bukit batok

1)Wallet: Fat, Deep Brown
2)Pillow cover: White and Deep Brown also.
3)Coffee cup: White and Dark Blue
4)Favorite pants: baggy
5)Whats in your stereo right now: I don't have one
6)What you are wearing now: Pyjamas
7)Hair: Short and nice
8)What's in your head??: HER
9)Talking to: singing to myself
10)Some of your favorite movies: hmmm...quite a few
11)Do you like incense: Not really
12)Do you believe in love: Yup
13)Do you believe in soul mates: Yup
14)Do you believe in love at first sight?: Don't think so.
15)Do you believe in forgiveness: Of course.
16)What's something you wish you could understand better: Studies
17)Who havent you seen for a long time?: HER
18)Hair length: Short
19)Birthday: 7th January.
20)Star Sign: Capricorn
21)Siblings: Spastic
22)Left or right handed: right.
23)Hair color: Brown
24)Eye colour: Brown.
25)Shoe size: 9-10
26)Full name: Sebastian Wong Wei Han
27)Nicknames: Seb, Sebas, Sebby, Besty Balls, Seabass, Sebastard, Bastard, Bas, Sebitarian, Selesbian.
28)Email address: Stupid question.
29)Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend: For me to know and for you to find out.
30)Ever liked a teacher: Nope
31)Do you do drugs: Nope
32)What kind of shampoo do you use: Dove
33)What are you most scared of: hmm...a few things.
34)What are you listening to right now: Clever Sleazoid-Dir En Grey
35)What car do you wish to have: Lamborghini
36)Where do you want to get married?: Paris...Milan? Not sure.
37)How many messenger buddies: Very little thats all.

1)Colour: WHITE
2)What's your fav food: Alot.
3)What's your fav subjects in school: Maths
4)What's your fav animal: Dog?
5)What's your fav sport: Track and Field and Soccer.
6)Given anyone a bath?: myself
7)Bungee jumped: Nope, dreamt about it
8)Broken the law?: Of course! Everybody has done it too. Jay-walking.
9)made yourself throw-up: Yes, during training.
10)Ran into a glass door?: Nope
11)Gone skinny dipping: Nope
12)Made yourself cry to get out of trouble: not my style.
13)nearly hit by a car: Yup
14)Gotten Drunk?: nope.
15)Ever killed anything: I bet everyone has done it.
16)Laugh so hard u peed in ur pants: nope
17)Got arrested?: nope

{Fill this out bout ur dream bf/gf}
1)skirt or pants or shorts: Anything will look nice on HER
2)Tall or Short: THAT HEIGHT
3)Long Hair or Short: THAT LENGTH
4)Body or Personality: Personality
5)Good/Bad: Just HER
6)Hair Up or Down: What's this suppose to mean?
7)Sporty or Classy: Both. Like wear a dress together with shoes, wah nice!
8)Chicken or Not Afraid: Being Herself
9)older or younger than you: hmm...

{out of random}
1)Do you like filling these out?: So-so, quite fun.
2)How many people are you sending this to?: Don't know
3)How many people will send this back?: Don't know also
4)What was the last film you saw at the movies: Click i think? Sucks
5)R u still a virgin?: Don't know also. hahaha
6)Best friend or friends that stand out: Many GOOD friends
7)Sexiest friend: Me, Myself and I
8)Funniest friend: Yvan and Jeremiah
9)Smartest friend: Leslie
10)Blondest friend: Not that i know of
11)Shyest friend: I'm sure there is someone, but i can't remember who.
12)Cutest friend: Michael
13)quiet friend: A few.
14)Nicest friend: HER
15)Most talented friend : Everyone has their own talent.
16)Who do u get advice from: HER
17)Most desperate friend: Jasmine, hahaha

1)Cried: nope
2)Bought something: Macs
3)gotten sick : nope
4)Done anything illegal: nope
5)Eaten: Yup!
6)Met someone new: Don't think so
7)Fought with your parents: nope
8)Dreamed about someone you can't be with: Yup! HER
9)Would you rather be with friends or on a date: Both are nice.
10)Where is the best hangout: My Room?
11)Do you have a job: nope
12)Who have you known the longest out of Best friends: Not sure
13)Who do you argue the most with: I don't like to argue. Unhealthy.
14)Who do you always get along with?: Quite alot
15)Who do you chat the most to?: Depends

Feel free to do this if you want. I was suppose to circulate this through e-mail, but i too lazy to do so.

Hey 15 year old ugly queen.
Study hard too and do well.
Hope everything goes into your head.
Stop eating!
Later I get into trouble again ah!
No funny lor!
All the best!