[Song: Clever Sleazoid-Dir En Grey]

This song is nice. But i doubt many people will know how to appreciate it.

Not many went to church today apparently cause they "want to study". Like sure ah! What difference will a few hours make? Okay, quite alot actually. Haha. But I bet they will be sleeping. Class today was different due to some mini-funfair they had in the hall so we couldn't use it. So lesson today was quite crap la. Oh thanks Gen for helping me copy down the things on the board into my journal! But since when are you so kind? How come suddenly offer to help me ah? Haha. But thats what you got work for if you want free sundae from me!

Came back, study, soccer and study again. Oh and something really stupid happened during soccer today. The uncle was clearing the ball but he cleared it out of the court and it hit some woman head who was playing tennis on the other court. She is super unreasonable. Not only did she not accept our apology, she still wanted to find fault with us. Luckily she left after that.

Nothing much really happened today. I shall touch the com anymore after this until maybe the FYE are over. I want to get promoted to sec 4 and not drop any subjects! I know i can do it! I want to do well. So can you Jasmine! Since you wanted me to say something encouraging to you in my blog. There you go! Haha!

bye bye bye!

Opposite Attracts