[Song: INCREASE BLUE- Dir en grey]

I really don't know how dumb I can get. Remember me saying that my MP3 was spoilt? Guess what? It's not at all! Yesterday, I decided to just try turning it on again. So I just grab some battery and it turned on! Haha. The last time I tried, i kept using the batteries that were flat and i kept thinking they were new! Argh! Stupid me. Anyway, thats besides the point. I'm so happy that I found out my MP3 is working! haha. I seriously need music.

Anyway, I think our class was very well behave today for a Friday. Unusually strange. Normally everyone would be very noisy and energetic. Maybe it's the FYEs. Oh, and Zachary asked my why I'm so guai today. hahaha. Don't ask me. I don't know too. I just felt like being quiet today. I think sitting without joining tables is much better. The whole class is more well-behaved. Oh and during the end of the day, I don't know for what reason, I felt restless and disorientated. Oh and I think that my house captian really shouldn't be house captain. It's not only me that thinks that way, everybody does too. There are like so many others that can be a better one than him, but i dunno why he has to be. I bet he suck up or something. The vice-captian too. Anyway, I couldn't care less about it.





English paper today.
Not too bad i guess.
Hope i don't fail and get retain. Haha.

I'm saying it because I mean it.


Yay! I just bought my White DC* belt. Coolness.

Things that i currently want now:
1) Motorola Razr V3i Dolce & Gabbana Edition
2) Adidas "Formation" Tights
3) That really nice Fossil Shades
4) Orange and Black Adidas Original Jacket

there are many other things too, but these are the main ones now.

Jon Leong lost, so sad. 40% difference! Thats alot. I think even if i had voted, it wouldn't make much of a difference.

Anyway, English Paper tomorrow.
Wish me luck yeah!


Don't worry too much, I know you can do well.


Have fun. c,")

1)Spell your first name backwards: naitsabes, hmmm...
2)The story behind your msn name: PSYCHEDELIC, many many things.
3)Where do you live?: bukit batok

1)Wallet: Fat, Deep Brown
2)Pillow cover: White and Deep Brown also.
3)Coffee cup: White and Dark Blue
4)Favorite pants: baggy
5)Whats in your stereo right now: I don't have one
6)What you are wearing now: Pyjamas
7)Hair: Short and nice
8)What's in your head??: HER
9)Talking to: singing to myself
10)Some of your favorite movies: hmmm...quite a few
11)Do you like incense: Not really
12)Do you believe in love: Yup
13)Do you believe in soul mates: Yup
14)Do you believe in love at first sight?: Don't think so.
15)Do you believe in forgiveness: Of course.
16)What's something you wish you could understand better: Studies
17)Who havent you seen for a long time?: HER
18)Hair length: Short
19)Birthday: 7th January.
20)Star Sign: Capricorn
21)Siblings: Spastic
22)Left or right handed: right.
23)Hair color: Brown
24)Eye colour: Brown.
25)Shoe size: 9-10
26)Full name: Sebastian Wong Wei Han
27)Nicknames: Seb, Sebas, Sebby, Besty Balls, Seabass, Sebastard, Bastard, Bas, Sebitarian, Selesbian.
28)Email address: Stupid question.
29)Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend: For me to know and for you to find out.
30)Ever liked a teacher: Nope
31)Do you do drugs: Nope
32)What kind of shampoo do you use: Dove
33)What are you most scared of: hmm...a few things.
34)What are you listening to right now: Clever Sleazoid-Dir En Grey
35)What car do you wish to have: Lamborghini
36)Where do you want to get married?: Paris...Milan? Not sure.
37)How many messenger buddies: Very little thats all.

1)Colour: WHITE
2)What's your fav food: Alot.
3)What's your fav subjects in school: Maths
4)What's your fav animal: Dog?
5)What's your fav sport: Track and Field and Soccer.
6)Given anyone a bath?: myself
7)Bungee jumped: Nope, dreamt about it
8)Broken the law?: Of course! Everybody has done it too. Jay-walking.
9)made yourself throw-up: Yes, during training.
10)Ran into a glass door?: Nope
11)Gone skinny dipping: Nope
12)Made yourself cry to get out of trouble: not my style.
13)nearly hit by a car: Yup
14)Gotten Drunk?: nope.
15)Ever killed anything: I bet everyone has done it.
16)Laugh so hard u peed in ur pants: nope
17)Got arrested?: nope

{Fill this out bout ur dream bf/gf}
1)skirt or pants or shorts: Anything will look nice on HER
2)Tall or Short: THAT HEIGHT
3)Long Hair or Short: THAT LENGTH
4)Body or Personality: Personality
5)Good/Bad: Just HER
6)Hair Up or Down: What's this suppose to mean?
7)Sporty or Classy: Both. Like wear a dress together with shoes, wah nice!
8)Chicken or Not Afraid: Being Herself
9)older or younger than you: hmm...

{out of random}
1)Do you like filling these out?: So-so, quite fun.
2)How many people are you sending this to?: Don't know
3)How many people will send this back?: Don't know also
4)What was the last film you saw at the movies: Click i think? Sucks
5)R u still a virgin?: Don't know also. hahaha
6)Best friend or friends that stand out: Many GOOD friends
7)Sexiest friend: Me, Myself and I
8)Funniest friend: Yvan and Jeremiah
9)Smartest friend: Leslie
10)Blondest friend: Not that i know of
11)Shyest friend: I'm sure there is someone, but i can't remember who.
12)Cutest friend: Michael
13)quiet friend: A few.
14)Nicest friend: HER
15)Most talented friend : Everyone has their own talent.
16)Who do u get advice from: HER
17)Most desperate friend: Jasmine, hahaha

1)Cried: nope
2)Bought something: Macs
3)gotten sick : nope
4)Done anything illegal: nope
5)Eaten: Yup!
6)Met someone new: Don't think so
7)Fought with your parents: nope
8)Dreamed about someone you can't be with: Yup! HER
9)Would you rather be with friends or on a date: Both are nice.
10)Where is the best hangout: My Room?
11)Do you have a job: nope
12)Who have you known the longest out of Best friends: Not sure
13)Who do you argue the most with: I don't like to argue. Unhealthy.
14)Who do you always get along with?: Quite alot
15)Who do you chat the most to?: Depends

Feel free to do this if you want. I was suppose to circulate this through e-mail, but i too lazy to do so.

Hey 15 year old ugly queen.
Study hard too and do well.
Hope everything goes into your head.
Stop eating!
Later I get into trouble again ah!
No funny lor!
All the best!


[Song: Clever Sleazoid-Dir En Grey]

This song is nice. But i doubt many people will know how to appreciate it.

Not many went to church today apparently cause they "want to study". Like sure ah! What difference will a few hours make? Okay, quite alot actually. Haha. But I bet they will be sleeping. Class today was different due to some mini-funfair they had in the hall so we couldn't use it. So lesson today was quite crap la. Oh thanks Gen for helping me copy down the things on the board into my journal! But since when are you so kind? How come suddenly offer to help me ah? Haha. But thats what you got work for if you want free sundae from me!

Came back, study, soccer and study again. Oh and something really stupid happened during soccer today. The uncle was clearing the ball but he cleared it out of the court and it hit some woman head who was playing tennis on the other court. She is super unreasonable. Not only did she not accept our apology, she still wanted to find fault with us. Luckily she left after that.

Nothing much really happened today. I shall touch the com anymore after this until maybe the FYE are over. I want to get promoted to sec 4 and not drop any subjects! I know i can do it! I want to do well. So can you Jasmine! Since you wanted me to say something encouraging to you in my blog. There you go! Haha!

bye bye bye!

Opposite Attracts


[Song: Crystal Ball-Keane]

who is the man i see
where i'm supposed to be?
i lost my heart, i buried it too deep
under the iron sea

oh, crystal ball, crystal ball
save us all, tell me life is beautiful
mirror, mirror on the wall

lines ever more unclear
i'm not sure i'm even here
the more i look the more i think that i'm
starting to disappear

oh, crystal ball, crystal ball
save us all, tell me life is beautiful
mirror, mirror on the wall
oh, crystal ball, hear my song
i'm fading out, everything i know is wrong
so put me where i belong

i don't where i am
and i don't really care
i look myself in eye
there's no one there
i fall upon the earth
i call upon the air
but all i get is the same old vacant stare

oh, crystal ball, crystal ball
save us all, tell me life is beautiful
mirror, mirror on the wall
oh, crystal ball, hear my song
i'm fading out, everything i know is wrong
so put me where i belong

I think this song can be used to be as a literature prose. This song really reflects how everyone is feeling now i think. With FYE coming, relationship problems, family problems, stress...... The Crystal ball is like God right? Like everything is in his hands and all.

Okay, so i didn't get any tickets for the Singapore Idol concert. Nvm, i think even if i get it i would not be able to go, especially monday night. Quite alot of other people got it la. Actually i put my name yesterday for fun only, if i get it then i get it, if i don't thn it's okay.

11 days left to FYE. Depressing right? Try counting the numbers of days left to hoildays instead. You will feel better. It's only 33 days to holidays! So study hard now and thn you get to enjoy 33 days later. My tuition set the same challenge to me, so i guess study really hard for thosen subjects that have a fixed answer, like maths, physics, chem... and I can use them to pull up my overall percentage. Not like subject such as, Geog, English, chinese...

Oh and I heard from Zachary that he heard from Gladys that all the Motorola V3i Dolce and Gabbana Edition phones are sold-out in the world already. Apparently, they only made 1000 for the WHOLE WORLD! and so many people wants it! Like the ratio is sooooooooooooooo different. I hope they will make more of them, cos they are on very high demand. I wanted to get it during the holidays, but I'm also not too sure if they are really sold out. Go check around first.

RG Tremolo 350DX
Les Paul

Thank you Crystal Ball,
for her.


Today in school was quite a good day for me. At least Mr Sirhan let me off. Thanks Mr Sirhan. Actually he is quite a nice teacher if you don't get into trouble, if not you die already. Confirm.

I think is shall blog again tomorrow, if there is anything to blog about that is. Oh, and my school is giving out tickets to the Singapore Idol Final. If I get it, i don't know what I'm going to do with it. Haha. There is tickets for either, Sunday-which is the performance and Monday-which is the results day. If I get the monday one, i will give it away. If i get the Sunday one, i may give it away or if i can get another one thn......

It's so cool.
Nice, clean finish.



Sometimes, you are at the wrong place at the wrong time, and you get into trouble cos of it. Just a matter of unluckiness, from one problem that leads to one to another one. If i wasn't even there, i bet i wouldn't be into trouble now. People who are extra, shouldn't stay around. They should go home and prevent people from getting into trouble.

Thank you for being there for me when I needed you most.
Thank you for you.


I'm seriously in serious trouble now. Never have I gotten into trouble like this. I think this is the worst day of my entire 15 years alive. This blog has seriously gotten me into trouble. I may even think of closing down my blog.

I'm sorry Mr Sirhan and Miss Lee.
I know that I have let you down.
I am truly sorry for it and i regret it now.


Spent the whole day studying today. Nothing much really happened. Oh and i think my dad is sick. He got like diarrhoea and was vomitting quite badly. But i think he's alright now.

Rayshall and Ryan!

I have no idea why Ryan always smiles like that!

When to my grandma's house and took photos with my oh-so-cute cousin. When i came, Rayshall said something damn funny. "Hello Sebastian Jie Jie!" I was like "Huh!, what did you say?!" Thn she "oh sorry, Sebastian Kor Kor. I say wrongly." Hahahaha.

Okay, Goodnight!

Praise & Worship tomorrow in church! Woohoo!

I miss the COOL KIDS GANG!


School was quite slack and fun today, with it being friday. I think the weather was really nice for the whole day, except that it was quite cold after it rained. It was really fun when it was raining, with all the strong wind and stuffs. Sliding on the floor while chasing Issac, pushing people around on the slippery floor. Haha. We just kept joking in class all day today, playing stupid and i mean really STUPID logic game which requires no logic at all. Haha. Like the ERMMMM game, Black magic and other games along the same line. Super spastic la. Played it with our teacher until she finally got it. Haha. Just damn funny. Issac acting of Aaron Goh and Ellen Woo are spastically funny and accurate too! Hahaha!

Sirhan wasn't in school today. He was on leave for his sore eyes which we already noticed yesterday. So we just left our reflections on his table which i think he will read on monday. At least over this weekend, we don't have to worry about it. Haha. I couldn't be bothered about it anymore.

The MacRitchie ran for all the sec 3 Track and Field leaders was also cancelled due to the rain and to the late timing. So it was postponed.



MY STUPID MP3 IS SPOILT! For I don't know what reason. The last time i on it to listen to Lenny Kravitz, Are you gonna go my way it was still okay. Thn a few minutes later i tried turning it on but it wouldn't turn on! Like... Suddenly like that. Stupid Shit. Now must go back to the International Business Park again and get it repaired.

OH and Singapore Idol, Jasmine Tye OUT! YES! Like sooooooooo expected. I bet she expected it as well. Oh and i just found out today that she is my classmate's cousin. My Teacher was like asking so you think is going to go out today? Thn i answer loudly: JASMINE! Thn Zachary was like don't say so loud. She Joel Teh's cousin. OHHHHHH. Haha. Shall many many SJI people in the background. Everyone always like to cheong to the Office and get tickets. I may want to go the Finals cos it's at National Indoor Stadium the stage and all will be better than the one now. If you give me the tickets for the normal ones, i would give it away. I mean just compare la. American Idol the stage is sooooooooooooooo freaking big and nice and all, plus they have a live band. Singapore Idol stage is small, crap and they play the music from a tape...Like WTF! Jonathan Leong is sooooooooooooooooooooo going to win Singapore Idol. If you look the marketing point of view, more likely than Jon is going to win. Cos my sister was learning marketing than her marketing teacher who also want Jon to win said that they cannot possibly let another Malay win right? If not he will be almost like Taufik and the most they can push him to is Malaysia and Indonesia. If Jon wins, which i think he will, he can go to Taiwan or china, where the market is also bigger. So i mean more likely Jon will win right?

Chem SPA today, quite okay i guess. Not that difficult.


Oh and I think almost all the SJI guys are getting depressed too.
Oh and just now Jit Yong and I went to popular at Jurong East and we just spammed stuffs that we wanted to buy and my stuffs came up to $43! HAHA! Superbly Retarded. Met Brendan on the way home.



[Song: Who I've Am Hates Who I've Been-Relient K]

Sometimes don't you just feel that you really hates who you have been in the past. Like maybe you were a jerk, a bastard or something like that. The things you have done wrong, those you hurt, and maybe those fights with your friends and parents that you wished you never had.

Anyway, something really serious happened in my class today after school. We were waiting in class for our oral to start, and suddenly Kenneth walks in with a long piece of toilet paper. He off the fan, tied a knot at one end and hang it on one of the blades of the fan. Thn on it again. The effect was something like those spiral thing spinning around. Quite fun actually. Thn they started throwing water bottle at the fan so the fan will hit it and propel it like some really dangerous thing flying around. So I hid under the teacher's table and suddenly some stupid black shit stealth guy, who thinks he is damn stealth in the day came in and asked us to stay in class. He was some guy from the facilities department. Thn started to call the facilities manager who thn called Sirhan in. Like we knew we were in deep shit already. So Sirhan came and like asked each of us, who hang the toilet paper on the fan. So all of us denied it. So when he asked who was it, thn we said kenneth. So this being no the first time Kenneth has gotten into trouble with Sirhan, Sirhan started shouting at him all. Thn Kenneth started crying, like seriously not funny la when Sirhan scolds people. Damn scary. When he started shouted at Kenneth, my balls like started to shrink la. Really not funny. But later it was okay already cos he only targetted at Kenneth cos he was the one who started it. Okay later more things happened, long story.

Luckily the rest of us didn't get into trouble la, at least not me, cos i didn't do anything. The others who left before the stupid stealth guy came may get into trouble tomorrow. I don't know la. I thought I could get into trouble cos I was one of the Class Community members in class and i allow this to happen. But luckily he never said much, he just told me not to let Kenneth do stupid things again.

Oh and chinese oral! The reading the passage part was good, but the conversation part i think i die already. So many words i don't know how to say la. But i think overall all should be quite okay.

You are not a selfish bitch,
Neither are you mean to me,
Neither did you mistreat me,
Neither did you give me attitude,
Neither did you waste my time,
Neither do you owe me anything,
Neither do you need to make it up to me.
So please don't hate yourself,
and don't be sorry.

You're only the best I ever had.


I'm feeling quite agitated plus I'm quite tired now. I really hate school now. I see my parents now exactly the same way Aloysius sees his parents. They are just people that I have to please on the way to get on with my life. They expect alot from me. Maybe it's just due to the FYE that they are acting like that.

Oh and I have Chinese Oral tomorrow. DIE! Wish me luck!
I'm feeling really down now.

Lord please give me the Wisdom,

I'm caught in between now.

Time will heal all wounds.


Sorry for not blogging lately. I've been really lazy to do so. Yup! So on Friday, my church friends came over to my house as they suggested. Met at 10 at Macs. Surprising, I was the 3rd one there. I still thought everyone would already reached. Waited like super duper long for Anthony before deciding to leave for my house first. Played Fifa which Rachel got addicted to! Haha. Next time come again la, I let you play. The others slept on my bed and mess it all up while others hogged my com. Waited until Amanda came before leaving to West Mall for our late lunch. Arcade later, which i lost in both Air Hockey game to Gen. Haha. Foosball wasn't as fun as the last time we played it. But i still owned at Daytona and The Star Wars Pod Racer. Haha! Nicholas was trying to look for the new Jay Chou album which was suppose to be release on that day but to no avail.

Came back where everybody was in my room where we off the lights and tried to squeeze on my tiny bed. Haha. I was like pinned to my corner of my bed and everyone was lying on me! ARGH! Nvm, can relac one corner! haha. Ate alot of dinner which we could not finish and later played tennis and abit of soccer. Can you believe the girls want to actually learn how to do tricks and all when they don't even know how to kick a ball properly! Haha. Nvm la, can teach them. Then it started to rain...shit! So we ended up watching white chicks until around 11.30 before all of them had to go. Quite fun actually.

I doubt i will have that much fun anymore from now until the Final Year Exams are over. I really have to study for it. So i will using the computer less now. Like maybe i will only use it every Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays. I may also blog occasionally when i feel like it. So yeah... thats about all .



[Song: It's You-Ryan Cabrera]

I'm really tired now. After all the soccer i played just now. I should really sleep and sleep early the next few days. After all that late night sleeping. My body is physically tired, but my mind isn't. So i shall turn in soon. My body needs the rest.

So i got my com back today. I sent it to Acer for servicing. I changed my HDD from a 20G to 40G. Thn changed my crack casing cover and upload a new windows. So now, it's pretty much a new com! Hahaha, bet you are jealous! With your com getting screwed up all! Now, whats left is that I have to find the port where i can put and old hard disk in and transfer all my files. So there is like very little things in my com now.

Cheer up man! Don't let the stupid bitch get in your way. Just forget about it, do want you want. Let go of you bad memories and keep the good ones!



[Song: Paradise City-Guns 'N' Roses]

This song just keep getting better and better each time i hear it. No wonder why Victor likes it so much. I had this song for so long in my com but i never listened to it until lately. Haha! How dumb can i get huh?

Stayed at home the whole day and i realised how much rubbish i can eat when it comes to holidays! Actually Leslie asked me to go out but i told him i didn't want to, cos i have been going out quite often lately, so must try not to. Later my parents scold. Haha. So played Fifa 06, played com, listen to music, had tuition. Nothing else.

Oh just now the church people were all discussing on msn what to do on this coming friday. We had a few plans.

Gen's idea! Go marina and fly kite and have a picnic there.

Jas's Idea! haha, Sun, Sand and Sea! Swimming, tanning, beach soccer, explore Sentosa...

Haha! Whose idea ah! Oh ya, it's Gen's and Jas's idea! They la! Go Seb's house, go seb's house. Can go Aloy's house to jam first thn come my house. Can play Xbox and com, swimming, tanning, soccer and many other things. Thn BBQ for dinner at night. Star Gazing at the roof, if it's unlock. (Going to check tmr!) Haha!

Erm....I have never been to those places before! Haha, what a loser i am man. Everytime, my friends ask me to go, i won't go cos I'm lazy to travel so far and it's so far away! Haha.

My idea actually. Go watch the new show by the Wayan brothers. Thn go Wheelock for Ice Cream. Thn dunno do want already... Haha, play what Town catching! Haha, Anthony's idea.

So far i have 5 votes for my house. Haha, why my house?! Why! Tell me whyyyyy! Nicholas desperately wants to go my house, cos he's gay! haha, no la, he say "Eh, go your house please. I need somewhere where got bed", "It's the only place with no sun. Make them go pleaseeeee, I need to sleep". Haha, he ah! i tell you. So now it looks like they are coming my house. No choice, majority vote. Argh! So we shall see how then.

Oh and it's sad how Steve Irwin is gone just like that. The World has lost one really great man. He documentaries were great! Just exciting. I hope Animal Planet shows more of his documentaries as tribute to him so i can watch. I loved his shows. We really should show respect him and give him a moment of silence.

Bye byE!


[Song: Come on, Come In-Velvet Revolver]

Woke up late today, around 12p.m. I felt quite anxious cos I thought i was quite late for the church outing. Haha. Later it was okie la, when i found out they were still there. So bathed, changed, eat abit for lunch. Thn meet the others at church. Went to town eat pastamania again! Their suggestion ah! Not mine! Al funghi is nice! First time i tried it. No wonder Victor likes it. Oh and something very suay happened after that. That Fat Ass Zachary had to walk in my direction and spoil my whole view. Argh! He thinks that he's slim la, but in actual fact he's still the same! HA! Take that Zachary! How you like that! Aloy was like:"Ohhhhhhhhhhh, Zacharyyyyyyyy!" Then we all immediately all bow our heads down, trying to head our faces. But i think all our reaction were to obvious already. Cos he saw us. Damn! Plus look at the way he dresses to town. OMG la, bloody disgraceful. He asked me if i'm free on wednesday cos he ask me to go to his house warming, but i bluff him by saying that i may have training. Haha.

Anyway i don't want to talk about him anymore. He makes me puke. Seriously, I don't know who likes him la. So we wanted to watch movie but Aloy and Gen had to be home early. So we went to play arcade instead. Daytona, soccer and Air hockey. Daytona was fun, been a long time since i played it. Actually, not only Daytona, basically arcade. Air hockey, i was at the losing end for both games. Gen and Me lost 9-10 to Kelly and Anthony. Thn Anthony and me lost 9-10 again to Kelly and Brendan. Soccer also! Nicholas and Me lost twice to Anthony and Kelly and Brendan. Anthony plays like he always hang out in arcade after school everyday. Haha. Went to Nike later, before going to Island Creamery at Serene Centre. The Ice Cream there was not bad la, but not the best I have tasted. I think the one at wheelock is nicer. Gen! You should try the ice cream from there too! Later Jasmine and Amanda joined us too, but only for a while, cos they were going town to watch movie. Kelly asked me to join them, but i didn't want to, cos partly i was lazy to go and i also wanted to play soccer. Haha. Soccer comes first Jas!



[Song: Creep-Stone Temple Pilots]

Went for the Stealth(Banglah) Night in church today. It was really really fun. Dancing, drinking, playing with small kids all. The small kids were quite fun to play with, but there was this boy who turned out really freaky. As in really freaky and prevertic. He asked me to follow him thn he told me "I Love You". Like WTHeaven! OMG, crazy la. When i heard that i thinking okieeee...this boy is weird and i must siam from him. Thn he went to grab R1 or R2 butt. Thn he also tried to do the same thing to Timo as he did to me. But luckily Timo didn't follow him. We were all afraid of him. From everyone playing with him to everyone being afraid of him. Anyway, enough of that. The whole thing was really fun. The Banglah songs played and performance was really nice. Even all some of the fathers were dancing with us!

Later went to the nearby playground to hang around. Only those who stayed nearby came. Played and talk about many many things which i forgot about already. Oh and maybe we are going out tomorrow. But everyone is like want to go dun want to go. Everyone is like if got people go thn i go. Like that everyone just go la! Haha.



[Song: She Is-Clazziquai]

This song is from My Lovely Kim Samsoon. So if you guys want this song, you can get it from me.

Anyway, My dad brought me to Clarke Quay just now to watch "Blues Machine", a live band at Crazy Elephant. They played Rock 'N' Roll and Blues. Very very nice i must say. Jon Chin who is the co-owner of the pub was playing the electric Guitar in the band. He is like WAH! Super pro. My dad knows him. His hair is cool too. Like those 70s hairdo. He makes me want to learn the electric guitar more. My dad who used to play the guitar when he was younger too said he is good too. Only thing not very good there is that they allow people to smoke there. But at least it is semi-open air and not alot of people smoke there. But thn again, it's annoying when people smoke. There were like 3 ang mohs beside us and 2 of them were smoking Cigars and the smell is very different. It smells like burn plastic. Haha. When i went to the gents, my dad politely told them to stop smoking for awhile cos I'm young and have asthma before. So they were understanding and stop smoking. Hanged around until like 11.30p.m before leaving. Bought Hor fun for supper on the way back.

Thats basically all there is to it. I WANT TO LEARN ELECTRIC GUITAR!

Bye bye!


[Song: Spectacle-Velvet Revolver]

Since I'm not going out today, i shall stay at home a rot. Maybe I shall do abit of my holiday assignment. I planned to clean all my 14 pairs of shoes, complete my 2nd Season of Fifa 06 as Manager of Villareal and try to cheong My Lovely Kim Samsoon today.

Bill and Jit Yong were supposed to come today. But my fucking sis was not happy when she heard they are coming. She say what how is she going to do all the house work all. Stupid la she. So i told them not to come today. Come next week.

I Shall go and eat my late late lunch now!

Saiyonara! (Or however you spell it) Haha!