[Song: No Hay Problema-Pink Martini]

I was watching American Next Top Model yesterday and stupid Danielle won. Argh! Joanie should have won! Nvm, even I already knew Danielle won before the show, I will still love Joanie. Haha. Jade is the worst ah! So egoistic, full of herself.

Anyhow, the church retreat on Sunday was fun. Haha, especially those games, praise and worship and many other things. And today they made us buy balloons to practice at home for the Kuching trip, which I don't even think i'm going to. Waste money man, some more they want us to buy pumps for the damn balloons. Argh! Nvm, forget it. I think I shall go to Kuching and make bumble bees with Gene cos thats all i know. Haha.

Tomorrow, there is this sports conference which I seriously think I'm just going to die! It's from 8am to 5pm! Wah! I'm not that sort of person who can sit there and listen to people talk. I think I will just fall asleep or something cos later at 3.30am, I'm going to wake up and watch the Arsenal VS Hamburg match. Hope they win. Hope they convert all there chances.
