Church yesterday was super fun and cold! Haha! Seriously cold, until my fingers were all numb. The decor thing was super slack. After that we went to shoot monsters. Haha! The line dancing thing was both fun and funny. Watching people getting lost, making a fool out of themselves, which of course includes me. I think I was the biggest joke yesterday. I was thinking of something and dancing at the same time and I turned at the wrong time. Haha, twice somemore.

Wedding this morning at Holy Spirit church. It's my track teacher's wedding. Almost the whole track team went. Ate some pratas after that before playing pool. I was supposed to go training but ended up staying at home. Stupid rain! It has been raining every afternoon. I couldn't even go home, I had to wait at the bus stop until the rain died down abit before running home. Argh! So whenever you hear training in the afternoon, might as well not go already. There's no chance you can get to use the track.

Anyhow, Syazwan went for the Yngwie Malmsteen concert yesterday! ARGH! So jealous...and and usual he destroyed his guitar after the show. Might as well give me that guitar! Haha.