[Song: Macabre-Dir en grey]

Gen made these questions up, so some of the questions are erm...you will see.

Orange? Okay I don't use markers.

2. Say something about the person you're chatting with NOW.
Gen...hmm, she is extremely loud and wants to play the electric guitar! Yeah man!

3. BEST icecream flavour ?
Cookies and Cream.

4. Close your eyes NOW , so what do you see ?

5. Happiest girl alive?

6. Best day of the year?
Hmm...there are like 365 and 1/4 days in a year. I seriously don't remember.

7. Secret love?
Imagine me and you and you for me...

8. What bothers you right now ?
Nothing much.

9. What is your greatest fear .
I'm not too sure myself.

10. What was the best thing that happened to you this week?
Being able to have a guitar to practice on.

11. What are you planning to do this weekend?
GuitarEatSleepGuitarEatSleep...okay, I'm not too sure.

12. Who is the one you're thinking of right now?

13. Who do you run to when you're down?

14. Who are the most influential people in your liferight now?
Dir en grey ,hide and myself.

15. Who will you call/text later?
No one. So late already still call and text them! Oh and I'm a loner.

16. Who makes your day?

17. Who do you want to talk to right now?

18. Is your heart broken , beating , or taken?
Still Broken.

19. Who is the last person you high-fived?

20. Drank milk straight out of the carton?

21. Do you talk in your sleep?
So that's what my Mum says, but rarely.

22. Who wrote the book of love?
Okay...Gen your questions are so weird!

23. Have you ever flown a kite?
Yup. Who hasn't is deprive!

24. Have you ever crawled through a window?
Erm...I thought you climb over windows?

25. Have you ever eaten dog food?
Nope...heard it's good too!

26. Any cool scars?
Scars are not cool.

27. What do you do when no one is watching?
Dance and do stupid things.

28. Do you talk to yourself?

29. Two things about the opposite sex that appeal to you?
This one and that one.

30. When was the last time you kissed your dad/mom?
Recently? But I can't remember when.

31. Would you let go of someone you love?
Like HELL NO right?

32. What is the major reason of a break up?
Never me.

33. Most important ingredient in a relationship?
Chemistry and Understanding?

34. One thing you like about love?
LOVE itself.

35. Which feature of your face do you like the most?
Ears? I don't know.

36. Morning person?
At times.

37. Hidden talent?
A hidden talent is hidden right? So how would I know?

38. Can you hoola hoop?

39. Doodle?
Neh, not really.

40. Made someone cry?
I think so.

41. Bitten something or someone?
I bite everything.

42. Extrovert or introvert?

43. Would you pay for flowers?
When the time comes.

44. Get mad about?
Quite a few things.

45. White or red?

46. Sleeping posture?
Sides, cuddle, and I must hug something or I can't get to sleep.

47. Double or trio?
Whats this Gen?

48. Coffee bean or starbucks?
Both's fine, but I prefer starbucks.

49. Sleeping hours?
For this I'm weird. I have to sleep either alot or very little to not feel tired the next day. If I sleep the suggested 7-8 hours, I will feel tired the next day.

50. Say something about gen :D HAH.
Said already.