this blog is dead
so i am here to add some LIFE(:

but he doesnt know:X

he can fall asleep when talking to another person on the phone!
and you'd be put on 'HOLD' ,HELLO ALL YOU WANT.haha

you owe me carl's jr and MOVIEE (: i am so losing our bet.SHIT
but at least i didnt gain weight.WHAHA
one burger share among 3 ppl.HAHA

i am evil.oh my.

and for GIRLS who are reading this.CHANNING TATUM IS HOT RIGHT!! HAHA
somehow i feel like i'm spamming your blog BUT in a GOOD kind of way :D

feet warmer(: haha


Choose one. Don't ask why and for what. Just choose one.

Anyway, I will be gone from like now to wednesday. Track Camp. I have to report one day earlier cos i'm a......nvm, must be humble. Haha. So don't miss me okay! ESPECIALLY THAT GEN, come back from OBS only, say I miss her. Tsk tsk tsk. Nvm, WE ARE WONGS. Haha, it's alright for WONGS to miss each other. What you just read is crap. That makes you a crapper.

I'm want to dinner-ing liao!




My house has ran out of food supply. I have been searching high and low for food, but to no avail. I shall make my mom go to NTUC or Coldstorage to stock up on food. Even my sister fell like dying at home.

Anyway, Casino Royale yesterday was, erm, good but with a abrupt ending. ALESSANDRA AMBROSIO WAS ACTING INSIDE! WAHHHHHHHHH! I WAS DAMN HIGH WHEN I SAW HER! Haha. Incase you don't know who I'm talking about, she one of the 2 tennis girls that look at James Bond when he arrive at the hotel. Eva Green is pretty too. But the first woman James Bond was with, was erm...ugly? Don't even know how she got inside. Anyway, I still prefer Pierce Brosnan as James Bond.

Oh and training today was disgusting. The jumps pit was in terrible condition. It has weeds growing in it. Sand flies everywhere, an ant nest inside and worms crawling inside. YUCKS! When I saw it I went:"I DON"T WANT TO BE A JUMPER ANYMORE!". Seriously sick. Plus the sand they use is not the proper sand for jumping. They use some construction sand. Like those used for building buildings. The school as damn bastard ah. Everything also damn cheapskate. So stingy. By right the proper sand they suppose to use is like powder. We have been complaining about the sand for years and still they don't do anything about it. I think it's time they change it, since the condition of it is to horrible now. Even my coach has mentioned it before. He will ask my teacher in charge if they can change the sand. The principle should come and take a look and it. Aiya, worse come to worse I shall just to sentosa and steal their nice white sand and use it to replace the one in school if i have to.

Thanks Amanda for helping me blog.


this PIG is lazy so i'm here to blog.haha
and lied to me that he was bald because he shaved it.YA RIGHT

then we went to VIVO.
your stupid potato salad took so LONGG
and NOT FAIR! they gave you a larger drink because they prepared the wrong one!
i know
next time i shall order the wrong one too and when the order comes,i'll say another thing,HAHAHA then i'll have 2:D


i like the shirt i bought,though its pink
i like it the more i see it!HOHO(:
HEY YOU!i want to eat a nicer prata
and this time order ONE ONE.
why you so greedy!HUH.haha

this PERSON here, PURPOSELY bring his brown adidas jacket to show off.hahaha
its nice okay?:D
it was nice and warm(:
AND YOU YOU,somerset can go already?
make ppl laugh at me,even the mother was laughing at me.
i wanted to dig a hole and crawl right into it.


he is tina the banana;D
ask him why if you want to know.



[Song: No Hay Problema-Pink Martini]

I was watching American Next Top Model yesterday and stupid Danielle won. Argh! Joanie should have won! Nvm, even I already knew Danielle won before the show, I will still love Joanie. Haha. Jade is the worst ah! So egoistic, full of herself.

Anyhow, the church retreat on Sunday was fun. Haha, especially those games, praise and worship and many other things. And today they made us buy balloons to practice at home for the Kuching trip, which I don't even think i'm going to. Waste money man, some more they want us to buy pumps for the damn balloons. Argh! Nvm, forget it. I think I shall go to Kuching and make bumble bees with Gene cos thats all i know. Haha.

Tomorrow, there is this sports conference which I seriously think I'm just going to die! It's from 8am to 5pm! Wah! I'm not that sort of person who can sit there and listen to people talk. I think I will just fall asleep or something cos later at 3.30am, I'm going to wake up and watch the Arsenal VS Hamburg match. Hope they win. Hope they convert all there chances.



[Song: Cruel Angel Thesis-Neon Genesis Evangelion]

I have been out the whole day man. Like for 11 hours. First to the crap primary school funfair thing with Nic which was boring. Saw like Marissa, Jamuna, Maxi , Eugene and others. Eugene was there helping. Haha. The principle there still remembers me. Hah! Gen joined us later cos she needed to pick her brother up and bring him to their cousin's party. Amanda joined us too. Walked to the MRT and already felt like dying. We wanted to go Suntec so we are supposed to alight at City Hall right? Guess what? We alighted at Raffles Place and found out that suntec was not there. So we walked all the way there. Really felt like dying and we had our lunch at like 5?

Actually I wanted to go suntec just to look for my WHITE Adidas Jacket but they didn't have it! Argh! But I saw this deep brown jacket which I really love as well. So since there was no WHITE, I bought it. Yeah man! Only that I didn't buy it in Suntec, cos they only had small. So on the way back, I went to CityLink and they had other sizes there. Sorry Amanda for making you wait so long and thanks also for waiting for me. Towned to meet Amanda's sister before leaving to meet my parents at Forum for dinner and stuffs.

Hmm...long day.


Another RETARDED day today. Weights for training today, only the jumpers, 11 of us. Noise pollution man. We were during like circuit weights training, and after every 40s, when our coach says "Change", we just slam the weights down. HAHA! You can go deaf inside. Oh and after training, soccer as usual, and when we score a goal, Leslie and Me will start rolling on the hockey pitch as our celebration style. Super duper uber spastic man. We roll left, roll right, roll towards each other, hit each other and roll away from each other. WAH, damn funny.

Went to town after that to get all my cards done, since I lost my wallet. Actually i think it was stolen. Cos if I lost it, someone will return it right? Unless that guy is some shit face cockmaster, donkey raping shit eater la. Anyway, I search the whole town, went to all the Adidas shops just to find my WHITE jacket. All the shops didn't have it except the one at heeren, but the size was XL, like wth! I was super pissed on my way home. Like "fuck Adidas man". Haha, anyway, i'm going to hunt for it again tmr. Go to the other available places. I MUST get that jacket man, I swear, by hook or by crook. Some how, some way.

Anyway, I'm going now, My head is damn freaking pain. I sing too much already. Sing until head pain. Haha.



Today is a superbly RETARDED DAY. Haha. Doing retarded stuffs during training, like being tao pok by my juniors, rolling on the track and hockey pitch and "fighting" with Leslie, whacking each others butts, spitting ice at each other and other RETARDED stuffs. Training is superbly fun when you are a JUMPER! Haha, and it's also where that fun always is! If you noticed, every single JUMPER is super duper uber lame, RETARDED and funny. Okay, but that does not mean we don't train hard! We know when to be serious man! That's why the JUMPERS are consistently producing results. Haha. I shall stop boasting, must be humble. Haha. I can't wait for next month where the JUMPERS are going to challenge the SPRINTERS to 4x100m and 4x400m relays! Yeah man!

Met Issac, Ryan, Jeremy and Victor after that at Paradigm. It's the first time I see people wasting their money, fooling around there. They are not even playing it properly. So damn funny there, all of us were fooling around. Accompanied Victor and Ryan to Yamaha at PS again cos Victor wanted to see hide's guitars. He's the one who influenced me, only that I'm more hardcore than him now. Speaking of which I shall upload the rest of his guitars for you to see. I GOT NOTHING BETTER TO DO.

Fernandes MG-145S LD. This one is released after his death in tribute of him.

Fernandes MG-160R. This too is released after his death in tribute of him.

Fernandes MG-340X.

Fernandes MG-145S.

Fernandes MG-85C. This is his transparent one, Acrylic.

Goodnight! Tata!



Fernandes MG-75C Green Crystal.
Fernandes MG-180X. This one was used for one of the guitarist in his band, Spread Beaver.Fernandes MG-X Alien. Scars, The Last Live.


I woke up at like 12.17 when I'm suppose to meet the COOL KIDS at the bus stop at 12.30. What a pig I am. So I had to meet them later. Went to peninsular to meet Amanda and buy more picks! Hah! It's fun collecting picks, especially those Artists series one. There's one that go "WAKE UP MOTHER FUCKER". So cool. Met the others at Heeren before going to PS. Actually we wanted to play pool but it was full. So we went to PS cos I wanted to go Yamaha and see guitars. Haha. And thanks Amanda for the Ice cream on the way up. Guess what! I saw 3 of hide's guitars! OMG! Can faint. Haha. He's junior Yellowhearts Guitar is so cute. Haha. Then there is this Temperature Controlled Room where his other 2 guitars were hanging inside. ARGH! There were other Fernandes Guitars inside which were very very nice. But the room is locked. You have to ask the people there to open it for you. I was leaning against the glass panel and acting despo hahha. Dirty the glass all.

I saw hide's Fernandes MG-120X. Around $3k+ I think. Not sure. So it was quite far away, I couldn't see the price clearly.

I also saw his Fernandes MG-80X. Around $1k plus.

Argh! I want them both. I think I shall just start saving for the Junior YellowHearts one, and even though it's just a Junior one it's $800! Argh! Haha.

Fernandes YellowHearts Junior.

Goodnight! Bye!


Yeah man! I bought my WHITE strap and picks. Especially Dir en grey ESP picks! I couldn't find the lead Guitarist, Kaoru Niikura (Damn, I love his name) picks though. Don't think they sell them. It's the one I want most as compared to Die's and Toshiya's pick. Argh! Oh and I finally saw Eclipse-500 and Viper-500!

Oh and Arsenal won Liverpool 3-0! Haha! SORRY YVAN! At least I didn't rub it in for him yesterday by messaging him during the game. And AMANDA! YOU OWE ME ICE CREAM! HAHA! Neh I'm not so bad la. Your Banana team lost! So much for betting with me. Hah!

I feel like closing this blog. It's meaningless. I shall see how.


These hands are meant to hold.


Church yesterday was super fun and cold! Haha! Seriously cold, until my fingers were all numb. The decor thing was super slack. After that we went to shoot monsters. Haha! The line dancing thing was both fun and funny. Watching people getting lost, making a fool out of themselves, which of course includes me. I think I was the biggest joke yesterday. I was thinking of something and dancing at the same time and I turned at the wrong time. Haha, twice somemore.

Wedding this morning at Holy Spirit church. It's my track teacher's wedding. Almost the whole track team went. Ate some pratas after that before playing pool. I was supposed to go training but ended up staying at home. Stupid rain! It has been raining every afternoon. I couldn't even go home, I had to wait at the bus stop until the rain died down abit before running home. Argh! So whenever you hear training in the afternoon, might as well not go already. There's no chance you can get to use the track.

Anyhow, Syazwan went for the Yngwie Malmsteen concert yesterday! ARGH! So jealous...and and usual he destroyed his guitar after the show. Might as well give me that guitar! Haha.



[Song: Caldonia-The Curtis King Band]

I want to go the Yngwie Malmsteen concert! But don't have enough money! AHHHHHHHH! He is freaking pro man. The thing is that the concert is tomorrow, if it was later, perhaps I still could save enough to go and watch him. Damn!

I also want to go to JAPAN! My cousin just called me and asked me to accompany him to Japan cos he is following his mom there for work. So while she work we can go and browse around. I want to go there and see all the Japanese things man. Especially hide's and Kaoru's Guitars!But the thing is that it's from the 23rd to 28th November, and My track camp is on the 27th to 29th November. AHHHHHHHH! Damn it again. Unless, unless, unless I can go and talk to my teacher in charge and see if he allows me to go! Hah!

X Japan - Drain [The Last Live]

Hide's guitar in this video is also WAYYYYYYY COOL! Fernandes MG-145S.



Today is my Sister's 21st Birthday. Haha.
So HAPPY 21st BIRTHDAY JIE! And I still owe her $100 for her birthday present. What a brother I am huh!? Argh! and Arsenal lost. I shall say no more. I'm pissed now.

Yet another something to leave you with. Bet you will love it, if you love rock that is!
Oh it's better heard with headphones.
hide's electric guitar is WAYYYYYYYYY COOL! Fernandes MG Alien.

X Japan - Scars [The Last Live]



[Song: Macabre-Dir en grey]

Gen made these questions up, so some of the questions are erm...you will see.

Orange? Okay I don't use markers.

2. Say something about the person you're chatting with NOW.
Gen...hmm, she is extremely loud and wants to play the electric guitar! Yeah man!

3. BEST icecream flavour ?
Cookies and Cream.

4. Close your eyes NOW , so what do you see ?

5. Happiest girl alive?

6. Best day of the year?
Hmm...there are like 365 and 1/4 days in a year. I seriously don't remember.

7. Secret love?
Imagine me and you and you for me...

8. What bothers you right now ?
Nothing much.

9. What is your greatest fear .
I'm not too sure myself.

10. What was the best thing that happened to you this week?
Being able to have a guitar to practice on.

11. What are you planning to do this weekend?
GuitarEatSleepGuitarEatSleep...okay, I'm not too sure.

12. Who is the one you're thinking of right now?

13. Who do you run to when you're down?

14. Who are the most influential people in your liferight now?
Dir en grey ,hide and myself.

15. Who will you call/text later?
No one. So late already still call and text them! Oh and I'm a loner.

16. Who makes your day?

17. Who do you want to talk to right now?

18. Is your heart broken , beating , or taken?
Still Broken.

19. Who is the last person you high-fived?

20. Drank milk straight out of the carton?

21. Do you talk in your sleep?
So that's what my Mum says, but rarely.

22. Who wrote the book of love?
Okay...Gen your questions are so weird!

23. Have you ever flown a kite?
Yup. Who hasn't is deprive!

24. Have you ever crawled through a window?
Erm...I thought you climb over windows?

25. Have you ever eaten dog food?
Nope...heard it's good too!

26. Any cool scars?
Scars are not cool.

27. What do you do when no one is watching?
Dance and do stupid things.

28. Do you talk to yourself?

29. Two things about the opposite sex that appeal to you?
This one and that one.

30. When was the last time you kissed your dad/mom?
Recently? But I can't remember when.

31. Would you let go of someone you love?
Like HELL NO right?

32. What is the major reason of a break up?
Never me.

33. Most important ingredient in a relationship?
Chemistry and Understanding?

34. One thing you like about love?
LOVE itself.

35. Which feature of your face do you like the most?
Ears? I don't know.

36. Morning person?
At times.

37. Hidden talent?
A hidden talent is hidden right? So how would I know?

38. Can you hoola hoop?

39. Doodle?
Neh, not really.

40. Made someone cry?
I think so.

41. Bitten something or someone?
I bite everything.

42. Extrovert or introvert?

43. Would you pay for flowers?
When the time comes.

44. Get mad about?
Quite a few things.

45. White or red?

46. Sleeping posture?
Sides, cuddle, and I must hug something or I can't get to sleep.

47. Double or trio?
Whats this Gen?

48. Coffee bean or starbucks?
Both's fine, but I prefer starbucks.

49. Sleeping hours?
For this I'm weird. I have to sleep either alot or very little to not feel tired the next day. If I sleep the suggested 7-8 hours, I will feel tired the next day.

50. Say something about gen :D HAH.
Said already.


[Song: Honey Blade-hide]

Have you ever wondered what the hell are you doing on Earth? Like what's your purpose in life? I mean everyone should follow their dreams. Don't grow up to be someone you never wanted to become. Like what you are going to do next time when you grow up? I mean why bother studying so hard when your job next time doesn't even requires it or does not need the rest of it? Makes senses right? I bet you are studying for the sick of society and to please your parents. As you get older, your parents are like not your parents at all, they are just someone you have to please in order to carry on in live. Why not just quit school now and just live your dreams. Do the things you always wanted to do or be the person you always wanted to be. It doesn't mean that without a good education, you can't go far in life. Yes, you must at least have the basic foundation before doing the things you want. After that, the rest is unnecessary. What I'm trying to say is that you should be what you want to be in life.

Okay I think I'm preaching. This is what happens when you are too free during the holidays. You start thinking of things. Argh! Sorry if anyone feels offended with what I said.

Another something to leave you with. GEN! WATCH CAREFULLY AND BE AMAZED! HAHAHA! Oh don't bother about the crazy woman beside him, Haha.

hide - Eyes Love You (Pop Jam)

Zilch playing with hide.
Love his transparent guitar. Fernandes MG-85C



[Song: Pose-hide]

One word, Frustrating. That was how I felt while watching the Arsenal match this morning. So many chances, but they could not convert them. I tell you even I can score those goals la. If you watch them play you will know what I mean. Directly in front of goal like 30cm away still can miss man. ARGH! They could have won like 7-0 as Arsene Wenger says. Now Arsenal have to fight to get into the knockout stages. Nevermind, Man Utd lost and Chelsea's going to face a fine. Haha!

Went to the Doctor just now and I waited like 1 hour for my turn, despite there is only one patient to wait for before my turn. Argh! Nvm, I'm patient so I can wait. I tell you if my Dad was there with me. He would be cursing and swearing just after 15 mins or so. Haha. I needed to pay $80 for it but my mom only gave me $60 so the Doctor was kind enough to pay the remainder another time. By right I told me mom to give me more, but she thinks that $60 is enough. I already knew it's not enough, aiya she never listens. And while I was waiting at the bus stop this small girl fell in front of me. Thn she turn and stare at me! Wah, scary man. I didn't even do anything to her. Haha.

Bye now!

A little something to leave you with.

Dir en grey - Yokan