Hey guys! Sorry for not blogging for such a long time. Realli busy with the common test coming up. Its just next week. I have E.Maths and Physics on Tuesday, then i have A.Maths on Wednesday and Chemistry on thursday. Today, i woke up in the morning and watch some anime. Then went to westmall so meet Sheryl, cos i forgot to bring home my Macbeth text which i needed for my essay and she was kind enough to lend me hers. Thanks Sheryl! She also forgot to bring home her SS text. So she asked me if i have. I went looking for it around my house but to no avail. It was onli when i woke up this morning that i remembered that i lended it to Patrick and he has yet to return me back my book. Anyway, i wanted to like buy the book for her since she needs it and after that i can give my cousin cos he is one year younger than me. When we went to popular, they didn't have the book. Sorry Sheryl!

Okie anyhow i when out on labour with my cousin cos he wanted to buy a new wallet and bag. Actualli on sunday both my cousin and yvan asked me out to orchard. So i suggested that we go together. But on monday, yvan also called Bryan and Leslie. They went to watch Sentinel while me and my cousin when shopping for his bag and wallet and my ball. We onli met up for lunch. I bought a Adidas +F50 Xite Ball. Going to buy the mercurial vapor ball and Golden nike tiempo legend street soccer shoes.

On thursday, i went with Victor to HMV to buy CDs. He bought the BoA: Listen To My Heart album which i alreadi have. And i ended up buying the Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children Original Sound Track which i lend to Sheryl. Guess how much it cost? $56.95! So ex! I didn't know why i parted with my money. But i just love Advent Children. It rox!

Okie i gtg and start running. Almost one whole week without training, cos of CCA stand down. Got to get my fitness back. But so far i tink it is not that bad like, cos when i play soccer i feel quite alright. Oh the elections just ended and the Aljunied PAP group won. So nervous for my classmate William YEO! His dad won. Yup, you guess it rite! His father is George Yeo. Everything we disturb Willam saying " Minister Son okie! Dun bully him, later his father come sue you ar!" Haha. My class is so lame. That time Glenn suddenly asked him " So how? Got pressure annot? Must become Minister." William just took the book and whack Glenn's face. So funny la.


Bye byE! Tata!

My genealogy of speed.........