Fail! That's wat i am going to get for my A. Maths Common test today. Everyone was like failing la! So cool. Haha. Except those pro ones confident enough to say they will pass. Wats more after our paper, we have a maths period and my teacher went through the answers! So we knew which one we got wrong or correct. I tink i onli got like 10/40. Convert to 100%, i tink i get 25/100, thats how pathetic it is!

Tomorrow is the last paper. Chemistry, another subject that i tink i will fail. Cos i dun understand anything. Wat Stoichiometry and The mole concept, Chemical Bonding and structure of matter and Chemical Formulae. Die alreadi la. Dun have to take tests i also know how i am going to fair.

Sigh, i gtg and study for it now!