Sorry for not blogging lately. I was too lazy. Haha. Yesterday, Victor and I went to Orchard to walk around and buy CDs. We went to HMV as usual and we bought the same BoA CD: My Name. After that, we thn proceeded to Nike: BIRD at Cine. I was there where I finally saw the White and Gold Tiempo for street soccer. I couldn't resist so i just bought it. Quite cheap anyway, $68.25. I dunno whats with the 25 cents. Must the 5% GST tax. So stupid. I found out that the Brazilian World Cup Jersey cos $114! Same as my Arsenal Jerseys that i will be buying. But the Brazilian Training Kit is onli $79, quite affordable.

Today is the last day of school. Yay! Tmr is parent-teacher meeting for selected student. Dunno what i am going to do. Just stay at home and rot. Holidays are finally here and my intensive training is going to start next week. I have to aim for at least top 8 in nationals. Cos of nationals, i will be ordering my triple spikes soon. Yeah! Suddenly buying so many shoes. Haha.



Hey guys, I'm Back from the retreat. I wasn't as bad as i had expected. Cos it was a retreat and not a camp. So we had proper beds. Yay! But the bed was quite narrow and quite short. When you lie down, your feet will be out of the end of the bed. On the first night, we didn't close the curtains and alot of insects came in. Super irritating okie, and super stupid insect bit me and woke me up. I was so pissed with it that i grab it and kill it. Haha. But on the second night we close the curtains so it was okie. There was once when Kevin's bed had this realli huge beetle on his bed. We took it and put in on someone's bed. Haha. The food was great. My group just kept on eating. Everyone had second serving. The place was nice and serene. However, there were some part of the retreat that i thought was a complete waste of time. Last night, they let us watch Lord Of The Rings: Trilogy. But instead of watching, a few of us went back to the Dormitary and prank call people. Haha, so fun. We call other people friends who we dunno. We told them we are the HSBC bank and that they own the bank half million. Haha. We just kept talking in the Hong Kong accent.

Henry is STAYING at Arsenal! I knew from the start that he would stay at Arsenal. I always had faith in him. Okie i am going down to play soccer now!



I was playin with my soccer ball in my house just now and i accidentally kick the door. Now it is swollen and bleeding. Stupid me. I wanna watch the Da Vinci's Code but it is NC16. So dumb la. Dun even know why they put it. But i am trying to sneak in. Try my luck. Anybody wants to watch with me during the holidays?

I have some realli stupid RME camp tomorrow. Damn dumb la. I dun even want to go for it at all. Such a waste of time, waste of my life. Just because i am catholic i have to go. Sometimes i realli wish i wasn't catholic. But then again, it is my faith. No choice. I will be back on Sunday.

Packing bag now.

Goodnight. C'yaz on Sunday.
I feel tired. I feel Disappointed. I feel shattered. I feel pissed. I am in pain. Thats me for you today.

Arsenal lost to Barcelona in the Champions league finals. I think that the referee was super bias against Arsenal and in the end we suffered. Jens Lehmann got a red card which later the referee said was suppose to be a yellow. I mean now then come and say, isn't it too late? Stupid referee. Even, Arsene Wenger and Henry accused the referee of being bias. Henry got kicked around by the defenders, as in they played damn rough. I thought that the Barcelona Captain should be sent off for so many fouls that could have him being awarded yellow cards. He should have gotten 2 yellow cards and get send off. The most disgusting play from Barcelona was when Henry did a super CLEAN tackle to dispossess the ball from Oleguer. Oleguer then kicks Henry and falls to the ground and Henry gets a yellow card for that. I hated that scene the most. It just goes to show that Barcelona don't derserve to win. Actualli although Arsenal were down to 10 men, they still manage to score a goal from a Beautiful header from Sol Campbell. Arsenal had the lead until the 76th min when Eto'o score a goal which was suppose to be offside. But the linesman didn't raise the flag. Again, another case of baisness. Belletti scored another goal just by shooting and luckily enough for him, the ball hit Almunia leg and went in. Super TYCO! Know wat i mean, TYCO! Super lucky la. If Lehmann was there, he surely would have safe both shots. Now although Arsenal didn't win, I hope that Pires And Henry will stay with Arsenal as they move to their new Emirates Stadium at Ashburton Grove and start the whole Arsenal Era anew.

Anyhow, Today our school had the Annual Cross-Country run at MacRitchie. The distance we had to run was 4.8km. Not very far la. Still okie for me. I was taking part in the competitive run, while some others took part in the mass run. I was position 50th. Haha. I had to follow my friend because his knee was pain. He's a fencer so their knee always got problem one. Next year, i am going to wait for anybody alreadi. Anyway, i was realli a fun event.

Going to was Da Chang Jin Soon! Lee Young Ae is so HOT, PRETTY and CUTE! Just love her.

Korean Gals are HOT!



My whole body is aching now. We did weights for training yesterday. So for training today, all of us couldn't summon the power from our muscles to jump. But i tink by next week shud be alright. My fitness now is also like shit. Seriously, during warm-up, i feel breathless even on the first round, i normally dun feel breathless at all. All of our fitness has drop so much within the past 2 weeks. Some more thursday is our school cross-country run, and i am running it the competitive race. Wish me luck man!

Something realli funny happened yesterday day. After training, i went home with Kenneth and Qifa and took 67. When the bus was leaving i saw Sheryl walking to the bus stop. So happened that she missed her bus which is 67. Haha. After i alight 67, i have to transfer to 77 in order to go home right? So i boarded the bus and stood for awhile before sitting with Nazakat. Guess wat? Marissa was on that bus too. Wats more i was just sitting in front of her with Nazakat and i didn't even see her. Realli! So close yet so far. She tot i was pretending not to see her. But i seriously didn't see her. Guess i was just very tired after training. So it was like i saw Sheryl but she didn't see me and Marissa saw me but i didn't see her. Weird huh?

Okie i have no school tomorrow, yeah man! It is in lieu of the election day. Sheryl had her's last wednesday and i have mine tomorrow. Inviting my friends over to play soccer again. So fun man.

Okie i am going to watch Da Chang Jin now.

P.S: I tink my second paragraph sounds weird when reading it. Like as if it is in broken english. Heck la, dunno wat i am typing also!


The time is 2.17 a.m and i am still blogging when i am suppose to be in bed. Haha. I am such a pig you know, i just keep on sleeping. I woke up at like around 10, then i look at the clock and thought to myself that i can still afford to sleep until 11 then wake up and watch Zatch Bell. But i woke up and 11 and look at the clock and didn't care. So i ended up sleeping until 12p.m. Haha. Just couldn't get myself out of bed. So nice to sleep in my bed. I tink it is the nicest in my family cos it is the softest.

When for high-tea with my cousin and aunties at Hotel Rendezvous, and my cousin was telling me how stupid the name was. Cos the word Rendezvous means something like, meet up at a particular place. So he tinks it is quite a stupid name and i thought so too. The high-tea realli sucks man. So little variety of food lor. Seriously little. Then there was this "Food For Thought" form on the table for customers to write about wat they tink of the food and place. So there was this question about how is the variety of the food and i put poor. And wat about the service, i also put poor. Under the name, i put my name as Kumar S/O Mani. Haha, Tel no. i put 999. Address: Little India. E-mail: Bitch@yahoo.com.sg. Haha, so bad. My cousin was practically laughing like mad as he watched me fill up the form. Haha.

Later, My mom and I went to town to walk around before going back. I was trying to convince my mom to buy the Arsenal jersey for me which cost $114. So expensive lor. But when we reach the Nike shop, they didn't have it anymore. So i guess i have to buy from queensway. I want to buy the Arsenal Home and Away kit., together with the Brazil Home and Training Kit. So nice. I am supporting Brazil this world cup. Cos they have team work plus the way they play is very nice. So come and join me in supporting Brazil!

Oh Liverpool won the FA cup against West Ham. So lucky la they, i dun tink that they deserve to win today cos of the way they played. So far off from their best. I thought West Ham were the better team. Anyhow, i dun bother cos i onli support Arsenal. But i dun hate Liverpool and West Ham. I also like them. Just not as much as Arsenal.

Okie, i got to go and sleep now.



Today was so fun man! I invited some of my classmates over to play soccer today. Mostly from my this year's class. About 13 of them came. Well, it wasn't me that organised the thing, it was bill. He suggested coming to my house to play, so i told him can but he organise. Haha, i'm so lazy, i know. So we met at westmall at 12p.m. Then we went to KFC to eat lunch and then proceeded to my house, where we played Fifa 06 on my xbox until 2p.m, before going down to the street soccer court. We were playin the each goal do 5 push-ups thing. So fun la. Actualli my team was losing. But after william came, we were scoring more. I tink everyone was happy. They even suggested coming next wednesday again because our school give us the break due to the elections. We have it later than other schools.

I feel like going out to town tomorrow but i wonder who to ask. Oh i also have to go for high-tea with my aunties and my cousin. So maybe after that than i can go out with my cousin. And maybe i can go and buy my street soccer shoes!


I was sick this morning, not feeling well cos of my running nose. It was practically like a leaking water tap, so irritating. It started in the middle of the night and it ended like after recess. So i had through chemistry common tests with it. In the end i didn't have time to finish my paper, despite studying so hard for it. Like practially half the time i was wiping my nose rather than doin the paper. It was bad, so bad until even my teacher came to me askin:" Are you feeling okie?". I wanted to go home after the test but decided not to cos after school i wanted to go queensway. Anyway, i tink i can still pass despite not finishing the paper. I am so die for this term la. I tink everybody is. I have alreadi failed 3 subjects, which is A.maths, geography and Elective Humanity. Screwed for this damn term. Anyway, my parent alreadi know wat to expect cos i alreadi told them.

So after school , Bill, Victor, Jit Yong and me went to queensway. I wanted to buy my street soccer shoes, Nike Tiempo Legend in the White and Gold Bling. But they didn't have it. So i tink i will be making another trip there to buy the Silver and Black one. I am a spendthrift, i know. But why shouldn't i spend the money that i save? I keep recess almost everyday to save money so i tink i shud spend it. Victor bought his adidas ball, so that we can play tomorrow. Some of my class guys are coming over to play soccer at my house.

Oh i bought another BoA CD! Atlantis Princess. So hard to find alreadi. Lucky me.


I LoVe BoA!


Fail! That's wat i am going to get for my A. Maths Common test today. Everyone was like failing la! So cool. Haha. Except those pro ones confident enough to say they will pass. Wats more after our paper, we have a maths period and my teacher went through the answers! So we knew which one we got wrong or correct. I tink i onli got like 10/40. Convert to 100%, i tink i get 25/100, thats how pathetic it is!

Tomorrow is the last paper. Chemistry, another subject that i tink i will fail. Cos i dun understand anything. Wat Stoichiometry and The mole concept, Chemical Bonding and structure of matter and Chemical Formulae. Die alreadi la. Dun have to take tests i also know how i am going to fair.

Sigh, i gtg and study for it now!


Leslie you bitch! Haha. Yesterday while playin soccer, Leslie and I clash into each other. Now my right knee and his left knee is pain. Each time we shoot, the motion of the leg will make our knees hurt. It is seriously pain la. I was quite yesterday that i will not be able to sprint or jump again or even play soccer. But i dun tink it is that bad la. Maybe like in 1 month it will completely recover.

Today, had E. maths and Physics common tests. I tink i both subjects die alreadi la. My E.maths i didn't finish the graph cos i didn't practice at home. Thn for physics, i tink the whole level die also not just me. Everyone was like fail alreadi la, fail la. Haha. Maybe they will moderate it. I have to go do the physics TYS alreadi.

Tomorrow's A.maths. The topics are Quadratics Expressions and Equations, Functions and Surds, Indices and Logarithm. Got to go and revise and practise!



All Hail Arsenal! They won yesterday against Wigan. The score was Arsenal 4-2 Wigan. That was the last game at the current stadium, Highbury. They will be moving to the new Emirates Stadium at Ashburton Grove, just a walk away. Highbury will be demolished and a block of houses will be built on it and the estate will also have the name highbury. Arsenal captain capped up the final match with a Hat-trick. It was a terrific day for Arsenal yesterday as they overtook Tottenham for the 4th position which means that Arsenal will be playing champions league football in the new stadium. Tottemham lost to West Ham 2-1. The atmosphere was just
pure euphoria at the Highbury. It was also Bergkamp last game as he will be retiring after this season. The last game left for Arsenal is the Champions League Finals on 17th May against Barcelona. Go Arsenal!

Common Tests start tomorrow with Physics and E.Maths. I'm onli worried about physics. We were suppose to clear all our books under our desk due to the common test and now I have so many things at house and 2 Macbeth books. Haha.

Okie gtg and study for physics alreadi.



Hey guys! Sorry for not blogging for such a long time. Realli busy with the common test coming up. Its just next week. I have E.Maths and Physics on Tuesday, then i have A.Maths on Wednesday and Chemistry on thursday. Today, i woke up in the morning and watch some anime. Then went to westmall so meet Sheryl, cos i forgot to bring home my Macbeth text which i needed for my essay and she was kind enough to lend me hers. Thanks Sheryl! She also forgot to bring home her SS text. So she asked me if i have. I went looking for it around my house but to no avail. It was onli when i woke up this morning that i remembered that i lended it to Patrick and he has yet to return me back my book. Anyway, i wanted to like buy the book for her since she needs it and after that i can give my cousin cos he is one year younger than me. When we went to popular, they didn't have the book. Sorry Sheryl!

Okie anyhow i when out on labour with my cousin cos he wanted to buy a new wallet and bag. Actualli on sunday both my cousin and yvan asked me out to orchard. So i suggested that we go together. But on monday, yvan also called Bryan and Leslie. They went to watch Sentinel while me and my cousin when shopping for his bag and wallet and my ball. We onli met up for lunch. I bought a Adidas +F50 Xite Ball. Going to buy the mercurial vapor ball and Golden nike tiempo legend street soccer shoes.

On thursday, i went with Victor to HMV to buy CDs. He bought the BoA: Listen To My Heart album which i alreadi have. And i ended up buying the Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children Original Sound Track which i lend to Sheryl. Guess how much it cost? $56.95! So ex! I didn't know why i parted with my money. But i just love Advent Children. It rox!

Okie i gtg and start running. Almost one whole week without training, cos of CCA stand down. Got to get my fitness back. But so far i tink it is not that bad like, cos when i play soccer i feel quite alright. Oh the elections just ended and the Aljunied PAP group won. So nervous for my classmate William YEO! His dad won. Yup, you guess it rite! His father is George Yeo. Everything we disturb Willam saying " Minister Son okie! Dun bully him, later his father come sue you ar!" Haha. My class is so lame. That time Glenn suddenly asked him " So how? Got pressure annot? Must become Minister." William just took the book and whack Glenn's face. So funny la.


Bye byE! Tata!

My genealogy of speed.........