Unknown...Despair...a Lost

[Song: Timeless - Xiah Junsu and Jang Ri In]

False Hope.
That's one thing I really hate getting in life. It really sucks. It's like having something crumble everything you took so long to build. The anticipation, everything. I get it from my Dad, my senior, I wonder who's next? It's something I've gotten more often then not, but yet I haven't really learn how to deal with it. Now, I'm really afraid, lost and worried, for reasons I don't really wish to disclose. I really wonder what will happen. Oh well, I guess it's something we all have to live with. I mean life is full of ups and downs right? We just have to deal with it and move on. That's why I went for a run just now. Yes, late at night, all alone. Well, not really, the raindrops were being really nice friends to me. I certainly feel much better now and I hope all goes well. And thanks to my dear beloved friend for cheering me up! You're the best! (:

Anyway, yesterday's PhilHarmonic Winds in Concert was really great! Cool as well! First time I've been in the Esplanade concert hall! It's really nice! Haha! I must say the Korean guest Pianist. Kim Hae-Jung was really sick! Well, in a good way. Maybe some of you might have heard her before. But I pity the piano, it was always mistreated and abused by her. Haha!

I keep listening to this song. I don't know why also. But it's really nice. The more I listen to it, the nicer it gets. And it might be my mood as well.