[Song: 거짓말(Lies) - Big Bang]

Last thing I remembered before I was abruptly woken up by my Dad's phone call, was that I was dreaming. Yup, dreaming. Of what? I shall not tell you. Haha, it's for me to know and for you to find out. Which I highly doubt you will ever get it out of me. I can only tell you that I like it, and NO! It wasn't a sick dream. Stupid phone call, I was just getting started la! Okay I shall say no more about it. Haha.

Anyway, my colesaw is back and I hate it. It's very irritating, and ugly. Oh well, on a happier note, the SOIREE is tomorrowwwwww! Woooooo, can't wait, hope it's a good one, despite it being really short.

Damn I'm still half awake.