[Song: Sweet Impact - BoA]

I'm leaving in a few minutes time I guess. It's quite weird, it's like I'm quite looking forward to the trip but at the same time I can't bear to leave as well. And I still haven't finish watching witch yoo hee! Well, the 2nd part of the last episode didn't want to load. Stupid website! Well, I can always catch it when I come back! And there will be coffee prince! Anyway, I got my stuffs today! Like I spent all my money I got yesterday? Hahaha. 3 books, 1 game and new headphones to entertain me during the trip. And yup! I'll be spending my new year there.

Looking back, my holidays has been pretty much, guitar, slacking, training and ______ . Go fill in the blank yourself! That's if you can think what it is! And whatever you think it is is entirely up to your imagination ah! I shall not say anything! :D

[Song: Rule The World - Take That]

So yup! I just ended my christmas with a christmas run in the middle of the night. And I tell you, my thighs were killing me the whole time, especially when I was running downhill! I had to shortened my steps and it felt like I was runnning constipated! Hahaha! It felt like as if my thighs were going to explode. I felt rather alright at home so I thought I could go for a run but I guess I was wrong.

Anyway, something really funny before I went for my run. I was putting on my socks and my cousins and I heard and really loud BANG! Haha! I immediately punched the air and shouted "ACCIDENT!" HAHAHA! I'm so evil! And the ironic thing was that my sister and I were telling our cousins about the accident last night and how many accidents that had happened there. But yeah, true enough, there was an accident at the cross junction just in front of my house, involving a taxi, a Honda Accord and some other car. All my cousins and I immediately rushed to the window to have a look! Hahaha! It was like their first time experiencing it. My family is pretty much used to it already, countless accidents had happened there already, so it's like nothing new. And the thing was that just last night, there was another accident! Also involving a taxi! Tsk tsk tsk! Taxi drivers are the WORST people ever! They cause freaking a lot of accidents, it's like almost every accident you see, it will involve a taxi. Not to mention that they drive recklessly, cut into lanes without signalling and beat red lights too. Man, I hate taxi drivers, traffic lights and crowded places.

I love this song. It's been on repeat for forever. It's the stardust Original Soundtrack for the ending credits. It reminds me of the movie, which was very nice! I think it's the nicest I've seen to far for my whole holidays! Better than Golden compass which was so overrated.

You light, the skies up above me
A star, so bright you blind me,

Don't close your eyes
Don't fade away
Don't fade away

Yeah you and me we can ride on a star
If you stay with me girl,
we can rule the world
Yeah you and me we can light up the sky
If you stay by my side,
we can rule the world.

If walls, break down, I will come for you
If angels cry, oh I'll be there for you
You've saved my soul
Don't leave me now
Don't leave me now

Yeah you and me we can ride on a star
If you stay with me girl,
we can rule the world
Yeah you and me we can light up the sky
If you stay by my side,
we can rule the world.

All the stars are coming out tonight
They're lighting up the sky tonight
For you
For you
All the stars are coming out tonight
They're lighting up the sky tonight
For you
For you

Yeah you and me we can ride on a star
If you stay with me girl,
we can rule the world
Yeah you and me we can light up the sky
If you stay by my side,
we can rule the world.

All the stars are coming out tonight
They're lighting up the sky tonight
For you
For you
All the stars are coming out tonight
They're lighting up the sky tonight
For you
For you

OH OH! My younger cousins love my chocolate mousse okay! They kept eating away at it! Hahaha! Means I'm not bad okay! There's hope! Haha! But the only thing was that I thought the texture could be better and smoother. I guess the egg whites weren't fluffy and thick enough when I folded them in. But I found it too sweet? But the kids loved it! Nevermind, I shall try WHITE chocolate mousse next time! :D


[Song: Break It - KARA]
HO HO HO! MERRY CHRISTMAS! This the season to be jolly! Fa la la la la la la la la! Okay that was seriously damn retarded I swear. I for one, hate christmas carols. It's freaking irritating. I've been hearing it at almost every departmental stores I go to. Everytime I hear it, it's like "Okay, let's get the hell out of here". Haha! Hopefully I don't hear it again when I go out to get my stuffs tomorrow.

And I'm still pretty much crippled. Don't ever ask me to kneel or squat or walk down the stairs. I'll just collapse on the floor and in the case of walking down the stairs, I'll most pobably fall and roll down the flight of stairs.

Come come! Let me show you something extremely retarded but unique.

Yeah, that's the replacement my father bought for the chirstmas tree. HAHA! Well, we used to have one until he threw it away for whatever apparent reason!? It's so WHAT THE HELL?! When you see it for thr first time right? Don't know what my father was thinking! And that's the chocolate mousse I made. Yet to try it though. But I think it looks quite shitty. HAHA! Eh! But it's my first time okay! Better than nothing right! And I did it okay! Who say I wasn't going to do it ah! Prove you wrong man! Only that I forgot to buy the raspberries and whipcream to top it off. I bet it will look so much better okay!


[Song: Where'd You Go - Fort Minor]

Hi! My name is Sebastian and I'm crippled. Well, at least for now. The side effects of the AC training has been worse today. My body is aching all over, for reasons I know and do not know. Even my ribs are pain when I press them lightly. I can hardly walk properly, don't even talk about climbing up or going down stairs. It's a real torture. So you can push me around and watch me suffer in pain, but that would be pure evil, and I will get back at you! I think I can hardly even go for a run. I think I'm going to grow fat and die, especially during this feastive season. So i have to watch what I put into my mouth from now on. Speaking of which I want to make chocolate mousse! But there's so many recipes to choose from and I'm wondering when I should do it. Maybe I'll do it on monday. I'll just have to see how much I spend for tomorrow's christmas dinner at marche. There's also a few things I'll have to to get before I leave for Japan, so that I don't die of boredom.

But I'm really bored now.
Suddenly it's all silent. :(


[Song: And If I Fall - The Charlatans UK]

ACJC track training the past few days is seriously no joke man, but it's really fun as well! My legs feel damn shiok now! Haha! If you know what I mean. Well, the people and seniors there are really friendly, nice and supportive! I was quite late today and I thought I was going to be in shit, but thank God, I wasn't. It was the damn traffic jam okay! I swear! It wasn't my fault, I just didn't know why there were so many people today! Must be because it's a damn friday.

Anyway, I went to have my eyesight checked on tuesday and I have degree! OHHHHHH! It's 50 on the right and 25 on the left, yeah, it's really low. But so far until now, I don't have a major problem, I can still see ask clearly as ever! But I guess I'll have to make on when I return to school!? Just to see the whiteboard and all. I can't imagine myself in specs though.

The holidays are ending really soon! I don't want it to end this fast! Well, I guess time flies when you're having fun! And I did have fun! On days when I'm out that is! Teaching how to solve the rubik's cube and watching movies! I think I'm sort of starting to like catching movies. But I've been quite bored so I just have to find things to do and entertain myself! Up until wednesday that is, before I leave as well for Japan. Yeah and that's after christmas! Which is really soon and I hope it will be a good one!


I guess my prayers really work wonders! Haha! Well, I guess all is well now! :)

Anyway, I bet those bastards had the damn it intention.
I hope they get their retribution and burn in hell or somthing.
The world could do so much better without you.


Apparently I can't post videos now.
Screw you Blogger or Youtube!
You're such a pain in my ass!
Now I can't share with the world my GREAT DISCOVERY!

You better watch it!
Cause I'll get back at you!


[Song: Snow ((Hey Oh)) - Red Hot Chili Peppers]

So my day hasn't really been much but, I've been clearing up my room. Well, mainly my O level stuffs. Haha, I'm such a good boy right? Okay, forget I even said that. Yeah I know I'm kinda slow. Like super, everyone has already cleared it ages ago I bet.


After. What drastic difference right? Haha. Now my table is like super empty.Before.After. I wonder if you can see the difference? Well, I mean there's still a difference you know?!And I threw away like 7? Or should I say 8 plastic bags of these size away. Hahaha. My room is like super empty now. And I threw away my sec 1 and 2 stuffs too. Goodness why I kept them for such a long time.

And it rained again! Stupid weather! Go eat shit and die! The sun better be out tomorrow!


The weather has been shitty the past few days.
When will the sun come out so i can play and tann under it?

I think I think too much and too far into the future.
It always scares the hell out of me.
And maybe always holds me back from doing the things I wish to do.
I know I should stop it, but I can't help it. I just have the tendency to do that.
I guess that's what happens when you have too much free time at your hands.


The weather is being very erratic today.

Arsenal's first defeat, Musical Notation, Red Hot Chili Pepper's Snow ((Hey Oh))...FTW.
Something's missing.
I know it.

And No.
I don't pay 11 bucks to get cancer.
There are cooler ways to die.

It's been a lonely day.

Unknown...Despair...a Lost

[Song: Timeless - Xiah Junsu and Jang Ri In]

False Hope.
That's one thing I really hate getting in life. It really sucks. It's like having something crumble everything you took so long to build. The anticipation, everything. I get it from my Dad, my senior, I wonder who's next? It's something I've gotten more often then not, but yet I haven't really learn how to deal with it. Now, I'm really afraid, lost and worried, for reasons I don't really wish to disclose. I really wonder what will happen. Oh well, I guess it's something we all have to live with. I mean life is full of ups and downs right? We just have to deal with it and move on. That's why I went for a run just now. Yes, late at night, all alone. Well, not really, the raindrops were being really nice friends to me. I certainly feel much better now and I hope all goes well. And thanks to my dear beloved friend for cheering me up! You're the best! (:

Anyway, yesterday's PhilHarmonic Winds in Concert was really great! Cool as well! First time I've been in the Esplanade concert hall! It's really nice! Haha! I must say the Korean guest Pianist. Kim Hae-Jung was really sick! Well, in a good way. Maybe some of you might have heard her before. But I pity the piano, it was always mistreated and abused by her. Haha!

I keep listening to this song. I don't know why also. But it's really nice. The more I listen to it, the nicer it gets. And it might be my mood as well.


Look at the time now. It's already 3.24am and here I am still online blogging. So much for wanting to tuck in by 2am. Oh well, I just done with the 2nd episode of Gossip Girls and I think I'm getting addicted to the show. It's really nice.

Long bus rides and long runs are really good for thinking, yes, deep thinking. You'll be really surprise what you can think of if you do. I guess I really like it. There's a lot you get out of it. But sometimes if makes you think of really horrible things as well and it's makes you freaking scared all of the sudden. Sometimes due to no apparent reason. Yes, the mean reds. Sometimes it really makes you see things in a different perspective. The brain is such a powerful tool, scares you at times too. Funny how I keep having thoughts of something but then unsure whether I should do it. How ironic of me. It's like I'm sure, yet not so sure. You know all the equivocation. Oh well, I'll leave it to fate.

Anyway, I'm back from Soiree and I must say it's really fun! I shall not say much. But it's really funny and all. Watching your friends getting drunk and knocking out. Only the stupid shitty weather and the cost of everything was the bad side. It really wasn't worth everything. I'm really broke now. Haha! But that's for now, I'll be alright next week! Which is really soon!

I better sleep now!

Oh shit! I just felt as if my house was rocking again!
Too long on the yacht!


[Song: 거짓말(Lies) - Big Bang]

Last thing I remembered before I was abruptly woken up by my Dad's phone call, was that I was dreaming. Yup, dreaming. Of what? I shall not tell you. Haha, it's for me to know and for you to find out. Which I highly doubt you will ever get it out of me. I can only tell you that I like it, and NO! It wasn't a sick dream. Stupid phone call, I was just getting started la! Okay I shall say no more about it. Haha.

Anyway, my colesaw is back and I hate it. It's very irritating, and ugly. Oh well, on a happier note, the SOIREE is tomorrowwwwww! Woooooo, can't wait, hope it's a good one, despite it being really short.

Damn I'm still half awake.


I think I'm the stupidest kid in the block.
I just delected all my songs with one stupid click.
I was tranferring all my songs to my new com and i deleted the one from the wrong device.
How dumb can I get?
The last time I got the virus was also all because of one stupid click.
Someone should shoot me!
And Yup! I'm happy about my new Acer 5920G laptop! :D

But I'm not so now, now that all my songs are gone!
You know it'll take me ages to get them all back! ARGH!
I so wanna cry.