YAY! Prelims are over and done with! I have a feeling I won't make it for first 3 months though. I feel like playing! But I'm really tired! Unfortunately I can't really relax and rest cos I still have to go for the RME Retreat! Sigh. Like come on! Give me a break man! Straight after prelims?! WTH la! It's all the way to sunday! Means there is no day for me when I can wake up at my own time! Nvm, at least I have Leslie and Nicholas there. Yvan can't go cos apparently he's REALLY sick. I think this time round the retreat will be a good one.

The weather been's really GREAT to me today man! I was supposed to go running and it rained! Always wrong timing one! I need to lose weight seriously! I'm getting fatter! You know I've already gained back 2kgs! ARGH! HAHA! Anyway, I wanted to finish I Dream by today, but apparently I can't! I only managed to watch til episode 11! Two more to go! Episode 10 is really funny la! So retarded! I had to pack my bag as well, that's why I couldn't finish.

Okay okay! I think I better go now! Or I'll be late!


You colour my world!