Today is really not my day! Firstly, I wanted to watch the Arsenal vs Sevilla match but instead they chose to show the Barcelona match, like as if they very big deal like that. So I had to wake up at 5am to watch the telecast. But some how, I woke up and went back to sleep! Like wtf right! So in the end I woke up at guess what time? 6.35am! The buses and taxis were all not on my side today! I waited and waited and waited until thy kingdom come and they still didn't appear. Stupid thing was that I decided to be late for school and took the 77. When I reached Bukit Timah I decided not to go school and turned back home. Sigh! What a morning I had. So yeah, theoretically speaking, I ponned school. Ohhhhhhh. Anyway, Arsenal won 3-0.

Victor checked my english paper for me today. And damn it I got a B4! Like what's wrong with my english? I used to be good in sec 1 and 2 and now it just seems at though it's slipping away from me. Argh! I shall go and read more. He got and A2 man! I'm so jealous! 2nd highest in class I guess? No one got A1 and our class average was about B3-B4 like that. So yeah, I can't really say I'm that disappointed? Quite weird I don't feel that way, cos actually I quite expected it.

I went to cut my hair yesterday and I must say the aunty did a horrible job! I look very very fugly now! I'm going to be ugly for graduation! UGHHH! It's super short! Or maybe, it's not her fault? I told her to like cut 2cm and she said she did. Well, I don't know. I came home and my sis told me that 2cm is alot! Like wth! Okay, maybe I don't know my hair length well enough. Next time it shall me 1cm! Haha! I think I might change hairdresser! Go cut somewhere else! I don't mind paying more if i get a better cut! Humph!

So yeah, I stayed home today and I feel damn badddd. I ponned school and wasn't even productive at home. I'm quite pissed with myself now. I shall make up for it later tonight! Well, I did my brief study plan for the O levels. As the saying goes, if you fail to plan, you plan to fail. So might as well right? And try to stick to it. O levels are just 31 days away. Exactly 1 month! Which is extremely short and fast to say the least.