Hmmm, I was lazy to blog yesterday. Anyway, Graduation was yesterday. It was quite funny! When my class was leaving the hall, I walked the wrong way! As I continued walking I wondered:"am I supposed to walk by this way? Why no one following me ah?" Thn I turn around and saw the others walking to the main entrance la! OMG! So paiseh can! Everyone was laughing at me la, even the parents! Besides that, we sang our hearts out and had a great time! I'm proud to be a josephian!

Waited for a very very long time for the others before we left for dinner. Ate at NYDC instead of the proposed Din Tai Fung. Had some "tears in heaven" which was so not heavenly! Ugh! Wasted my 15 bucks. Nevermind, I shall try something else there next time. I finished my share and I cooped Isaac's share, cos he couldn't finish it. Andddddd surprisingly I feel just nice after the meal, maybe cos I ate really slowly. I shall try to eat slowly next time! Hahaha. We went to walk around after that. I was so tempted to buy ice cream, but i resisted it! Hahaha! Walked to paragon and had fun there man! We went to toy R us and play afool there. I bet people there were looking at us and think we were some mental patient escapee. I bought rubiks cube too! And now I think I'll never be able to solve it! Hahaha! It's tiring you know?! The most lame-ass thing was when we went to sit on the merry go round! I mean can you imagine a bunch of grown 16 year olds climbing onto a super small merry go round made for kids?! OMG! We had the ride of our lives! HAHAHA!

Facebook is really really really cool man! All thanks to my Baby for creating one for me! LOVE YOU! It's like 129839043296596 times more interesting than friendster! There so many more things to do there! Friendster is just DEAD! Everyone should go and get Facebook now! I'm going to psycho my class to get them! Heh heh! It's really like friendster and neopets combine together, only that's it's without the pets. The applications stuffs are really cool and some are really fun to play with!

Oh and I didn't go church today! Like wth right? So much for telling people that they much go as well! Ugh! I woke up, planning to go today and it was raining really heavily. Like how the heaven am I suppose to go there man? So yeah, i went back to sleep. Hahhaa. I'm such a bad catholic right?