I'm finally back from the Retreat! I'm super super tired! It's exhausting you know! I must say the retreat was really nice but i wouldn't say very very fun, but still fun though. I had a bed to sleep even though I took back $20 to sleep on sleeping bags! Haha! I'm smart man! Plus there were air cons! It was freezing the whole time during the retreat! Like winter you know! Especially the first day! We slept in the women's dormitory! Hahaha. The water pressure there sucks you know! When you on the water to bathe, it TRICKLES! Plus the water was super cold! So it made you take super long cold super which freezes you in order to like get all the soap and shampoo off you! Combine that with the super cold air coming from the air con room, wah, best man!

Many things happened as well, we were supposed to get into groups which represent the main characteristic of God to you, like Providing, Protector, Warm, Tender and Strict Disciplinarian. Thn each group had to have a representative to say why they think God is as such. And the facilitators, Isabelle and Francis kept countering back what the person said and the group had to like help him to counter back as well. It was super funny! It became and debate session! There was like no end! Can argue until thy kingdom come man! Hahaha. Thn there was this sexuality talk as well and they chased the female facils out of the room. Hhahaha. Father Gerard and Joshua were super funny the whole time la! We had confession and I cried after that? And we had like mass at 10.30pm? HAHHA! Super tiring.

Oh the funniest thing was last night I swear! Or should I say this morning? A group of us, excluding me, since I'm always so guai, Hahahaha, yeah they went to disturb Jeremy in his sleep! They took the blanket and rolled it up like a rope, lifted his leg up and pull the blanket up his..........well groin! HAHAHA! We were laughing like mad! Until even Mr Raymond Wong woke up! The funniest thing was that he woke up but pretended that he was sleeping! Asshole! We were trying to see if he was awake and said like funny retarded things to make him laugh but he didn't respond. Thn they said somemore and he pointed the middle finger in his sleep! HAHAHA! We knew he was like semi-awake la! So they stop disturbing him and covered him up with the blanket. Thn we continued to look at him, but he started spasming! Like at first was a little, thn it became worse so we thought he was still cold. After covering him up again, he didn't stop. So we thought it might be his sleeping position and tried turning him around. He didn't stop and Ian and John Paul got worried, like what's wrong with him. They went to wake Mr Wong up to take a look and when Mr Wong went to have a look at Jeremy, he woke up said:" HELLO!" OMG! I Swear we all wanted to kill him! We all whacked up him! Stupid idiot la! Made us all worried! Thn over at Glenn's room, they were playing the peeing game. They played tai di and the loser had to drink water! Few of them drank so many cups, they had to pee like after 45mins la! I tell you ah, watching them play ah, I felt like peeing as well! Serious! HAHAHA!

Oh oh! And there was this facilitator named Joshua who asked me if i'm mixed? Like huh! Don't I even look like I'm mixed? He asked me the exact same question last year you know! Hahaha! He said that I look a bit Hawaiian, Mexican that kind? Like wth! That's so far off! Hahaha! There was this malay aunty at Seven eleven, who asked me if I'm angmoh! Like WAH! Even worse right! Way way way too far off! Hahaha!

Yay! I'm finally done with watching I DREAM! Like after such I longggggggg time! Now I'm going to watch High School Musical. Heh. I played soccer just now and I think today's my day? Hahaha, I scored the 1st goal of the match, scored with a damn nice volley, scored with my left leg, right leg and head as well. But after awhile, my feet started aching after all those running. My blister split open again, well slightly la. Not that bad.

Okay time to go!
Argh, I swear everything I listen to this song, it really makes me regret what I did and what I didn't do. Damn it! I should go and die seriously! Fuck.

Goodnight! BYE!