Yo Guys! Yesterday, we had the Ortega cup trails. I manage to get selected, but i am still not sure whether i am in yet. Cos they are still going to cut down on people to 18 people. My soccer boots gave me blisters on both my heels again. I tink it is too tight. They say that the top 20 people will have training on monday and tuesday. I tink that even if i get selected, i will not go cos of my blisters.

Today was Sports day! I had so much fun! I won the sec 3 long jump with a distance of 5.58m, my personal best ever. Leslie was second with 5.50m and Yvan was 3rd with 5.3+. Not sure of the exact distance. So for the first time, i won both the triple and long jump. Yay! For the 100m finals, Leslie and me didn't wanted to run cos of the injury we had from the Ortega trails. But the P.E teachers force us to run. So guess wat? I got last. I just slack the whole thing. Leslie was second last. Haha. First was as usual Jerome, 2nd was Bryan and 3rd was Kenneth. At first Mr Arul said that i was third. Thn everybody :"Huh!, He was last". Hahaha, so funny. 4x400m relay, my class got 3rd even though i didn't run. They said that we could have gotten 2nd if i ran. But nvm la. Got medal good alreadi la. For the 4x100m, my class got 5th, cos my other class mates too slow. But nvm. Can try again next year.

After that, we went to Cineleisure and went to Yuki n Yaki for lunch. So nice and so many things to eat. It was buffet, but quite expensive la, $16.90. per person. They have Sushi, Steamboat and Barbaque. The most fun thing about it was the making of the ice-cream. They take the ice- cream in liquid form and you pour it on the plate which can be turn to sub-zero degree. And it will start to freeze and from ice-cream. Cool huh? We had fun playing it. We even pour sprite and zeppel in and freeze it. Quite nice actualli.

I later went to sembawang and bought 3 old BoA CDs, which cost $55.70! Haha. I bought the olds ones they were harder to find. I bought the Valenti album, the Love and Honesty album and the Listen to my heart album. I tell you ar, Victor is going to be so pissed when i tell him i bought 3 albums. Haha.

Oh, and Arsenal won again! Against Villareal. With Kolo Toure scoring the onli goal. Okie, got to go now! Bye. Tata!