We had training out of school today. We went to Bedok reservoir to run. Mr Low told us the whole distance was about 5.5km, but in the end, it was onli about 4.3km. They had makers on the way, to tell you how far you have ran. So Nicholas and I ran at the same speed. We ran until the 3km mark before walking, cos he felt like sleeping! Haha, i found it weird, cos how the HELL do you feel sleepy while running? I just dun get it. Thn we walk and job and walk and jog until the 4km mark. Thn i say after 4km run all the 1.5km left cos me thought it was 5.5km. In the end, when we started running from thr 4km mark, we onli had to run 300m to the finish. So dumb. Like suddenly finish so fast.

After that we had a choice of going home from there or go back to school thn go home. So i chose to go home from there with Kenneth and Qifa by taking 506. But we ended taking 67. MISTAKE! We ended up travelling in the bus for 1hr and 50mins before we alighted at King Albert Park. The whole bus journey was unbearable la. Not that i am racism, but like a dozen Indians boarded the bus at Geyland and stink up the whole bus la. And that was the first time i have step into Geyland all my life! And i actualli manage to see Hookers for the first time. I tell you, the scene there is realli bad. So many of them, dressed so slutty and waiting by the raod side waiting to get fucked. So sorry for sounding so crude but that is reality.

Anyhow, I tink Leslie is crazy. After the run today, he told me that he is going to buy Mercurial Vapor III. He will go home and take $250 and go queensway and buy. Whats more is that he just bought a new boots last weekend to play on yesterday's Ortega Cup. Too rich la he.

Okie, got to go and sleep now. It is 1.09 a.m.

Tata, Bye!


Class today was realli normal. I tink my physics and chemistry die alreadi la. I dun even understand a single thing my teachers teach. Physics, i do not how to do all the calculations and all. Chemistry, i dun even understand the atoms and molecules thing. Hiaz...common test in 2 weeks time. I gotta go and start pratice on my physics and revise my chemistry until i understand.

After school, i was on the 151 bus when i realised that Aloysius , Edgar and Bill was on it too. They were going to King Albert Park. So i join them for lunch. We pratically just eat and talked crap, about teachers and stuffs. This St. Margaret girl caught my eye. Haha. She realli chio la. Seems like i am running into pretty gals lately. Okie i tink enough with that. Dun tink that i am some sex maniac or something.

Anyway, there is this gal who added me in friendster and msn. She is Kevin's friend. From st.nicks and is a swimmer. Although i dunno who she is at first, after taking to her on msn, she seem realli pleasent and quite a nice person to talk to. Haha.

I was suppose to go for training today, but i have geography common test tomorrow and i want to go home and study, hence didn't go for training. But i will be replacing it tomorrow. Anyhow, Arsenal will be playin Villareal tomorrow morning at 2.30 a.m. Arsenal will win and go to the finals for the first time in the club history! Go Arsenal!



Time check now is 7.09p.m and it is raining outside since 5+. Lucky i didn't go for the Ortega Cup training. I got selected to be the top 20 to represent the school in the Ortega Cup against RI. But i decided not to go cos my soccer boots keep giving me blisters on my heels everytime i wear them. So even if i train today, no point cos my blisters will come back again and i can't play on thursday. I tink my boots are half a size too small thats why i get blisters. My feet size is 9 1/2 but the boots is size 9. Anyway, there is still next year. I am planning to sell my Nike Total 90 to someone who ones to buy it, since i onli used it 3 times. I am now planning to buy Mercurial Vapor III , Tiempo Legend Or buy another pair of Total 90 that doesn't give me blisters. But now i am caught in a dilemma cos i dunno which pair to buy. Mercurial Vapor III is lightweight and built for speed but thn Total 90 is built for power. And i have both, so i dunno which to buy. Haha.

Nike Total 90 Nike Mercurial Vapor III Nike Tiempo Legend

Anyhow, after school, i saw this realli chio CJC girl. She was wearing her uniform and doin her work with her friend. Actualli, i would not have noticed her in the first place if i didn't sit with Michael while having lunch. So happened she was sitting opposite of me, facing me. Hope i can see her again soon. Haha. Gotta study for my geography and Elective humans test now.

BYe byE!

Beat Of Angel. BoA


Yo Guys! Yesterday, we had the Ortega cup trails. I manage to get selected, but i am still not sure whether i am in yet. Cos they are still going to cut down on people to 18 people. My soccer boots gave me blisters on both my heels again. I tink it is too tight. They say that the top 20 people will have training on monday and tuesday. I tink that even if i get selected, i will not go cos of my blisters.

Today was Sports day! I had so much fun! I won the sec 3 long jump with a distance of 5.58m, my personal best ever. Leslie was second with 5.50m and Yvan was 3rd with 5.3+. Not sure of the exact distance. So for the first time, i won both the triple and long jump. Yay! For the 100m finals, Leslie and me didn't wanted to run cos of the injury we had from the Ortega trails. But the P.E teachers force us to run. So guess wat? I got last. I just slack the whole thing. Leslie was second last. Haha. First was as usual Jerome, 2nd was Bryan and 3rd was Kenneth. At first Mr Arul said that i was third. Thn everybody :"Huh!, He was last". Hahaha, so funny. 4x400m relay, my class got 3rd even though i didn't run. They said that we could have gotten 2nd if i ran. But nvm la. Got medal good alreadi la. For the 4x100m, my class got 5th, cos my other class mates too slow. But nvm. Can try again next year.

After that, we went to Cineleisure and went to Yuki n Yaki for lunch. So nice and so many things to eat. It was buffet, but quite expensive la, $16.90. per person. They have Sushi, Steamboat and Barbaque. The most fun thing about it was the making of the ice-cream. They take the ice- cream in liquid form and you pour it on the plate which can be turn to sub-zero degree. And it will start to freeze and from ice-cream. Cool huh? We had fun playing it. We even pour sprite and zeppel in and freeze it. Quite nice actualli.

I later went to sembawang and bought 3 old BoA CDs, which cost $55.70! Haha. I bought the olds ones they were harder to find. I bought the Valenti album, the Love and Honesty album and the Listen to my heart album. I tell you ar, Victor is going to be so pissed when i tell him i bought 3 albums. Haha.

Oh, and Arsenal won again! Against Villareal. With Kolo Toure scoring the onli goal. Okie, got to go now! Bye. Tata!


On Sunday, i literally was busy the whole day. In the morning, i had the easter bazaar thing, and i had to sell hot dogs. Haha. Others were selling ice cream or making balloon. Thn, straight after that i had to proceed to Bukit Gombak Stadium for my long jump competition.

It wasn't so good la. I jumped a distance of 5.42m same as Yvan and Leslie jumped 5.40m. Yvan and me are placed 16 and Leslie is 18. Anyway, my long jump is not as good as my triple jump. I am more to the triple jump side. Yvan's brother, Stefan is sick la. His right leg which is stronger leg is injured due to his ankle. So he jump with his left leg and he still manage to jump 6.25m with sports shoes somemore. Left leg, sports shoes and sprained ankle, still so good. Idiot! Eng Wei was good thn us. He being our captain, jumped 6.52m, 4th position. He lost to the 3rd guy by 5cm, 6.57m. So close yet so far from getting a medal. Haha. Calvin won the first placed. He was actualli from our school but he transfered to Sports School cos he want to pursue career in sports. He jumped 6.72m just 2cm from breaking the record. Eng wei could have beaten Calvin if not for his landing. His technique is not very good, if not he could have jumped 6.80m-7.00m. Even the sports school coach tell my coach:"Wah, he can jump well ah!" Haha. And also thanked my coach for training Calvin. Haha. Friendly competition. Anyway, from now on to my nationals i am going to focus on my triple jump and try to get into the top eight again.

Anyhow, today was suppose to have the trails for the Ortega Cup. A cup that SJI and RI play for every year. Mr Teo said that they will onli be selecting 18 people, and guess how many people turned up!? 50+ people! Anyway, i signed my name up in the strikers list. Actualli i wrote on both the strikers and defenders list cos i can play both, but since can onli write in one i chose striker cos got lesser people, like 10 people rather than defenders which have around 20+ people. But it rained today so the trails will be postponed to thursday. And i saw some people who absolutely have no chance of making the team and they still go. Wat a waste of time. Nvm, heck care them. Just hope i get into the team. Wish me luck okie!



Today was so much FUN! Jit Yong, Victor, Jonathan and me went to watch The Art Of Seduction. Seriously, it is a great movie to watch. Go watch it. I dun mind watching it again. The Actress is Son Ye Jin and the actor is Song Il Guk. The show is so super funny la. Dun care abut the title of the movie. It is not something sick at all. They put that title because the both of them in the show like to seduce people. Haha.

We when to eat after that at the Wisma Food of Republic. They ate Teppan Yaki. And poor me just had to sit there and watch them eat cos i was fasting for good friday. Anyhow, it wasn't so bad cos they ate Teppan Yaki. At least i could keep myself occupied by looking at the chef cooking the food it front of us. Haha.

When to HMV also to buy BoA's new singles, Brand New Beat and Your Color. Both Victor and me bought it. So nice especially Brand New Beat. Actualli on the website there was a preview of the song and i told Victor that it is Japanese. Thn after he listen, he told me it is Korean. But after he bought the CD, he realised that it is Japanese. Hahaha.

Okie, going to play Fifa 06 and finish off my second season. BYe bYE!

Love BoA.


Happy Birthday Alessandra Ambrosio! Today is her 25th birthday. She is a supermodel and i realli love her very much! She was born on 11th April 1981 in Brazil, Erexim. So she is basically a brazilian same as Gisele Bundchen and Adriana Lima, if you know them. She is quite successful as a supermodel, mostly know for posing for Victoria's Secret. Anyhow, she is hot, cute and sexy! No one can denied that! Btw, her name is spelled as Alessandra Not Allessandra as stupid maxim spells it.

Haha, enough with that. During the weekends, I had my triple jump competition for national juniors. Haha just wat, i didn't even do a proper jump cos my run-up for my triple jump was completely wrong. Dunno why. I do in school can, i do there got problem. Haha. Stefan, Yvan's brother is damn good la. He is the best in singapore now. That day he did 14.92m. Power man. From now on still nationals, Leslie, Yvan and me are going to concentrate on our jumps alreadi. Thursday i have my 200m finals for sports day. Wish me luck!

Church on sunday, was fun. Together with soccer. In church, Aloy, Anthony and me would always sit on the red sofa in the office. I tell you ar. The sofa is super nice ar! When you jump in, you just sink in, super comfortable and cosy. We all hated hard sofas and wished that we could bring the red sofa home. Haha. Fettish over the sofa. Soccer was also fun. I finally got quite a good team. Playing as defender is actualli quite fun. I was on form la.

Okie i gtg watch Da Chang Jin. haha. Tata!

P.S Marissa! If you dun wanna come nvm, it is okie.


Hey Guys!!! Okie, this is realli hectic and i mean realli hectic. Monday, training. But there was lightning, so it was cancelled. Yesterday, Sports heats. Had my 200m heats. Suppose to have the finals too, but it rained. Lucky me. Haha. And because of the 200m, my injury at my groin which healed on monday came back! Damn it! Today, had training for long jump and i realised that i improved! Haha. I manage to jump 5.8m same as leslie and Yvan. But today Yvan abit off form ar, like dunno wat he was doin. That coach said "How come today Yvan off form ar" Haha. Thn tmr, i have sports heats again for my 100m qualfying. Wish me luck! Poor Bryan has almost all his events tmr. Bet he will be like super tired la. Dunno how he is going to manage man. Thn on friday, it is founder's day so half day. BUT there is founder's relay so i have to run for my house. Lawrance owns all! Thn on Saturday, I have my nationals juniors competition for my triple jump, together with James, Leslie Yvan and Eng Wei. Cool man. So practically, i am running or jumping the whole week. Haha.

Later on at 2.30 a.m. There will be the Arsenal and Juventus match. I will be waking up to watch. Hopefully Arsenal can play the way they played in the 1st leg. Come on Arsenal! I can't et enough of BoA! She is so pretty and her songs on the latest album, OUTGROW is just so nice. There is no one song that i dun like. Oh ya and i noticed that alot of people are watching Da Chang Jin now. Lee Young Ae is pretty and cute when she smiles. I tink Koreans gals are pretty! Haha.

Got to go sleep now. So i can wake up later and watch the match. Bye! Nite!


Once again, Arsenal proved that they are a force not to be reckoned with. They trashed Aston Villa 5-0. They are now super duper on form la. When they are at their best, they are the nicest to watch. Even people who dun like Arsenal, also like the way they play. They are just magnificent, they are Europe's finest, not Liverpool as Kumz claims.

Today, i went to church and i had to do my pastoral attachment as a Catheist, is that how you spell it? Okie. I had to be a cathetism teacher. Haha, can you imagine me as a teacher! Wat a joke. Anyway, it wasn't so bad. The class that i got, was very easy to control and quiet and well bahave. Lucky me. I tink those children that i got are primary 4. Aloysius i tink had those like primary 1 or 2. Haha. And Nicholas is one lucky guy. His pastoral attachment start at 11.30 at the canteen. By the time, the all the food were almost gone alreadi la. So he had to do until 11.45 when all the food were finish and the lady there told him that he could go. Damn lucky la, some more he got free chicken wing la. Not fair. Haha. Saw Nerissa also although i dunno wat she was in charge of. Poor rebecca, wait or is it rachel? I dunno how to tell the difference between the 2 cos the are twins. Anyway either one of them had to do wardening. haha, so damn la. Maxi is the worst one la, ha gave has to do wardening at 7.30 a.m la. Lol. Damn sad man.

Soccer today was as usual again. And i tink i am always damn suay la. I am always in the "Sunderland" team la. My team all the young people, like my age. Thn the other teams got all the pro people. So unfair. But at least i still managed to score one goal. Not so bad. I tell you that Yvan ar! Yesterday was April fool' day rite? He go and scare me that Henry is going to Barcelona la!. Like wth la. Oh and my babycousin went into Modelling. Her name is Rayshall and she is about 6 years old. Her mom brought her to the auditions i tink. Thn yesterday at my grandma's house, we kept disturbing her, askin her to do model pose, but she was shy and didn't want to do. Haha. She is oh so cute.

Anyway, this is going to be a busy week for me, physically. On i have training and on tuesday, i have my sports day 200m heats and final. Thn on thursday, it is the 100m qualifying. Thn friday is founder's day and have founder's relay. Thn on saturday and sunday i have competition, The national juniors for my long jump and triple jump. So i have to go on diet this week and run like 3km on days that i do not have training. I am trying not to eat recess and lunch. I am 62kg now i am trying to reach 58kg. Hope i can reach that by July before my Nationals. Guys, please remind me every now and then. Thanks.

Okie, Bryane are you happy now! That is have finally updated! Haha. Got to go, BYE bye! C'yaz.