Why does it feel like I'm back at square one?

Bet you a billion trillion bucks you can NEVER find anyone else that can beat me in screwing things up for themselves. I just always happen to do that. I'm a failure, nothing I do ever seem to go right. I just realised lately that I'm a very very shy person and that's not a good thing. It's like when you set up your mind to do something, there's just something or someone holding you back. Sucks big time I guess?

Don't you wish you could turn back time? Retrace every wrong that you made? Take back all the pain? Erase every unpleasent memories? Well, the sad thing is that you can't. I guess we all pretty much have to move on and start all over again. Forget the past, forget the wounds, forget the sadness. Hope that time will heal all wounds. We'll progress from here on.

So I went back to have my hair cut again! I didn't like the back, made me look like some freaking ah beng or whatever. Anyway, tonight is the night I start my night studies. Yup, alone, under the moonlight. Have to get some sleep soon so that I can concentrate tonight. I was just freaking tired the whole day, considering that I slept at 2a.m last night? Watching soccer and playing my guitar after that? Yeah, Arsenal won the Emirates Cup, signs of greater things to come. I realised that without the computer, I'm missing out on some really important things with carries great significance to me. Sigh.

Bye now SUCKERS!