Oh how I hate Tuesdays. There's always double physics at the end of the day, when everyone all dead tired. Moreover, Mr Lam's lessons are really dry and boring. I can't stand it. Every single seconds seem to crawl man! Plus I had to hold my bladder for like 1 hr today? Idiot one! I was freaking urgent la!

Anyway, Chemistry Practical for Prelims is tomorrow. Have to go and memorised all those tests, anions and cations. Oh my. I have to start really soon. Hopefully I don't screw it up man! Wish me luck.

I'm going to run first!

Bye bye!


Why does it feel like I'm back at square one?

Bet you a billion trillion bucks you can NEVER find anyone else that can beat me in screwing things up for themselves. I just always happen to do that. I'm a failure, nothing I do ever seem to go right. I just realised lately that I'm a very very shy person and that's not a good thing. It's like when you set up your mind to do something, there's just something or someone holding you back. Sucks big time I guess?

Don't you wish you could turn back time? Retrace every wrong that you made? Take back all the pain? Erase every unpleasent memories? Well, the sad thing is that you can't. I guess we all pretty much have to move on and start all over again. Forget the past, forget the wounds, forget the sadness. Hope that time will heal all wounds. We'll progress from here on.

So I went back to have my hair cut again! I didn't like the back, made me look like some freaking ah beng or whatever. Anyway, tonight is the night I start my night studies. Yup, alone, under the moonlight. Have to get some sleep soon so that I can concentrate tonight. I was just freaking tired the whole day, considering that I slept at 2a.m last night? Watching soccer and playing my guitar after that? Yeah, Arsenal won the Emirates Cup, signs of greater things to come. I realised that without the computer, I'm missing out on some really important things with carries great significance to me. Sigh.

Bye now SUCKERS!


[Song: Yesterday-The Beatles]

Yesterday, all my troubles seem to far away.
Now it looks as though they're here to stay.
Oh I believe in yesterday.

Suddenly, I'm not half the man I used to be.
There's a shadow hanging over me.
Oh, yesterday came suddenly.

I'm such a ass, yes, a very very big one. I practically screwed up the day for myself, and it's entirely my fault. I didn't know why I did it as well. It was only in church that I asked myself why I'm like that, and I couldn't find any answer.

Well sometimes, I guess life doesn't really goes your way. The path is never ever smooth. There are always bound to be difficulties in life. There are always ups and downs. I just hope we can overcome this small problem and move on. Forget the past, forget the conflicts we had and start all over again. There's only one you, and no one can ever replace you.

Sometimes, I really don't know why things don't turn out well for me. But I can only blame myself. I tried acting dumb but I guess it backfired. All I wanted to do was to be sincere and ask you again personally, but you didn't give me a chance as well. Well, what can I say, I created the problem myself, I guess it's entirely up to me to solve. Sighhhh.

Call me a dick,
an asshole,
a bastard,
a fucker,
yes I'm an IDIOT, a bloody big one too and I can't denied that, I agree with you fully. I can't even remember to bring the damn card that I stayed up so late just to do it. After all the time we've been through, I don't want it going down the drain just like. Nearly 7 months just gone like that.

I'm really really sorry.
Yes, I regret it.
I hope you will forgive me.
Give me a chance to make it up to you.

I said something wrong,
now I long for yesterday.

I still Love You, yes, I really do.

I cried my way home.


[Song: Can't Get You Out Of My Head-Velvet Revolver]

HAPPY 16TH BIRTHDAY NATASHA RAEANNE YEO YUL JIE!!! May your life be as colourful as the colours on your name! HAHAHA! May the day you turn 16 be the day you will remember the most! I LOVE YOU! STUDY HARDDDDDDDD!!!

Today's a really a bad day for me, and I mean really bad. I got rejected twice today. Well, sort of. I didn't make it into the team for the ortega cup because they put me as a midfielder when I got into last year's team as a striker? Fucktards. I nearly cried on the bus on my way home. I was just looking back at how the whole day went. Luckily for that phone call that took my mind of it. I just want to play being it my last year in the school. But seems like no. Of all days it has to be today. Sigh.

Looking back at my past 4 years in SJI. I'm sad to say that it isn't a good as I imagined. The last 2 years of my life in this school has been really horrible. I really hate the class I'm in as compared to my sec 1 and 2 class. That's why I'm really against the making of the class-tee. Yes, call me wet blanket, whatever, I don't care. This class is just fucked up. They just don't know where to draw the line. Every teacher has a problem with our class. Screw it. I feel like just ponning school and studying all by myself at home or something. Yes, away from them. My track and field hasn't been too good in the last 2 years as well. Twisted my ankle in sec 3 and I performed like shit this year. Now I wonder if going to SJI was indeed such a great idea after all. Maybe it is from the friends that I get, but not in the other things.

Oh you know after Chemistry supervised study today, I realised that Chem wasn't all that hard man! HAHAHA! It sort of motivated me to start studying chem! Yeah man! My A.maths also need work as well! I just want to do well for prelims man and keep my choices open.

I want to buy sooooooooooo many things man! But I guess it's my phone first! I want a new bagggggg tooo! I can't stand my bag! It's freaking big man! Bleah! I shall save now and go shopping during the september holidays!

GOODNIGHT! Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day.

Nevermind, I can wait as long as it takes.


[Song: Get Out the Door-Velvet Revolver]

I bought Velvet Revolver new album yesterday! And I don't even regret it one bit! Haha, it's that good. Love them man.

I want to go shopping man! I only have $50 now. I don't know what i should buy cos there's so many things that I want! I don't even know if I should buy clothes first or save up for my phone first. Hmm I shall decide man!

This week is going to be hell man, is it? Okay I'm not sure but I guess it should be, judging from the number of tests I have! I don't even have time to watch Harry Potter and I want to watch Vacancy too! Maybe I might just go and watch this thursday. Need to study nowwwwwwwww!

Bye bye bye!


[Song: The Last Fight-Velvet Revolver]

As I was sitting in my seat waiting for today's Chinese Listening Comprehension to start I felt this strange feeling come into me that made me think what exactly I'm doing, what exactly I'm sitting for. Well, I figured it's just a another passing milestone in our life that we'll just have to go through. But for some reason, this milestone will stay with us for quite some time in our lives. You can either say it's significant or not significant, but that's up to you. I still think we should let ourselves down. Maybe we don't know want we want in life, but I think we shouldn't take second chances and do our best. Thn that way we won't have any regrets in life next time when we grow up.

Enough said, anyway I won't say the listening comprehension was easy, neither was it THAT difficult. Only question 3 and some said 10 was tricky? I put A and D respectively for both. I just hope I get them right! Next week as going to be freaking busy with 2 maths tests and what's not. Then I might also go for the ACS(I) Battle of the Bands thing to support my friend. We shall see!

Anyway, I want to go shopping man! I still want my Light Green Lacoste Polo tee and the perfect berms for me and other other things! I just need more clothes! I always have a hard time deciding what to wear every time I go out! Like it's always the same old thing!

I shall go and be a good boy and study now!
Neh neh ni poo poo! HAHAHA!

This fight could be the last fight, so why don't we make it a good one?

How much do you love me?


Maybe I'm a little better now.
Maybe I'm a little surer now.
Maybe I'm a little clearer now.

Make me sure,
Make me clear,
Without doubts.

Give me a chance.
I'm sure it will be better.


Should I stay or should I go?
Should I hold on or should I let go?
Should carry on or should I give up?

I seriously don't know. I think I'm quite in a mess now. My head's spinning and questioning things that I've wondered about before. It comes and go. Even I'm not too sure myself. Week after week I tell myself to think about it and not act rash. But maybe it's time i just do it or maybe I should just wait a while more and see.

I'm tired. I don't know why.


[Song: Sanbika-Plastic Tree]

Life's been really busy lately man. Guess that's just how sec 4 life is. And to think that I still have tuition later. The whole week has been maths and tests man. Geog's test tomorrow. See! I have to study for it later again. But actually I think it's quite good you know. It sort of forces you to study and prepare for Os. I already have the want to study feeling in me la! That's so unlike me. Maybe all that stress and lack of sleep is taking its toll on me. It's already the 4th day that I'm sick and it's irritating me. I'm also getting this really black rings around my eyes and my patience for people is getting lesser. I don't know why either.

The C Div boys are really on steroids I tell you! They are the 1st qualifier for both 4x100m and 4x400m! Yes! You heard that right! Even faster than sports school! And sometimes you wonder why the stupid damn government waste so much money building a hundred over million complex for them. Okay, that's not the point. But then again they are sick. They didn't even do their warm up and stretching for their 4x100m due to some rescheduling which they were not told about and they still did 46s! How retarded are they man! At least they are not like the shit B Div which already has so many flops including me! For the 1st time in God knows how many years we didn't qualify for the 4x100m finals. You know whose to blame? That fucking shit Mr Chua. Who is hated by all of us and whose training is ineffective. He is freaking damn biased la. I shall shut up now. It's only making me more pissed. Anyway, I'm still unsure if I want to continue track in JC, but I have a strong feeling that I will though. We shall see.

I called M1 to order my phone yesterday and they have no stock for the online purchase! Damn it! I can't wait man! Unless of course I go down to the shop and get it, in which I have to pay $30 more. I wouldn't want to waste that kind of money man. I'm also not in a rush to get it. Plus I have to save money too and it's my third week not eating recess already. So yeah, I guess I shall just have to wait and check with them next week again.




And soooooo my fucking Dad just screwed up my day for me. Can't stand him. You know my parents, especially my Dad loves giving me false hope. That's the one thing that I've begin to hate most. It's lifts you up and bring you straight back down. He said he was going to change my phone for me and because of that I purposely missed my soccer to go, but in the end, he changed it to after dinner and thn it the end we didn't even go at all cos apparently he thought he only had to pay $50 when I kept telling him it's $200+. Bastard! But, that's not the main point, don't buy the phone for me nevermind, but he made me missed soccer! That fucker! You don't know how much I need to exercise! and I've already gained back 2 freaking kgs! Running for me tomorrow during recess, I don't care.

CJC didn't make it very good for me either yesterday. They called me for an interview just to reject me. Fucking school! I swear I will try my best not to end up there from now on. I hate the principle. I would rather go poly than that school. I just freaking hate it now.

So my nationals are over and what can I say. My body is just screwed up. I can't grow anymore. and I'm getting fatter by each passing day. I hate the teacher in charge too. Freaking biased. Time to keep the spikes and get down to studying. Which I also find it very hard to do so. And I think I'm going to fall sick soon. I'm having flu and I can sense a freaking sore throat coming.

I just wonder what exactly I'm good at? Won't you tell me God?

Don't give up! There's still you and me.



[Song: Heart Shaped Glasses-Marilyn Manson]

It's been a long time since I used the freaking com. That's why I hate weekends so much. I'm always the least productive on weekends. I think from now on, I shall go out every saturday to study. It will confirm me more productive than staying at home. I just keep slacking! In that way, I also wouldn't need to see my stupid parents at home and see their black faces. It was bad enough on saturday until I end up venting my anger on my love one and I'm sorry for that. I thinking I my temper can explode like really fast on others, even though my teacher talks about how patient I am with others. Maybe when it comes to certain things thn I am, not for some I'm not. It ALWAYS and I mean ALWAYS happens when I'm in some big soccer matches. I just vent my anger out on my teammates when they are not playing properly and cause us to lose. I even did it on my teacher in sec 2 okay!

TRANSFORMERS last night was WAHHHHHH! FREAKING NICE! It was full house man! Until we had to sit in the 1st row! I think it's more of a guy thing. I remember watching all their cartoon when I was younger and buying the toys. I must get the DVD man! I seriously wouldn't mind watching it again if time permits and I mind very well just go and buy the toys. HAHAHHAA! Relive my childhood memories. But yeah, that's how good I thought the show was! The robots were all freaking cool man! Now I want to watch 13 Game of Death. Only a matter of when and if I have the time.

I think I might just very well get my phone next week cos my mom's phone is spoilt. So my dad suggests handing down my phone to my mom and he buys me a new one! HAHAHA! Here comes my LG Shine! Plus I have to change my plan. So yeah most probably. Didn't expect it to come so soon though. Thn I can go round and irritate people with the mirror reflection.
