[Song: Miscast-X Japan]

Quite a long time since I last blog. Now Jit Yong is bugging me to blog. Actually I wanted to, but it's either I forget to do it or I'm too busy.

Anyway, "life really is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you are going to get". That phrase from Forest Gump always sticks in my head. Just like that Xu Wei Lun is gone. Like it really came as a shock to me. But, life's like that. Maybe God has other plans for her. I like her very much as in her acting as well as looks. I used to watch her shows everyday. Life is short, you never know what will happen to you in the future. One day you may be all alive and kicking and the next, you maybe be gone. I used to think that 1 year passes by very slowly, but now i feel like 1 year is freaking short. Just like that January is gone. And maybe it's true that we have to plan for the future. Time will pass and never be ours again.

I hope that our english teacher gets well soon. She has been absent from school the whole of this week. I heard that she may have dengue. Anyway, guess what we have been doing in class during that period? We were playing with static. HAHA, so fun. You there are those toys that look like a pen or car key but when you press it you get a shock. Haha. We were like pressing it all day long. Thn we will form up from chain by holding each others hands and the static will pass through everyone. That's the most fun ah. Thn Isaac is damn funny la. He wants to press it but keeps asking how it feels like cos he forgot how it felt like. Hahhaa. I kept bluffing him that it's damn pain and that you will get a shock and all that shit. Haha. But when he finally pressed it, he gave me that look. Haha.

Common tests in like 2 weeks time. I guess I will be using the com less, especially on weekdays. Thn after that it's chinese new year. Haha, and who want to come my house the day after common test to play soccer can do so. Hmm...I guess i have nothing much to blog about or I forget what I want to blog about already. If I remember I will blog again.

Which one is nicer?

Fernandes Revelle EliteESP F-400FM