[Song: Melancholic-Plastic Tree]

Being sec 4 really sucks man. They just so many things to do within so little time. Training, studies and more studies. I have a feeling that my term 1 is already screwed even though I don't know all my marks yet. I have come to realised that although no one is born stupid, there are however some that are just smarter than others. Maybe some people just cannot study and are not meant to, perhaps they have other things in life in stall for them. Life's unfair so let's just get over with it. This will be the first and the last time that I am going to screw up this year. I shall have to change my mind set for this year and as a matter of fact, I've started to enjoy studying. HAHA!, I know, call me nuts or whatever you what. This could just be the year that decides where I go from here and how my future will be like. It may not always be true, but nevertheless, I don't want to regret in the future. I must say that this week passed by very fast and it's not only this week, time passes by very fast and the only thing we can do is to make good use of it from now on or at least until after the Os, cos it will pass and never be ours again.

Training this week has been both up and down for me. Cos on wednesday I was struggling just to keep up with training. My fitness sucks after the 3 weeks break. Today's training was better I guess. Felt as if I got my fitness back, and the stupid rain had to interfere with training! Coach couldn't come today cos he had to attend a funeral so no jumps for us. Swimming heats are coming soon man. I shall go and swim more often during this week. Wish me luck and hope that I qualify for the finals. Softball during P.E is super fun man! Too bad it all has to come to an end. ARGH!

Bye now!