[Song: THE PLEDGE-Dir en grey]

"My heart goes SHA la la la la,
SHA la la in the morning"

Okay, so SHA has asked me to blog. That girl ah! Seriously is making me jealous man! She's like happily eating macs now while I'm here blogging for her to read! Damn evil man! Nevermind, later karma will get to her!

Anyway, I'm listening to Dir en grey's new album now, and I must say their way of music really change a lot over time. From there 1st album until now, But I still prefer their Visual Kei songs and Visual Kei image. Songs like Yokan and Raison D'etre that I can never get sick of it. Anyway, they have changed so much that people cannot even categorize them under a certain genre of music. Visual Kei still rocks man.

So Chinese New Year isn't as interesting and nice as it used to be. It has become really dull and boring. While, many it's depends on where you go and what you do there and who are there as well. I think my grandma's house should have a Xbox 360 there or something la! Speaking of which I really want one! There are like so many nice games on 360. Back to the point if there isn't one there I can practically die of boredom there, just like yesterday. Oh and know what, I gambled for the first time in my life, haha, but it's my mom's money. If it's my money, I wouldn't play at all. Today at my Godma's house wasn't so bad la, at least there was no steamboat and PS2 to play there. And my cousin was damn evil but not letting us play his 360. Whack him man. Thn my cousin and I wanted to watch Borat but my younger cousin was in the same room as us and he didn't want to leave the room. So we couldn't watch.

Anyway, Chinese New Year this year isn't such a great one. Hope next year's one would be better.

Goodnight now!