[Song: Battle In The Forgotten City-Nobuo Uematsu]

Wah I'm so tired now I could literally sleep anywhere you put me. I'll just sleep for you to see. There's lots of homework to be done this weekend. The worse thing is that I have to attend some stupid Lit Seminar at CHIJ St. Nick's which is at Ang Mo Kio and I have to be there by 8.15am and it ends at 1.30p.m! Waste my Saturday sleeping time la. But I'm sure after that it will be a good good day. I need to make the most of my weekends la.

Training today was so-so. I had shin-splint on both my legs and even now it still hurts. So i had to stop doing plyo and do jogging. I ran about 4km again! Hahaha! Shiok man! Coach told me to take a super huge chunk of ice and rub my leg until the whole ice is gone, and I need to do pool running so that it can heal faster.

Anyway P.E today I believe was the most tiring one I ever had. We had relays for P.E and it was class versus class. 4x300m was first, followed by 4x200m and I ran both! Unexpectedly. Anyway, we won the 4x300m and I felt quite okay after running that. Thn my friends made me run 4x200m again! What good friends I have right! Haha, but nvm. So again we ran and we won cos of me la! I was chasing the guy in front of me and I managed to beat him just before the line! Damn tired la! Thn my whole leg was burning with lactic, so bad that I couldn't even move my legs. And I ended up spending the whole recess just lying down waiting for the lactic to clear. Even after recess, during physics practical I was still feeling like shit. Only after that period was I feeling normal.

Oh man I hate tomorow. Have to wake up so early.

Bye byeeeeeeeee!


[Song: Girlfriend-Avril Lavigne]

I think these few days has been a little better to me. The Confirmation camp shall I say was too short and a waste of time? It was like 2 days 1 night? And I see all my other friends' camps are like 3 days 2 nights? The camp was full of talks and sessions! Super boring can! The worse thing was that my teacher in charge of my group was so lousy at leading us he had to ask Sha's cousin for help! Like WTH! Useless ass. They didn't do anything meaningful that will make you feel touch my God or anything like that. Thn I hear my friends say they cry all. The camp was soooooooo wrong timing that everyone had to bring their homework and stay up just to finish them. Others like me had competition! Ass them la, should have been during the march holidays.

Anyway, today was like one hell of a day. Especially in the morning! It rained rained rained. So heavy until traffic had to stop. The bus was stuck at the same spot for like 10 mins? But nvm, cos there were like 11 SJI guys on the bus, so even we were late we had excuse. By the time we reached school, everyone were like all walking to school too. Thn the worse thing of all that the first period of the day was double chinese and we had bi-weekly test, and I didn't study for it! Letter writing man. But at least i know some of the format, but i didn't feel like doing. Thn PSE was quite fun ah, talking about body language and girls all.

Oh training was like good for me today? Cos before training I ran 4.7km. Haha, lose weight man! Oh I did my personal best for my triple jump which was 12.20m, and that was without proper run up and training for a long time. So maybe I can hit 13m by sports day. I need to improve on my step as well. It super sucks.


Goodnight now!

Hey Hey, You You, Want to be my girlfriend? HAHAHAHA!


Today I watched as my hopes and dreams disappear right in front of me. All because I'm too slow and too fat.

The stupid Kranji thing made it even worse for me. Because of that I didn't bring my training things thinking that it will take up my training time. But who knows it ended so early and I couldn't train. And there are those who think they are damn fast, act arrogant and behave complacent. They think like that own the world, and they go round suaning people. Young ignorant, naive bastards. Hopefully, one day someone faster would come and beat them back down to earth.

Anyway off I go now to shed those weight.

Working ten times as hard will make you twice as good.


I'm down.

Perhaps I'm too dependent.

Back to my old ways.

Contradicting myself.

I was just watching soccer when I suddenly thought about not doing things that will make you regret next time. It's like when you are a defender and you are tired. You see the opponent who has the ball. You are in a distance that is so close yet so far. You know you can just run there and block the guy from shooting. But you don't. He shoots and he scores the goal. You tell yourself that you are an asshole by not going just that extra mile and blocking that ball. Your team loses the game and you regret what you did.

It's things like that pisses you off and you wished you never did. You wished you went that extra mile to get the things you want. Well, that's life. You win some and you lose some. There's always ups and downs. Sometimes it's just having that little bit of energy to sustain you through tough times and you feel like breaking down and cry. Life's harsh, and perhaps the only way we can ever learn is through the hard way, by experience. Perhaps we should all love our parents and everyone close to us more if we haven't been cos we may never know when they will be gone, and when the time comes, you will wished you loved them more than you ever did, but it will already be too late. In life, you win not so much by how many obstacles you can overcome but how much you can take when obstacles come to pound you.


[Song: Way Back Into Love-Hugh Grant and Drew Berrymore]

This is a really nice song. Simple and Nice. Even though I haven't watch Music and Lyrics which I plan to, I had this on Zachary's Blog and it really caught me.

Anyway, My feet are killing me. They are aching like hell man, after going out the whole day. Walking and standing, walking and standing. Oh Oh Oh, I'm so going to kill that Nicholas man! He made a big big big hole in my beloved new silver spikes! He spiked my shoe and made a huge tear! Heart pain man! I wanted to buy a new shoe! But doesn't make sense right? So I'll just have to painstakingly sew it back tomorrow. One day I know I will get over with it, so might as well.

Maths project after, met up with Victor and Ric with Leslie tagging along. Seriously, never try to do any project in town. We had a hard time trying to find a suitable place to do. Thanks to Victor's super idea. We even went to the Coffee Club to do! Like wth! Doing work in a resturant! Smart ah! Again Victor's super idea. We ended up finishing our project at macs. Like after sooooooooo long. Walked around after that, looking at soccer boots. Oh and I saw Ronaldinho's new Tiempo. Quite ugly actually, only the bottom is nice. But I can't wait for the white one to come out. Freaking nice ah. Plus plus plus, I want to buy the whole of Nike Woman at taka. It was filled with BoA's Posters! Like OMG! Can faint! Haha!

Goodnight now!


[Song: Star[K]night-Nightmare]

Depressing. That's what it is. my studies, my track and Arsenal. My studies are seriously like shit now. And yes, this march holidays are going to used for catching up on my work. I shall say no more about it. Arsenal are like not performing time and again. With much more suspensions and injuries this time round. From 3 cups contenders to NO cups contenders in 2 weeks. How bad can that be man. Anyway it's time to save money and buy their jerseys.

My track is just as bad. My form is like shit now, plus I'm super fat and slow. For the last time, I'm going to lose weight, starting tomorrow. I'm also super scared that my place as starter in the relay team is in jeopardy. From what i heard there are people with totally no experience in relay that are in the team, due to whatever reasons. Nevermind, I shall just see how that guy perform and I shall be a bastard and not tell him any tactics. I jus hope that there will be the Relay competition between the Sprinters and the Jumpers and I shall prove my worth. No matter what I shall fight for my place.

Anyway, Thursday's Junior Cat session was really fun, cos it was super cosy. Just Germaine, Emmanuel, Keenan and me. Don't know what happened to the others man! Either they didn't know or forgot about it or they couldn't come.

Tomorrow's a busy day. Damn!

Goodnight! Bye!


Nightmare - Criminal Baby PV

[Song: Criminal Baby-Nightmare]

Nightmare is really great man. They have really light songs and heavy songs. But I think their most famous song is "the WORLD" and "alumina" as they are the opening and ending song for the Deathnote anime. Hitsugi's image is like WOAH! OMG nice nice. Visual Kei so rocks man. Sakito's guitar skills is like WOAH also. Have you ever seen someone do the "pop smap" technique on normal electric? At least not me, that technique is by right used on bass.

Anyway, I can't wait for the March Holidays and get over and done with with this screwed up term. I guess this will be the first holidays in my life that I'm actually going to study. And my guitar better be fixed by next week or i'm so going to screw Yamaha for just wasting my holidays away.

House cheer competition today was freaking funny. Marcian was the beat house man. They were so synchronise that they created echo sound effect. One side end already the other side was still cheering. Haha. But anyway, Lawrence house won as usual, 4 years in the running. Know why? Cos i'm inside! Nvm, cut that big ego shit. But yeah, after the first cheer i saw people from the other houses clapping and I was quite surprise. Like that good meh? Cos from where I was, it sounded quite soft. But, anyway yeah we won, with Fintan in 2nd and Michael in 3rd.

Training today was like...... Yes, very...... There were like only 7 people? Cos some either went to help in the mass swim or they went to swim! Some didn't come to school while some others just prefered to slack away. So training today was pathetic. Like really no mood to train cos everyone wasn't there, like as if the track team doesn't exist. Competitions coming really soon. The 1st one is coming on the 18th or march which is a Sunday. Thn SPH relays are after. Need to bug Mr Chua to choose the Relay team soon. We are not going to train just the week before the competitions and end up screwing up the race again, as we have done so for the past few years. We want that medal, yes some silverware for our last year in SJI. Not only more and it's going to be our nationals and spoof, our Track and Field career in SJI just ends like that.

Oh and just a little Rugby Update, SJI won RI today at home. Haha. Not sure of the scores but i think it should be 14-7 since it's 2 tries for SJI and 1 try for RI.

Oh and everyone is like fighting over my PSP now!



[Song: the WORLD-Nightmare]

Know what's worse than having to wait 3 months for your guitar to come? Having to go and test your newly arrived guitar and realised that it's faulty. And I'm feeling pissed now as well as uncomfortable for whatever reason i know not. So the 3-way toggle pickup selector switch wasn't working when I switch to my bridge pickup. They say they will send it to their repair centre to get it fixed and send it to me directly which will take about 1 week. In the mean time, they are going to order a new one for me as I play with the repaired one and when it comes, we will do a 1 to 1 switch. So great, now I have no guitar to play with, which is why I'm so pissed now.

Anyway, yesterday's swimming was fun, swimming in the rain all and managing to qualify for the finals. My friends say that I can get a medal cos i'm one of the faster few. Track and Field Meet is coming soon too. Today's Macbeth play at the national library was quite okay. Wasn't really that great nor was it bad. The only bad thing was that the seats there. They were small and crap. It was hard to sit comfortably nor with that case, even sitting still was difficult. PLUS, I had to hold my pee for like 1hr plus with the temperature at like freezing cold? I couldn't even walk properly to the toilet after the play.

One amazing thing was that I manage to last the day even without feeling tired with just two and a half hours of sleep.

Goodnight now!
