[Song: And If I Fall-The Charlatans UK]

I was just watching borat and i found if super offensive. It's not even funny at all. He's just another disgusting bastard who has no regards for women whatsoever. Well, not all women deserve that respect as well. But thn again, not all are like that. The show as so sick and lame that I had to stop it half-way. Don't even know how singapore can show it in the movies. And you still have lame people around that won't grow up and thinks it's funny and watch it over and over again. They should had just banned the show in Singapore. Again, they show woman as objects of sex and those americans teenage bastards are not better. Seriously I think that America is a screwed up place. They are very free and cheap about certain things like sex, drugs, alchohol and what's not. Even they portray it in their movies.

Enough about that now, The guy at Yamaha called me yesterday to inform me that my guitar is ready for collection but but but the only dumb thing at makes no sense is that I have to go there and make the other half of the full payment thn come back another time to get the guitar. Like what the hell right? Making 2 trips and wasting my time. Freaking no brains to do business. So my dad is going to call them and tell them to bring it from their warehouse to there shop before he makes the payment. I've already waiting like for full 3 months and they still want to make me wait longer! It's like an anti-climax right, they tell you that you can collect your guitar but you still must wait for it.

I should be playing soccer now la, Stupid rain. The worst thing was that at 5, when i was just about to go down, it rain! Like wah, so last minute! Aiya heck it man.

Bye now!


[Song: Melancholic-Plastic Tree]

Being sec 4 really sucks man. They just so many things to do within so little time. Training, studies and more studies. I have a feeling that my term 1 is already screwed even though I don't know all my marks yet. I have come to realised that although no one is born stupid, there are however some that are just smarter than others. Maybe some people just cannot study and are not meant to, perhaps they have other things in life in stall for them. Life's unfair so let's just get over with it. This will be the first and the last time that I am going to screw up this year. I shall have to change my mind set for this year and as a matter of fact, I've started to enjoy studying. HAHA!, I know, call me nuts or whatever you what. This could just be the year that decides where I go from here and how my future will be like. It may not always be true, but nevertheless, I don't want to regret in the future. I must say that this week passed by very fast and it's not only this week, time passes by very fast and the only thing we can do is to make good use of it from now on or at least until after the Os, cos it will pass and never be ours again.

Training this week has been both up and down for me. Cos on wednesday I was struggling just to keep up with training. My fitness sucks after the 3 weeks break. Today's training was better I guess. Felt as if I got my fitness back, and the stupid rain had to interfere with training! Coach couldn't come today cos he had to attend a funeral so no jumps for us. Swimming heats are coming soon man. I shall go and swim more often during this week. Wish me luck and hope that I qualify for the finals. Softball during P.E is super fun man! Too bad it all has to come to an end. ARGH!

Bye now!


[Song: THE PLEDGE-Dir en grey]

"My heart goes SHA la la la la,
SHA la la in the morning"

Okay, so SHA has asked me to blog. That girl ah! Seriously is making me jealous man! She's like happily eating macs now while I'm here blogging for her to read! Damn evil man! Nevermind, later karma will get to her!

Anyway, I'm listening to Dir en grey's new album now, and I must say their way of music really change a lot over time. From there 1st album until now, But I still prefer their Visual Kei songs and Visual Kei image. Songs like Yokan and Raison D'etre that I can never get sick of it. Anyway, they have changed so much that people cannot even categorize them under a certain genre of music. Visual Kei still rocks man.

So Chinese New Year isn't as interesting and nice as it used to be. It has become really dull and boring. While, many it's depends on where you go and what you do there and who are there as well. I think my grandma's house should have a Xbox 360 there or something la! Speaking of which I really want one! There are like so many nice games on 360. Back to the point if there isn't one there I can practically die of boredom there, just like yesterday. Oh and know what, I gambled for the first time in my life, haha, but it's my mom's money. If it's my money, I wouldn't play at all. Today at my Godma's house wasn't so bad la, at least there was no steamboat and PS2 to play there. And my cousin was damn evil but not letting us play his 360. Whack him man. Thn my cousin and I wanted to watch Borat but my younger cousin was in the same room as us and he didn't want to leave the room. So we couldn't watch.

Anyway, Chinese New Year this year isn't such a great one. Hope next year's one would be better.

Goodnight now!


[Song: Eyes Love You-hide]

Half day in school today. Must say that today's celebration was quite interesting, only the stupid lion dance thing at the end spoilt the whole thing. Anyway, went to town after that and we took like forever to decide what we are going to do. Super waste of time man and it was super boring. Cos some of them wanted to watch movie and some wanted to play pool and they were sort of arguing over it. Haha. I was the middle man cos i was fine with both. It took us like 3 hrs plus before we decided to play pool. Went to SHA la la la la after that.

Anyhow, that's besides the point. I went the Adidas Original shop today to find out the price of the shades that i want and it's like $344 for it! Like WTF! Super expensive for a pair of shades. I also went Yamaha today and guess what i saw! hide's guitar! The Fernandes MG-75c! OMG CAN! Can faint ah! It's love la. Crystal Clear acrylic finish. The only thing not so nice was the price tag on it. $1700! Like so anti-climax for all my excitement! Last time his black one was $1800 and the black one with the mosiac patterns on it was $2000+ all so freaking expensive la! Anyway, here's him using his Fernandes MG-75c. Look at his double hand tapping technique! SICK AH!

Fernandes MG-75c

Fernandes MG-80xFernandes MG-120x
Eyes Love You

Dinner now,

Love hide


Lets just say that Valentine's Day Today was well spent.
I shall blog more next time.

The thing is that no matter how many roses you give or how many boxes of chocolate you give to your Valentine, it will never be enough. They are the small small things that cannot represent what we feel for them. They will sooner or later be gone one day. The only that matters is the intangible thoughts for them that will truly last forever.

Thank You


[Song: You Give Me Something-James Morrison]

I'm listening to this now cos I needed something slow after listening to all those high-energy songs for the whole day. It's a good song. Or maybe every song in the world is good if you haven't been listening to it for a long time. Long time since I last blogged. Busy studying or at least TRYING to study. So stress man, Hate it.

Anyway, I didn't had training this week due to CCA stand-down cos of common tests. Stupid la, and everyone is piss with it. I hate CCAs stand-down. It makes us lose our fitness. It's like when you train so hard and reach that level, you have to stop and lose everything you worked so hard for. And when we start training again, you have to start everything again from scratch. And Mr Chua went to cancel our competition. Like screw it la. He never even inform us and just go and cancel it and everyone is freaking piss at it too. Stupid common tests.

And so to keep my fitness and prepare for swimming carnival, I went swimming on wednesday. After having not swam for like 2 years? I think? My first stroke I swam, I pulled like 3 leg muscles man. But it wasn't that bad la. So I shall swim more from now on, to strengthen my unused leg muscles. I think we will win for the swimming carnival cos the rest of the class are like not really into it. Which means it's good cos we are fighting for the Class Champs this year. Hopefully all goes well since it's our last year here.

I feel like changing my phone, and I have to choices in mind. Nokia N76 or Motorola Maxx V6. Nokia N76 is like super sleek and nice la. It's RED somemore. I'm like beginnning to like RED too. Haha. Motorola Maxx V6 is like super cool and all la. But I think N76 has 3G and Maxx V6 doesn't, aiya heck care la, i don't use it anyway. I just need one that I thing looks nice thn slim, can call and sms can already. The rest of the other functions are not important to me. I shall just wait for N76 to release thn I shall go and compare the real thing and decide how.

Till thn,



[Song: Dirty Little Thing-Velvet Revolver]

Did I mention that common tests are just next week. Damn so fast, but we will have a good Chinese New Year. I shall use the com less now, or maybe even keep my com, depends on my mood. I think I should go swimming soon, since swimming carnival is coming soon and take up tennis again with my dad. I was watching the tennis match of SJI versus HCI and it looks quite fun ah. So might as well play again. Haha.

My feet hurts man, after playing continuous soccer for 2 hours plus. So I expect my stamina to up by abit. Anyway, Singapore won Thailand by 3-2, haha. The match is quite okay, but they didn't look like that are playing ball ah, they were all so freaking rough. Stupid idiots. And Singapore's defence is like omg, even I can play better than that la. Keep giving the ball away and when they pass the ball, like never eat rice like that. Oh well, who the hell cares anyway.

I have bi-weekly tomorrow. OH SHITTTTTTTTT. Boring man.

Goodnight now!

hide's raw guitar sound


[Song: Miscast-X Japan]

Quite a long time since I last blog. Now Jit Yong is bugging me to blog. Actually I wanted to, but it's either I forget to do it or I'm too busy.

Anyway, "life really is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you are going to get". That phrase from Forest Gump always sticks in my head. Just like that Xu Wei Lun is gone. Like it really came as a shock to me. But, life's like that. Maybe God has other plans for her. I like her very much as in her acting as well as looks. I used to watch her shows everyday. Life is short, you never know what will happen to you in the future. One day you may be all alive and kicking and the next, you maybe be gone. I used to think that 1 year passes by very slowly, but now i feel like 1 year is freaking short. Just like that January is gone. And maybe it's true that we have to plan for the future. Time will pass and never be ours again.

I hope that our english teacher gets well soon. She has been absent from school the whole of this week. I heard that she may have dengue. Anyway, guess what we have been doing in class during that period? We were playing with static. HAHA, so fun. You there are those toys that look like a pen or car key but when you press it you get a shock. Haha. We were like pressing it all day long. Thn we will form up from chain by holding each others hands and the static will pass through everyone. That's the most fun ah. Thn Isaac is damn funny la. He wants to press it but keeps asking how it feels like cos he forgot how it felt like. Hahhaa. I kept bluffing him that it's damn pain and that you will get a shock and all that shit. Haha. But when he finally pressed it, he gave me that look. Haha.

Common tests in like 2 weeks time. I guess I will be using the com less, especially on weekdays. Thn after that it's chinese new year. Haha, and who want to come my house the day after common test to play soccer can do so. Hmm...I guess i have nothing much to blog about or I forget what I want to blog about already. If I remember I will blog again.

Which one is nicer?

Fernandes Revelle EliteESP F-400FM