[Song: Stairway To Heaven-Led Zepplin]

It's been quite a long time since I last blogged. Anyway, I'm here cos Sha asked me to! Haha. Plus, partly cos I planned to blog today. Many things have been happening lately, that's why I have no time to blog.

Anyhow, my legs and feet are like super aching now are training. Run like hell, jump like siao! When we were doing our striding after our main set, all of us couldn't even move la. Have to force ourselves. There was a rugby match between CJC and SJI, and guess what, SJI won CJC! HAHA, 21-7. Saw Annabelle, Randall and Cheryl in school before going home. Plus I'm super fat and short la! I'm like 65kg when I'm suppose to be lighter than that! I want to be 58kg or lighter! And I'm 170cm, I want to be at least 175cm! Shit man! ARGH!

And so Liverpool beat Chelsea and Arsenal beat Manchester United. Yeah man! That was the most entertaining match I've watch so far. With both side attacking and defending so much, and winning the match near the end. Amazing. When Henry scored, the winner, my dad and I were shouting so loudly until my sister and mom woke up. Haha. My Dad's not a Arsenal supporter but he likes the way Arsenal plays and he LOVES to see Man Utd LOSE! HAHA. Oh and for interclass Soccer, our class got 6th position out of 12. Out of our 4 match we were suppose to play, we any-o-how played 2 games, winning one and losing one. Haha. And our rugby got 6th as well. Guess how I managed to get people to go down and play? Haha, I asked them to play rugby and they ask if they can be reserves. So I said can, and on that day, they all went down thinking that they were all in the reserves so they don't have to play! HAHA. I'm SMART RIGHT!

Lately, I've noticed many despo people around. Like people seriously deprive of the opposite sex or something. Real assholes ah they. Can't stand them. They act like really fucking horny around us, but when they are in front of girls, they put up this act, like they are damn cool and all. It's like they see the female body as an object of sex and nothing else. Fuck them man. It's like all the girls in the world they want to get to know them. Even other people's friends or girlfriends they also want to know. All day long they can go round talking about girls girls and more girls. Like they don't have other things to talk about. I shall not say names, but many people hate them.

I think that school life really sucks now. The government education system is shit man. It's like overworking us. One of these day, they will know what they are doing is wrong and by the time, it's too late, just like what they found about about streaming people in primary school. Everyday, you go to school, training, you come home late and you still have homework to do but you are tired and want to sleep. One of these day, you are bound to break down and fall sick and all. Being sec 4 really sucks man! I really want to go back to either sec 3 or sec 2. But I also can't wait for JC life, it's seems so fun. Haha.

Actually I have a damn screwed up class. I think my teacher should do something about it. Or maybe she doesn't know and I have to address it to her. There are like so many things wrong in this class. People not surrendering their phones, class chairman giving the key to people who are not class com, people disrupting lessons, sitting arrangements, amount of time to get out of class to go wherever we are suppose to go. All this are so screwed up and need to be address. Mr Sirhan, if you managed to find my blog, please come to our class some time and do and spot check. You will be most happy to find unsurrendered phones. Anyway, heck it la, this class has been like that since day 1 of sec 3.

Hmmm....i think this is a rather long post ah! And NATASHA YEO SOMETHING SOMETHING has been bugging me to update! HAHAHHA. Don't kill me ah!

Goodnight now!
Prison Break time!


[Song: Anima Mundi-Rentrer en Soi]

So here I am, at home while the rest are enjoying training. Body's aching, fever, cold, cough and running nose. People find you emo in class just cause you are sick and don't talk much. You don't know what you are doing. You try your best to concentrate in class but it just fails. You simply have no energy to do what you always do best. Your body feels weak.

I was like peeing after every period in school, sometimes even peeing twice in 1 period. I was like drinking 1 bottle of water every period cos my throat was freaking pain when I woke up this morning and I spat out this super digusting thick green phlegm. Plus, my running nose was super irritating. I was going around class asking everyone for tissue and finishing them all. I feel like I'm going to die anytime if i close my mouth, it's like suffocating and even when I bathe and have to wash my face, I feel like I'm going to drown with the water splashing at me.

I don't even know what I'm doing. I even nearly walked out of my room after bathing without changing. I was at the door knob before I realised I was naked. I was like:"What the hell am I doing ah!". Thn while cooking noodles just now, I even put the packet of ingredients into the pot to boil. Plus I have a fever now. So COLD...

Weak, lonely, empty, helpless...


[Song: °C-Dir en grey]

What a day I had. I had this stupid freaking irritating running nose all day. It started since I woke up last night at 10.30p.m and continued until just now. I wasn't feeling too well in school, even my friends said I looked sicked. I was like struggling to concentrate during every period.

Anyway, I went to queensway to buy my boots. And and and I didn't managed to get my Mercurial Vapor III cos I was short of $20. Damn! It was $223 but I only had $200. Instead I got Tiempo Legend and saved $20. But it's okay cos I really like that Tiempo. I was already prepared that if I couldn't get the Vapor, I would get the Tiempo. Now it's time to save for another of my items that I want again.

Guess what I was doing last night while you guys were sleeping? Haha, I was wide awake play Fifa on my Xbox from 2.30a.m to 4.30 a.m. I tried sleeping but I couldn't cos I was sleeping from 8p.m to 10.30p.m last night. I managed to sleep from 12a.m to 2.30a.m before I woke up and was freezing cold. So I completed my season with Arsenal and successfully managed to sleep for 1 hour before heading for school.

Anyway, I went to check out the price of Xbox 360 just now and it was $499. Quite reasonable. Hopefully I can get it by May or June. Oh and the Samsung YP-K5 is super cool, $379 for a 4G MP3 player.

Oh and HAPPY BIRTHDAY AMANDA TAY SHAN WEN! SWEET 16! Ni Shi Lao Auntie! Haha, an eye for an eye!

Bye now!


[Song: egnirys cimredopyh +)__________an injection-Dir en grey]

Guess what time I reach home yesterday? 11.45p.m, yup, on a school day. Well, I met up with Gen and her friend Chuyin at vivo before heading for Nicholas Wong farewell dinner at taka. They were buying a birthday present for their friend, Natalie. ANT! HAHA, Here's your chance! Anyway, it took them super long to buy a present for her. They wanted to spend $50 and become a Toy 'R' Us member. So they took like 8 stalks of "toy" roses which cost $5 each and want to get something else that was $10. But after like 20mins they couldn't find anything, SO they decided to just take another 2 stalks of roses to make $50. I was like:"Wah, you took very long to do that huh!"

Nevermind, so we were late for the farewell dinner, but we still managed to get a place though. Quite a few people came. Especially Annebelle and Rachel! They came at like 9.30p.m when the last serving of food was at 9.45p.m. Oh and Rachel's laughter is like super weird. It sounds damn sinister and it goes from high to low pitch. You hear already can laugh like hell man. Somemore, there is Gen Seah beside her, imagine both of their laughter combine together!

Anyway, yesterday was a super fun and tiring day! That's why I slept the moment I got home.

I want:
Xbox 360! BADLY!
Those 2 really cool Adidas Original Track Suits.
Those 2 really nice Adidas Original Hoodies.
My Red Guitar to arrive quickly.
Mercurial Vapor III
That WHITE C1rca Skate shoes.

These for now. I need to start saving and start starving. Okay, not really starving but eat less.

Bye Bye now!


so this password still works(:
you're a old man now!

Hello! Amanda came here so spam my blog with the Happy Birthday thing that I didn't even know. Anyway, thanks again Amanda. So I shall not waste this post on such a short post.

Thanks everyone for giving me such a good Birthday, though I didn't get anything. A simple wish was more than enough for me. Oh and I saved somebody's life on my birthday, not bad right?

Anyway, I wanted to buy my mercurial vapor after school today. I went to the Nike shop, but they didn't have size! Damn it. Then I wanted to go to Queensway but it was quite late already, so I went home. Maybe I'll go on thursday or next week. But if I buy it at the Nike shop, there is 40% off for that shoe! Cheaper than if I were to go Queensway. Nvm, I shall just bargain with the uncle there like crazy until he submits to me.

Bye now! Dinner Time!

This post is weird...


[Song: Eyelash Wishes-The All American Rejects]

1st week of school. Lets just say that Sec 4 is the worst year in SJI. The older you get, the harder life is for you. It's been really busy. Homework, CCA and all. Let's just say that this year is going to be and short and fast one. Study study and more study. I don't even know what JC I want to go to also, Maybe, ACJC, SAJC or CJC. But CJC is like I'm trying not to go there, cos I think it's damn lousy, but people say that their standard is improving every year, so...I shall see how.

There is this retainee in my class. He acts like he knows everyone, like he's damn familiar with everyone. Can't stand him, he keeps coming to me, do some stupid thing or ask some damn obvious questions and walks off. Plus he keeps sleeping in class. Like what the hell la. Like once he was walking out of class and he HAD to KICK my friends table for nothing. Then tells him" Relac la brother" when my friend stares at him. And like today, he just came up to me, flick my nipples and walked off. Llike what the fuck okay. I really felt like whacking him up man. Oh and you want to know his reason of retaining? He went to IMH to certify himself as "Unable to handle the stress of O level" That kind of reason also can! Next time you all can go and do that as well and get 20 mins more for every paper. But thn during the first few papers, he broke down and cry, so he's now here for us to suffer.

Anyway, inter-class soccer/touch rugby is like 2 weeks away. Time to get my boots. I think it's time I get my boots soon. I hope they have the 40% off thing for the Black and Gold Nike Mercurial Vapor III. If they have it, thn I'll buy it. If not then I don't know already. I don't mind having the Glossy Red and White one, but Nabhan has it already, so I think I shall buy another colour and anyway, I always wanted the Black and Gold one.

CCA is like getting more intensive. My legs are damn weak now. I did jump drills and starts and soccer after, all in around 5-6 hrs. Oh, today the pri 6 record holder that broke Stefan's pri 6 record trained with us for the first time today, Sashi Kumar. We were all expecting him to be some big and tall guy, but it turns out that he is only at my shoulder. Haha, but he has very good technique, especially in triple jump I think. He was like the only sec 1 training with us today.

Oh and I think I have an ear infection in my right ear. There is like this sick greenish mucus like liquid that builts up and block my hearing. So it's like my right ear can hear softer than my left ear when it's blocked up. And for the pass 2 nights, I had to clear it. I don't know how I got it in the first place. Nevermind, Doctor for me tomorrow morning, and I can get my antibiotics as well.

Man I have like so many things that I have to buy.
1) Soccer Boots
2) Headphones
3) Amplifiers
4) Adidas Suit
5) New Skates Shoes
6) Hoodies
Okay, maybe not a lot of things but they are expensive.

HAPPY 15th BIRTHDAY DAMIEN! HURRY UP AND LEARN DRUMS! Thn you can go and smash your guzheng. Haha

Goodnight now!


[Song: THE FINAL-Dir en grey]

Happy New Year All!

Happy Birthday NICOLE CHERYL ALEXIS TAY NI KE! Finally 15!

Actually I don't see the point of celebrating the new year, like for what? It's just another year, another day, there is no difference, and I have no new year resolution so don't talk to about them to me. I never fulfill them, so I see there is no point having one. I'll just live everyday as it is, taking everything in my stride. There is no point in planning so far ahead, when in the end all you get is misery and stuffs that hurts you. And that's why just now at my aunt's house, when celebrating my cousin's and my birthdays, I didn't make any wish even though I was supposed to. That wish just never comes true, it's just a stupid thing that people do thinking that it will help them. I don't even want to celebrate my birthday, but they somehow forced my cousin and me to.

Anyway, last year has been erm... fast. Really fast, fun and all. But then again, FUCK last year, it kinda sucked too. I just hope that this year will be a better one for me, like my track, classes, that we don't have those fucked up people disrupting class, and still do well for common tests. Thn there are those that are freaking despo, go around looking for girls. Like they behave like they are fucking sexually deprived. Every chance they get to know a new girl, they will grab hold of that chance, thn the whole school will hate them, even though they don't know it and are in self-denial.

Anyhow, I went to watch The Curse of The Golden Flower last night and I must say that the story is not very good. It's not strong enough to stand by itself. That movie is more of an artistic film. But Death Note 2 today was very good. I wouldn't mind watching it again. Go watch it. Oh and my hair is super short now, like I lost 3/4 of my hair, just like Anthony. I think I look better in long hair. Maybe I shall keep it long after this.

Another thing I notice around lately, there are super duper a lot of ah bengs and ah lians around town. They should just fuck off from there and go to their bugis or somewhere like that. They are like want to pose but cannot pose, thn pose until like they become a fashion disaster. Dye their hair all, especially their long fringe and wearing super a lot of stripes shirt. But nevermind, all of them are short. HAHA. So they need to boost their self-esteem by doing all this things. So it's okay, I understand completely.

My cousin is going to learn the DRUMS! COOL!

Goodnight now!