[Song: LOVE after LOVE-Dong Bang Shin Ki]

I think this song is so so so so nice. I'm so in love with this song. Again, i don't think you guys will know it. Cos it's a band from Korea. Rock on Korea and Japan! Love both of them. Their culture, their language, everything!

Celebrated Teachers' Day today. Went for mass in the morning before the concert which was super duper sucky. Suck to the core, until cannot suck anymore. I dun think anyone was impressed. Not even the teachers were one bit excited for interested in it. They did things that was not a single bit related to teacher's Day at all. The stupid students were like trying to turn it into some rock concert and most of them can't play for nuts. I think they just want to show off their guitars and act cool and all. I think only Rueben are really good at playing the Guitar. Speaking of which i want to learn after my FYE. Such a waste of my life la. Sitting there and being disgusted. I think they should have just release us earlier like the lower sec so that at least we can go back to our primary or something la.

After school, took class picture and all. Thn wanted to go queensway, but ended up going to town instead. Everyone was like quarrelling where to go and stuffs. So Eeeeeeeee-ritating la. Later decided to go scotts and eat pastamania again! Wah...this time it's not my idea ah! It was Edgar's. Haha. Later the rest went back, only Brandon, Jon Cham and I went to cine to get Brandon's street soccer shoes. Later Jit Yong joined us at Nike. But both Jit Yong and Brandon couldn't find his shoes and size respectively. So we practically roamed the whole orchard just to look for their shoes. Nike, Adidas, Nike, Adidas, Nike, Adidas...until we finally convinced me to go queensway. I was very reluctant to go at first, cos i was tired and i didn't felt like going also. We also pang seh Jon Cham when at Sony Gallery in Paragon. haha.

So we cabbed there, and after like 1 hour of hunting for both shoes. We finally finished and ate laksa before going to Ikea to eat hot dogs! I ate 3 Hot Dogs man, and that was my dinner. Both of them treated me. Cos i convinced them to treat me. After how i came with them to queensway when i was tired, And helping them save money by coming to queensway and buy instead of buying at the Original shop, And about how they made me more tired by going around hunting for their shoes. haha. So they agreed to treat me. Later cabbed home with Jit after dropping Brandon off at the MRT station.

Hoi! Jasmine! Where did you go? Why you go offline? My com had like a major hang la. So i had to restart my com!

You are a really nice girl, but i really really hate it when you show me attitude. Like seriously, I don't even what i do to deserve that. Maybe I was too rash and harsh on you. I'm sorry.

I shall go and play Fifa 06 now! Haha.