Saturday, August 05
Went back to school to help out in the DSA trails for Track And Field. It was our house information day that day. In case you are wondering what DSA means, it means Direct School Admission. Lesser people turned up that day for the trails as compared to the early DSA trails. I just helped to start the trails for the respective events thats all. Haha. Quite slack la that day. Thn while we were waiting for more people to come, we managed to fixed the measuring tape which was all entangled inside. Thn byright, some pri 6 triple jumper who got 1st and broke Stefan Tseng's pri 6 record was supposed to come for the trails but nvr turned up. He was in school though. I mean he can actually not go for trails cos all the schools want him.

Later went back to church at night for some talk on how to succeed in school. Brother Michael from my school was supposed to come and give the talk by he had to go to Ipoh due to whatever reason la. So my school councilor came and took over his place. Wah! I tell you ah, we had a hell of a time. It was just dreadful. He was more like talking to the parents rather than us la. Moron. He was saying all the irrelevant stuffs that had nothing whatsoever to the topic. Wasted 2 hours of my life la. I think even if you don't go, it also won't make a difference.

Sunday, August 06
When to attend mass in church and thn went to cut my hair. Managed to play soccer finally after 6 weeks. Wore my ankle guard just to protect my ankle which was still a bit swollen and pain. But it was quite alright la when i was playing. First time wearing my Arsenal jersey to play, felt quite good actually. Now I'm saving to but more jerseys. Haha

Monday, August 07
I woke up late and had to take cab to school. What's more is that I have to go on stage and make an annoucement for the Track and Field thing cos my teacher was on MC and he sms me to make an annoucement on stage. I wasn't feeling anything at first, but when i was saying, i was like quite nervous la. Thn after i finished making the annoucement right, i was still nervous leh. I dunno why also. Weird huh?

Today, August 08
Today was also quite bad la. The damn 77 took to long to come! Normally it would come at 6.17a.m around there but today it came at 6.25a.m. Irritating. Thn when the bus came, i realized that i forgot to take my wallet with me. So had to go back and take my wallet. Just when i came down, another 77 left. So i had to take the 6.45a.m bus. And whats more was that there was mass at 7.20a.m in school. I was like telling to myself:"die already, die already, I'm not going to make it in time", and true enough, i didn't make it in time. Argh! I always feel damn bad when i skip mass when i am suppose to attend one.

So i just went to class lor and to my surprise, Glenn and Edgar also didn't go. They didn't make it in time. So we just slacked in class for a while before going to Esso to be an asshole. Bought some soya bean milk there to drink. Oh and guess what, so of my crazy friends went to buy Coke and soft drinks like that. I mean like HELLOOOOOO! It's early in the morning! and you are drinking Coke? Crazy la. You think what? Substitute for coffee ah? All the caffine inside. Haiyo...i dunno them la. The celebration thing was freaking boring, My friends and I just slept through some parts of the celebrations. They annouced the prefects who are in the EXCO. I think Calvin shouldn't be inside la. I bet Calvin is super suck up. Everybody was like shocked to hear him inside the EXCO. Everyone, not only me thinks that he should not be inside. He also should be vice captain of the badminton team. He doesn't deserve it. And if he becomes Lawrence house captain next year, i tell you. I swear i will not help the house in any of the interhouse games. Had to stay back after that for physics supplimentary lessons. But before that, I had to go to the LT1 to tell the track and field members that the meeting today is postponed to friday 2.30p.m.

Later went to town to catch click. I don't think it is really good movie as in the storyline. Cos it was funny at the start but it starts to be really sad at the end. I dun really like this kind of thing. I mean if it is supposed to be a comedy thn make the whole show funny la, not only the starting. But still the ending part was really sad, can you believe i actually cried? Haha. Oh and I had pastamania for lunch AGAIN! Haha. Later, Edgar the and rest when to play LAN. Jit Yong and I went to HMV cos i wanted to see if the new BoA singles was out. Sadly, it wasn't. I think i am not going to buy so soon now. I am going to wait until the have the one together with the MV thn i buy. Cos the previous single that i bought, at the time when i bought, they didn't release it together with the MV yet. Thn later i found out that they sold together with the MV, I was freaking pissed la. Eeyer. Thn proceeded to Nike AGAIN and i saw the Arsenal training kit! Yeah man, going to buy it. It's damn nice.

Homed with Jit Yong, we both slept throughout the whole journey home, listening to our MP3s. Now I'm at my cousin's house for BBQ and also to celebrate her 21st Birthday. HAPPY 21ST BIRTHDAY EMILY! LOVE YOU!

Goodnight, Goodbye!