[Song: Fly Me To The Moon-Frank Sinatra]

Fly me to the moon
And let me play among the stars
Let me see what spring is like
On Jupiter and Mars
In other words hold my hand
In other words baby kiss me

Fill my heart with song
And let me sing forevermore
You are all I long for
All I worship and adore
In other words please be true
In other words I love you

Fill my heart with song
And let me sing forevermore
You are all I long for
All I worship and adore
In other words please be true
In other words I love you

I think this song is so nice.
Simple and nice.
There's another version by Ayanami Rei which is very nice too.

Okie, so the past week has been a really tiring and fun week for me. OBS and Parish Youth Camp. Really enjoyed both.

OBS Day 1
Erm...Nicholas gave me a lift to punggol point jetty. Waited for quite sometime before the boats came to send us to pulau ubin. Before that something really interesting happened. Haha. There was no toilet at the jetty and Norman and I wanted to pee badly. So we had to walk into the jungle and pee. Haha. When we reach there, they assigned us to our groups and I got into Columbus. Eugene, Aaron, Sean, Me, Junwen, Raynaldo, Edward, Zi Xiang, Boey, Mark, Glenville, Glen, Phuc, Michael, Calvin, Thedrick(if thats how you spell it) were in my group. Shuyun was our oh-so-good, Hey-gay instructor. She loves saying the word Hey-gay, which mean dily daly (if that is how you spell it?). Oh she shave her head bald to support the children cancer campaign. But i think she looks good bald though. Bald is SEXY! Haha. The scholars sucks lar. They very anti-social one. We did belaying and learning how to pitch tents that all. So fun pitching tents. Eugene and I always very enthu in pitching tents. Haha.

OBS Day 2
Morning, we trekked from OBS camp 2 to the newer OBS camp 1. Thn we did the height elements which is something like SparkC. There is one where you have walk on 1 wire, holding 2 other wires. Next, 1 wire and 1 rope which you have to use to support youself. The last one was the suspended wooden log. I think that one was the worst and most difficult. My legs were like shaking non-stop. So difficult to walk la.

OBS Day 3
We had land expendition in which we had 8 checkpoints all around the whole pulau ubin island. For each checkpoint we find, we will get a coordinate to our 8 figure-grid reference campsite. But we managed to do until the 3rd checkpoints before Mark came up with cramps. haha. His both legs had cramps, both thighs and calves. Like his right thigh recover already, thn his left thigh will have cramps. Haha. super funny la. We wasted alot of time helping him and he was like paralysed, well...sort of. So our instructor gave us the coordinates to the campsite we were suppose to find due to the lack of time. We also didn't get to go to the Village to see the village babes. Haha. Only saw some ubinains, as Eugene calls them. That night dinner was something that showed us how selfish the scholars were. When we were having a hard time lighting up the solid fuel cos of the strong onshore wind, they just stand there and watch. When we were cooking, they also stand there and watch, and when we finish cooking, they attack the food first. How bastard can they be huh!? They take the rice like as if they eat before. But they wash our mass tins for us, so not so bad la. We cook, they wash.

OBS Day 4
We had sea expendition, which we were suppose to canoe around pulua ubin back to OBS camp 2. We canoed for about 6 hours under the hot hot sun. Most people, had sunburn. I think Jay was the worst. He was like a Indian and Lobster, RED and BLACK at the same time. Super bad, thats why i think he didn't come to school today. I was okay, thanks to my Banana Boat SPF 50 sunblock. Had breaks and lunch in the sea. Toilet was also the sea. Haha. Really tiring that day. My instructor paired Mark and Me up cos he had cramps and i was to take care of him. Most of the time i was the only one paddling and he just slack there with his finger and MIDDLE FINGER cramps. Haha.

OBS Day 5
Didn't do much besides packing up, stock taking. Thats all had we went back. I think overall OBS was really fun even though it was tiring. Enjoyed it.

After OBS, Jit Yong, Victor and I went on a food expendition around orchard road. Eating all the good food. We went to PastaMania, Wisma's Food Republic thn to Starbucks and finally to Burger King. Super fun la, and we weren't even full. Went home to pack for church camp and slept.

How onto church camp. I thought it was really stupid and i didn't want to go cos i was feeling so freaking tired after OBS. Thn still got church camp. The feeling is like Argh! Give me a break man! But I was really glad i went for it. It was really fun witht the activities, PRAISE and WORSHIP. [Kept Jumping and dancing], Team Bonding and stuffs. I think for like the first time, the girls and guys really socialised well with each other. Now i think it will be very hard for us to stone in church during Praise and Worship. Haha.

Parish Youth Camp Day 1
Erm...separated into our groups. There were like sec 1s to sec 3s in every group and i think 2 youth adults attached to each group. My group was some Patience group. I think my group really rocks man. Our instructor Wayne is also super funny. Always joking and doing some stupid thing. We did Low Ropes, Rock wall and Challenge Valley for our activities. I nearly reach the top of the rock wall ll, but my forearm was like super aching when i was near the top. I tried my best to reach the top but just couldn't. Even now, they are still aching. It was really hard to sleep at night cos of all the mosquito and the A-huts were quite small.

Parish Youth Camp Day 2
We did rafting, Telematch and Team Bonding for that day's activities. Team bonding was really fun. We had to play this game which we had to form a circle and get the rope through 1 round. At first we pretty much suck. Our timing was really slow. But after a few tries and improvements, we finally managed to break the record of 50s with an effort of 47s! Everyone was like so excited when we broke the record. And Joan was quite crazy when doing that activity. Like when someone made a mistake and was too slow, she started screaming and jumping around. Hahha. I think overall the whole camp was a blast, but i think it should be longer. Everyone wanted more.

Anyway, today i got back all my result and Nicole! I failed 4 subjects too. Hahaha! Chinese, Geog,Chem and E.maths as expected. So i am not really sad now. Cos I know in my heart that i actually know how to do E.maths i just had mental block that day. Chem also expected la. The whole level did badly. Geog was quite a surprise. Cos i studied like super also for that and i still failed. Crap la. Chinese was due to the stupid teacher. All his bloody fault and partly mine too.

English : 67 [3rd highest in class]
Chinese: 35 [Haha! Crap up la.]
Geography: 40
Elective Lit: 60 [one of the few who did quite well and passed]
Chemistry: 31 [Expected, killer for the whole level]
Physics: 50
A.maths: 67 [Could have done better, careless mistake]
E.maths : 40 [Expected]

So no top 10 or top 5 in class. But i still have the final years to work of it. Same criteria. Not that bad la. Only that i get to get it later. September holidays must really start preparing for the FYE. So yeah. Afterschool, went to town to eat Pastamania again! Cos Victor had the craving for it. Later when to get some teacher's day card for those teacher that we think are good. Those that sucks we dine give. HAHA! We only gave our 2 form tutors and Ong Mei Fen, out maths teacher. The rest sucks on the majority. Super funny la, on how we joke about eh teachers.

So thats pretty much my day.
