[Song: LOVE after LOVE-Dong Bang Shin Ki]

I think this song is so so so so nice. I'm so in love with this song. Again, i don't think you guys will know it. Cos it's a band from Korea. Rock on Korea and Japan! Love both of them. Their culture, their language, everything!

Celebrated Teachers' Day today. Went for mass in the morning before the concert which was super duper sucky. Suck to the core, until cannot suck anymore. I dun think anyone was impressed. Not even the teachers were one bit excited for interested in it. They did things that was not a single bit related to teacher's Day at all. The stupid students were like trying to turn it into some rock concert and most of them can't play for nuts. I think they just want to show off their guitars and act cool and all. I think only Rueben are really good at playing the Guitar. Speaking of which i want to learn after my FYE. Such a waste of my life la. Sitting there and being disgusted. I think they should have just release us earlier like the lower sec so that at least we can go back to our primary or something la.

After school, took class picture and all. Thn wanted to go queensway, but ended up going to town instead. Everyone was like quarrelling where to go and stuffs. So Eeeeeeeee-ritating la. Later decided to go scotts and eat pastamania again! Wah...this time it's not my idea ah! It was Edgar's. Haha. Later the rest went back, only Brandon, Jon Cham and I went to cine to get Brandon's street soccer shoes. Later Jit Yong joined us at Nike. But both Jit Yong and Brandon couldn't find his shoes and size respectively. So we practically roamed the whole orchard just to look for their shoes. Nike, Adidas, Nike, Adidas, Nike, Adidas...until we finally convinced me to go queensway. I was very reluctant to go at first, cos i was tired and i didn't felt like going also. We also pang seh Jon Cham when at Sony Gallery in Paragon. haha.

So we cabbed there, and after like 1 hour of hunting for both shoes. We finally finished and ate laksa before going to Ikea to eat hot dogs! I ate 3 Hot Dogs man, and that was my dinner. Both of them treated me. Cos i convinced them to treat me. After how i came with them to queensway when i was tired, And helping them save money by coming to queensway and buy instead of buying at the Original shop, And about how they made me more tired by going around hunting for their shoes. haha. So they agreed to treat me. Later cabbed home with Jit after dropping Brandon off at the MRT station.

Hoi! Jasmine! Where did you go? Why you go offline? My com had like a major hang la. So i had to restart my com!

You are a really nice girl, but i really really hate it when you show me attitude. Like seriously, I don't even what i do to deserve that. Maybe I was too rash and harsh on you. I'm sorry.

I shall go and play Fifa 06 now! Haha.


Went out today with Yvan and Leslie. Ate Pastamania again! I think we seriously should stop eating that. Haha. Later when to find shades for Leslie. Managed to find one at Fossil. $80 which i think is reasonable and also found myself one which I shall buy. Thn suddenly Yvan had gastric or something like that. So we went to get him something to eat. Before going to Lacoste at Wisma to buy Leslie's shirt. He didn't had enough money so he borrowed from me. One shirt for $119! Like WTHeaven! Day light robbery, but i think i want to get robbed to cos i am also going to buy one too. Haha. I lend him $50 and he promised to return me $60 tomorrow! Haha. Good investment huh!

Thats all i have to say, Tata!


[Song: Miracle-Super Juniors]

I'm feeling soooooooooooooo happy now! I dunno why also, but i think maybe cos of the song. It's so upbeat and nice and all. Super Juniors rocks man and guess how many people they have in their group?! You will never guess it! 13 people! Thats how MANY people they have in their group! Perhaps most of you dunno this group cos they are from Korea! Korea and Japan so rocks man! I love listening to korean and japanese songs. They are all so nice! And due to that many people say that i'm very foreign.

Anyhow, today is officially the LAST DAY OF SCHOOL! Woohoo! Yeah man! School was so so so fun today. PE was really fun, we had the Saturday Night Fever dance moves for PE and we danced to the song. So fun, Bill and I was like super enthu in dancing. Cos we breathe NITROGEN! cos it's N2. Hahaha, okie that so lame! Maths was also super fun too. Ong Mei Fen was really in good mood when she came in. I think she loves teaching our class. Oh and owe her one question to present to the class. She was like joking around with us la. Thn physics was also very slack. RME after recess was also slack and slack and more slack. Chinese, last period of the day was again SLACK! After school, we stayed in class and played around with my cam. Jumping around, carrying people around and all. Damn fun la. I shall upload the pics some time soon.

Later went to my Nanny's house with my sis to pay her a visit.

Yup yup, that all for today!

Goodbye you sexy people!


[Song: Fly Me To The Moon-Frank Sinatra]

Fly me to the moon
And let me play among the stars
Let me see what spring is like
On Jupiter and Mars
In other words hold my hand
In other words baby kiss me

Fill my heart with song
And let me sing forevermore
You are all I long for
All I worship and adore
In other words please be true
In other words I love you

Fill my heart with song
And let me sing forevermore
You are all I long for
All I worship and adore
In other words please be true
In other words I love you

I think this song is so nice.
Simple and nice.
There's another version by Ayanami Rei which is very nice too.

Okie, so the past week has been a really tiring and fun week for me. OBS and Parish Youth Camp. Really enjoyed both.

OBS Day 1
Erm...Nicholas gave me a lift to punggol point jetty. Waited for quite sometime before the boats came to send us to pulau ubin. Before that something really interesting happened. Haha. There was no toilet at the jetty and Norman and I wanted to pee badly. So we had to walk into the jungle and pee. Haha. When we reach there, they assigned us to our groups and I got into Columbus. Eugene, Aaron, Sean, Me, Junwen, Raynaldo, Edward, Zi Xiang, Boey, Mark, Glenville, Glen, Phuc, Michael, Calvin, Thedrick(if thats how you spell it) were in my group. Shuyun was our oh-so-good, Hey-gay instructor. She loves saying the word Hey-gay, which mean dily daly (if that is how you spell it?). Oh she shave her head bald to support the children cancer campaign. But i think she looks good bald though. Bald is SEXY! Haha. The scholars sucks lar. They very anti-social one. We did belaying and learning how to pitch tents that all. So fun pitching tents. Eugene and I always very enthu in pitching tents. Haha.

OBS Day 2
Morning, we trekked from OBS camp 2 to the newer OBS camp 1. Thn we did the height elements which is something like SparkC. There is one where you have walk on 1 wire, holding 2 other wires. Next, 1 wire and 1 rope which you have to use to support youself. The last one was the suspended wooden log. I think that one was the worst and most difficult. My legs were like shaking non-stop. So difficult to walk la.

OBS Day 3
We had land expendition in which we had 8 checkpoints all around the whole pulau ubin island. For each checkpoint we find, we will get a coordinate to our 8 figure-grid reference campsite. But we managed to do until the 3rd checkpoints before Mark came up with cramps. haha. His both legs had cramps, both thighs and calves. Like his right thigh recover already, thn his left thigh will have cramps. Haha. super funny la. We wasted alot of time helping him and he was like paralysed, well...sort of. So our instructor gave us the coordinates to the campsite we were suppose to find due to the lack of time. We also didn't get to go to the Village to see the village babes. Haha. Only saw some ubinains, as Eugene calls them. That night dinner was something that showed us how selfish the scholars were. When we were having a hard time lighting up the solid fuel cos of the strong onshore wind, they just stand there and watch. When we were cooking, they also stand there and watch, and when we finish cooking, they attack the food first. How bastard can they be huh!? They take the rice like as if they eat before. But they wash our mass tins for us, so not so bad la. We cook, they wash.

OBS Day 4
We had sea expendition, which we were suppose to canoe around pulua ubin back to OBS camp 2. We canoed for about 6 hours under the hot hot sun. Most people, had sunburn. I think Jay was the worst. He was like a Indian and Lobster, RED and BLACK at the same time. Super bad, thats why i think he didn't come to school today. I was okay, thanks to my Banana Boat SPF 50 sunblock. Had breaks and lunch in the sea. Toilet was also the sea. Haha. Really tiring that day. My instructor paired Mark and Me up cos he had cramps and i was to take care of him. Most of the time i was the only one paddling and he just slack there with his finger and MIDDLE FINGER cramps. Haha.

OBS Day 5
Didn't do much besides packing up, stock taking. Thats all had we went back. I think overall OBS was really fun even though it was tiring. Enjoyed it.

After OBS, Jit Yong, Victor and I went on a food expendition around orchard road. Eating all the good food. We went to PastaMania, Wisma's Food Republic thn to Starbucks and finally to Burger King. Super fun la, and we weren't even full. Went home to pack for church camp and slept.

How onto church camp. I thought it was really stupid and i didn't want to go cos i was feeling so freaking tired after OBS. Thn still got church camp. The feeling is like Argh! Give me a break man! But I was really glad i went for it. It was really fun witht the activities, PRAISE and WORSHIP. [Kept Jumping and dancing], Team Bonding and stuffs. I think for like the first time, the girls and guys really socialised well with each other. Now i think it will be very hard for us to stone in church during Praise and Worship. Haha.

Parish Youth Camp Day 1
Erm...separated into our groups. There were like sec 1s to sec 3s in every group and i think 2 youth adults attached to each group. My group was some Patience group. I think my group really rocks man. Our instructor Wayne is also super funny. Always joking and doing some stupid thing. We did Low Ropes, Rock wall and Challenge Valley for our activities. I nearly reach the top of the rock wall ll, but my forearm was like super aching when i was near the top. I tried my best to reach the top but just couldn't. Even now, they are still aching. It was really hard to sleep at night cos of all the mosquito and the A-huts were quite small.

Parish Youth Camp Day 2
We did rafting, Telematch and Team Bonding for that day's activities. Team bonding was really fun. We had to play this game which we had to form a circle and get the rope through 1 round. At first we pretty much suck. Our timing was really slow. But after a few tries and improvements, we finally managed to break the record of 50s with an effort of 47s! Everyone was like so excited when we broke the record. And Joan was quite crazy when doing that activity. Like when someone made a mistake and was too slow, she started screaming and jumping around. Hahha. I think overall the whole camp was a blast, but i think it should be longer. Everyone wanted more.

Anyway, today i got back all my result and Nicole! I failed 4 subjects too. Hahaha! Chinese, Geog,Chem and E.maths as expected. So i am not really sad now. Cos I know in my heart that i actually know how to do E.maths i just had mental block that day. Chem also expected la. The whole level did badly. Geog was quite a surprise. Cos i studied like super also for that and i still failed. Crap la. Chinese was due to the stupid teacher. All his bloody fault and partly mine too.

English : 67 [3rd highest in class]
Chinese: 35 [Haha! Crap up la.]
Geography: 40
Elective Lit: 60 [one of the few who did quite well and passed]
Chemistry: 31 [Expected, killer for the whole level]
Physics: 50
A.maths: 67 [Could have done better, careless mistake]
E.maths : 40 [Expected]

So no top 10 or top 5 in class. But i still have the final years to work of it. Same criteria. Not that bad la. Only that i get to get it later. September holidays must really start preparing for the FYE. So yeah. Afterschool, went to town to eat Pastamania again! Cos Victor had the craving for it. Later when to get some teacher's day card for those teacher that we think are good. Those that sucks we dine give. HAHA! We only gave our 2 form tutors and Ong Mei Fen, out maths teacher. The rest sucks on the majority. Super funny la, on how we joke about eh teachers.

So thats pretty much my day.



Sorry for not being able to blog tonight. I came home late and I am physically tired. I promise i shall blog after I'm back from my stupid church camp.




I'm Back from OBS. It was quite fun. I shall blog about it later tonight after I'm back.
I'm going out to eat good food now, after being deprived from it for 5 days. Haha.

Cold Bath+Soap and Shampoo+Dancing and Singing in the shower= A Happy Sebastian.
Good Food also= A Happy Sebastian.

Haha. :)



Okay, today I woke up quite early today, around 9 a.m, due to my father loud talking on the phone. So irritating when he does that or plays his loud music on the stereo in the morning. I mean at least he could close my room door right? So i just woke up without complaining as I slept quite early last night. So i decided to ask people out. At first Yvan said he could go but thn later told me that he could not go cos he needed to go to church. I'll kill you tomorrow Yvan! Leslie wasn't answering his phone. So only Jit Yong went with me.

So we went to town to watch My Super Ex-Girlfriend at cine. Quite a nice show actually. I wouldn't say very good nor very bad. Just normal and abit funny. Later when to HMV where we spend 1 and a half hours there looking at all the rock bands from A-Z. I mean if you really wanted to go HMV, you could spend one whole day there. There is just so many things to listen to. Only thing i was pissed was that HMV still didn't have the BoA new singles which i wanted to buy. It suppose to be on sale by now. Release date was 2006.8.9 and now it is already the 19th. Went to Adidas, Flash 'n' Splash, Rapid Culture and Nike again to look around. So many things that i want to buy now. Especially that Adidas "Formation" thighs that i have been wating so long for. Looked at shoes at Pacific Plaza before going to eat Pasta Mania again. Proceeded to Wai Po's house before going home. So that is pretty much my day. Quite boring huh?!

And just now Leslie just asked my out again. How ironic can it be man. So i think i shall go out again tomorrow after church with them.

Okay i think the second half of this post is crap. I've been super distracted cos i am watching Arsenal playing now, and they are 1-0 down to aston villa. Argh! I shall end here and give them my full support now. Oh Theo Walcott is coming on now! Yes! Go boy go! Hopefully they can win.

Goodbye! Goodnight!


Good thing is that common test are over. But thn again, life been really unfair to me.

Today has been a really bad day overall. School was depressing, everything was depressing, E.maths common test was also depressing. Thanks for screwing up my test for me ah! After a whole week of studying and late night sleeping. Finally can have rest. Now i dunno if i can get top 5 in class. Shit it man.

Monday- A. Maths: Quite good, quite confident about scoring high marks for that.

Tuesday- Combined Humanities (Elective Lit and SS): Quite good for that one.
Wednesday- Physics and Geography: Normal.
Thursday- Chemistry: Not so good
Today- E.maths: BAD! I know i know how to do the questions but I had my calculation all screwed up. Fuck it la. Comfirm fail already.

Notice that as the week progresses, the worse my common test becomes. Damn fucked up la. If i still can get 10 top in class i would be damn happy.

After school had Track and Field meeting which I was suppose to carry out. Cos my teacher had to attend to some issues in his form class. I guess it turn out pretty good la. We managed to tell the juniors what we wanted to address to them.

Later went to West Mall to meet Shyam for his birthday dinner. Timo, Zach, Arindam and Nihkil also went. At first i thought they were going to West Mall to eat, thn later they suddenly tell me that we are going to causeway point. So i just follow lor. Wanted to have Seoul Garden, but when we found out that it was $22 per person, we said it was not worth it and decided to go to pizza hut. Had quite a time there. Later the other wanted to play bowling but Nikhil had sort of curfew so the rest of us went to CDANS for bowling but it was full there so we just went home. So now here I am typing in my own room thinking that life sucks.

[You just came along and crumbled everything that I took so long to built]

So you sailed away
Into a grey sky morning
Now I'm here to stay
Love can be so boring

Nothing's quite the same now
I just say your name now

But it's not so bad
You're only the best I ever had
You don't want me back
You're just the best I ever had

So you stole my world
Now I'm just a phony
Remembering the girl
Leaves me down and lonely

Send it in a letter
Make yourself feel better

But it's not so bad
You're only the best I ever had
You don't need me back
You're just the best I ever had

And it may take some time to
Patch me up inside
But I can't take it so I
Run away and hide
And I may find in time that
You were always right
You're always right

So you sailed away
Into a grey sky morning
Now I'm here to stay
Love can be so boring

What was it you wanted
Could it be I'm haunted

But it's not so bad
You're only the best I ever had
I don't want you back
You're just the best I ever had
The best I ever had
The best I ever


I'm starting to get paranoid. I dunno why. Maybe cos I just found out that I don't know alot of things and common tests is just 3 days away.


No more computer anymore!
I swear!
Until my common tests are over.
Call me if you need to contact me.



Saturday, August 05
Went back to school to help out in the DSA trails for Track And Field. It was our house information day that day. In case you are wondering what DSA means, it means Direct School Admission. Lesser people turned up that day for the trails as compared to the early DSA trails. I just helped to start the trails for the respective events thats all. Haha. Quite slack la that day. Thn while we were waiting for more people to come, we managed to fixed the measuring tape which was all entangled inside. Thn byright, some pri 6 triple jumper who got 1st and broke Stefan Tseng's pri 6 record was supposed to come for the trails but nvr turned up. He was in school though. I mean he can actually not go for trails cos all the schools want him.

Later went back to church at night for some talk on how to succeed in school. Brother Michael from my school was supposed to come and give the talk by he had to go to Ipoh due to whatever reason la. So my school councilor came and took over his place. Wah! I tell you ah, we had a hell of a time. It was just dreadful. He was more like talking to the parents rather than us la. Moron. He was saying all the irrelevant stuffs that had nothing whatsoever to the topic. Wasted 2 hours of my life la. I think even if you don't go, it also won't make a difference.

Sunday, August 06
When to attend mass in church and thn went to cut my hair. Managed to play soccer finally after 6 weeks. Wore my ankle guard just to protect my ankle which was still a bit swollen and pain. But it was quite alright la when i was playing. First time wearing my Arsenal jersey to play, felt quite good actually. Now I'm saving to but more jerseys. Haha

Monday, August 07
I woke up late and had to take cab to school. What's more is that I have to go on stage and make an annoucement for the Track and Field thing cos my teacher was on MC and he sms me to make an annoucement on stage. I wasn't feeling anything at first, but when i was saying, i was like quite nervous la. Thn after i finished making the annoucement right, i was still nervous leh. I dunno why also. Weird huh?

Today, August 08
Today was also quite bad la. The damn 77 took to long to come! Normally it would come at 6.17a.m around there but today it came at 6.25a.m. Irritating. Thn when the bus came, i realized that i forgot to take my wallet with me. So had to go back and take my wallet. Just when i came down, another 77 left. So i had to take the 6.45a.m bus. And whats more was that there was mass at 7.20a.m in school. I was like telling to myself:"die already, die already, I'm not going to make it in time", and true enough, i didn't make it in time. Argh! I always feel damn bad when i skip mass when i am suppose to attend one.

So i just went to class lor and to my surprise, Glenn and Edgar also didn't go. They didn't make it in time. So we just slacked in class for a while before going to Esso to be an asshole. Bought some soya bean milk there to drink. Oh and guess what, so of my crazy friends went to buy Coke and soft drinks like that. I mean like HELLOOOOOO! It's early in the morning! and you are drinking Coke? Crazy la. You think what? Substitute for coffee ah? All the caffine inside. Haiyo...i dunno them la. The celebration thing was freaking boring, My friends and I just slept through some parts of the celebrations. They annouced the prefects who are in the EXCO. I think Calvin shouldn't be inside la. I bet Calvin is super suck up. Everybody was like shocked to hear him inside the EXCO. Everyone, not only me thinks that he should not be inside. He also should be vice captain of the badminton team. He doesn't deserve it. And if he becomes Lawrence house captain next year, i tell you. I swear i will not help the house in any of the interhouse games. Had to stay back after that for physics supplimentary lessons. But before that, I had to go to the LT1 to tell the track and field members that the meeting today is postponed to friday 2.30p.m.

Later went to town to catch click. I don't think it is really good movie as in the storyline. Cos it was funny at the start but it starts to be really sad at the end. I dun really like this kind of thing. I mean if it is supposed to be a comedy thn make the whole show funny la, not only the starting. But still the ending part was really sad, can you believe i actually cried? Haha. Oh and I had pastamania for lunch AGAIN! Haha. Later, Edgar the and rest when to play LAN. Jit Yong and I went to HMV cos i wanted to see if the new BoA singles was out. Sadly, it wasn't. I think i am not going to buy so soon now. I am going to wait until the have the one together with the MV thn i buy. Cos the previous single that i bought, at the time when i bought, they didn't release it together with the MV yet. Thn later i found out that they sold together with the MV, I was freaking pissed la. Eeyer. Thn proceeded to Nike AGAIN and i saw the Arsenal training kit! Yeah man, going to buy it. It's damn nice.

Homed with Jit Yong, we both slept throughout the whole journey home, listening to our MP3s. Now I'm at my cousin's house for BBQ and also to celebrate her 21st Birthday. HAPPY 21ST BIRTHDAY EMILY! LOVE YOU!

Goodnight, Goodbye!


9 days left to common test. I seriously need to sit down and study. Today, there was haircheck for the whole school. Brandon, Edgar, Victor got caught i think. Yongquan was super unlucky to get caught la. Actually i think there were more people who had longer hair than him that didn't get caught. He was like super depressed after he got his hair cut-ed. Thn during recess, you can see him kao bei in the canteen. Cos apparently come PREFECT had super long hair and didn't get caught. So much about being role models huh? Hey, chill okAY? (see Nicole! I'm using AY not IE.) Your hair will grow back one la. Oh, and Nicholas, Mathias and Amet were super lucky to not get caught la. All of their hair are super super long.

School today was quite okAY i guess. I was super tired in the morning. I was trying my very best to stay awake during chem. I am always tired during the first 3 periods depending on how long my sleepiness last. But today after chem, it was okay already. Maths was very fun today. We learned the Simple Trigo Identities and Equation. Very fun and easy to do. Nicole! I can help you do the questions that you dunno already! We kept laughing during her period. It was one of those really fun maths lessons.

Later after school. Vinoth, Yvan, Anirudh and Me went to Mr Chua and propose to him about track things, of which i am not suppose to disclose yet. He told us alot of track things and we are not to disclose. Now i seriously i hate Singapore Sports School, but i dun hate the people there. They are actually very nice and friendly people. I just hate the school. Fucked up school. Forever stealing things.

Goodbye! Baby bye bye bye!

[If I could re-arrange the alphabets, I'd put U and I together]


I had my stupid diarrhoea thing again yesterday! So Idiotic. Only that it was not as bad. It came like just before P.E, and it wasn't as pain as before. I was like lying on the teacher's table when the pain suddenly came. So i was:" Shit! My diarrhoea thing come again!" and i just ran out the door. Thn the others were like just laughing at me.

After school, had to stay back for the chinese supplementary class. It wasn't as bad as we think. Quite fun actually. Later, went back to the chinese sinseh to had my ankle wrapped again. When he took the bandage out, it wasn't as swollen as before. So maybe for the first time, i believe chinese medical treatment. Made my way back home where I met Arindam on the 106 bus. Had quite a chat with him.

Today, we had Hockey for P.E, very fun actually. There was one shot that my hand went too low to the ground and sweep my knuckles against the turf. At first i thought it was just abrasion. Thn when i took a look at it, I saw that my whole skin was scraped off! Like OUCH? Glenn also had the same thing. Oh, and cos i used the stupid plastic stick with no grip, it gave me blister on my thumb. Stupid stick!

Later went to Queensway, with Victor, Jit Yong. Jit Yong managed to find his adidas school shoes, which is actually the same as mine. Victor bought his New Man Utd Jersey and printed Cantona and no. 7 on it. I bought my Arsenal Jersey! The yellow away kit! Yeah man! Now i have to go hunting for my Home Kit, the maroon, long sleeve one. Hope I am still able to find it. Oh and i am also getting the New Arsenal one. Damn nice. So we all went home happy! Haha.

Back at home, my dad said the he will do the same as my tuition teacher for my class position. Imagine if i get top 5 in class! $600 man! Thn i will be a rich man. Okie, now i am really really serious about it. I have to get that top five in class.

Leslie just got his new phone, guess what he bought? Sony Ericsson K800I. WTF! Aiya, but still not as good as Samsung Anycall, 10 Megapixel built in camera. Sick la.


There is no school tomorrow! HAHAHAHA!

[Are you tired? Cos you have been running through my mind all night.]