Sorry for not blogging for a long time, and Sheryl has been reminding me to do so. Okie, so basically this first week of the second term has been realli busy, with all the projects and homework, that i couldn't find time to blog.

Anyway, we got our new track jersey for this year. Much nicer than last year's one. Dark green and white. And some stupid canoe-ist stole our jersey, i won't say who but he is going to be in deep trouble cos we all complained to Mr Low, our teacher in charge of track and field. I tink he is going to screw that guy upside down la. That fucking canoe-ist has an attitude problem la, i mean all canoe-ist have attitude problem la, nobody realli likes them. They always act damn big la, super big ego. That guy has been taking our jerseys since sec 1. Fucking Bustard.

Yesterday, had training and track meeting, so we ended training quite late. Haha, i jumped further than Yvan and leslie in my last two jumps. Still need to train super hard la for nationals. Need to train my technique and my rhythm. Then after that my parents came to fetch me from school and went out of dinner. And after dinner, we proceeded to wisma to buy my new running shoes, Adidas ClimaCool Revolution, super nice la, endorsed by Jeremy Wariner, Olympic gold medalist for 400m. Next tuesday, is our triple jump finals for sports day, pray for me ar, that i will be able to retain the title. Actualli me and yvan got quite a close fight, so may be best win.

Today there is the SPH relays, but here is am blogging, haha. I am not running cos of my injury since last friday, the school holidays week. Actualli, i was suppose to run but thn the injury came. So jerome replaced me. The injury is at my groin, the muscle leading to the thighs. Until now, it still hasn't recovered and everytime i run, it becomes very tight, but i just bear with it can alreadi la. So i wanted to support them today, but i have stupid tuition plus i have to clear up all my work. So that i will be able to go and support them tmr after church.

Okie, i tink enough has been said for today. I shall blog tmr and keep you guys updated about the relays. Bye bye!